Terri Summers July News Letter!!

Seems that my request was appreciated, I rule ;) over Hyrule.

oh and one more thing, Terri you are looking really cute on that clothed pic :)
stapled????? and still you have the time for a busy sched? wow

and I totally agree Terri rocks with or without a dress:)
i'm having a hard time believing that you(and carmen l.) are actually them, but i WANT to believe you :) .
anyways, if it is you, good luck with all your stuff.

p.s., if you ever need a pic photoshopped, i will try and help :) .

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
DeGroff said:
i'm having a hard time believing that you(and carmen l.) are actually them, but i WANT to believe you :) .
anyways, if it is you, good luck with all your stuff.

p.s., if you ever need a pic photoshopped, i will try and help :) .

hehehe seeing that this your first post... you are forgiven for thinking that!!

Unlike a lot of people think, we are capable of other things then just sex, also we do like to taklk about sex as much as the next person, and anyway its always fun discussions in here, so why wouldnt it be us??
:iloveyou: :iloveyou: :iloveyou: :iloveyou:
Speaking of rain, Terri, do you have any pics of you out in the pouring rain, or in the shower, all wet and naked? Or maybe you have pics of you and Carmen in the shower? I have a fetish where I love seeing women wet and naked, especially wet!



Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
Henneberg1974 said:
Speaking of rain, Terri, do you have any pics of you out in the pouring rain, or in the shower, all wet and naked? Or maybe you have pics of you and Carmen in the shower? I have a fetish where I love seeing women wet and naked, especially wet!



i have so many i dont know which one to post!!!

here one of me in the shower, i have a set also with carmen, but have to edit it first!!(to big)

this one is from one of my last sets that i posted in my site


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Terri Summers said:
hehehe seeing that this your first post... you are forgiven for thinking that!!

Unlike a lot of people think, we are capable of other things then just sex, also we do like to taklk about sex as much as the next person, and anyway its always fun discussions in here, so why wouldnt it be us??
yeah but this is the internet and theoretically anybody could look at your upcoming schedule and say that they're you. oh well, i'm starting to believe that it really is you.
i'll quit being a sceptic. :)
I was going to post a link I had of you in the shower sucking cock, Terri, but I lost it!!!! That was one HOT shoot!!!

I love the new shower pic, babe! XOXOXO

Terri Summers said:
i have so many i dont know which one to post!!!

here one of me in the shower, i have a set also with carmen, but have to edit it first!!(to big)

this one is from one of my last sets that i posted in my site
Terri Summers said:
hehehe You Might want to do a search for posts by terri summers tha past year...
haha, yeah i believe you now.
sorry for doubting you.
here, you can have this sig i just made if you like it.
if you don't use it i'll probably end up using it, but if you did, it would be awesome. :)