ten reasons to go vegetarian

All my family members are vegetarians except me, and I'm healthiest one.
It never fails to amaze me how, when the subject of vegetarianism or veganism comes up, the collective intelligence level of the entire room seems to dip right down into the single digits.

For the record, I am NOT a vegetarian, I eat meat nearly every day. But I happen to think that a lot of the arguments in favor of going veggie (or vegan) - the list in the link is hardly comprehensive - are pretty compelling, actually. Obviously not compelling enough to have made me change, but that probably says more about me than about the rightness or wrongness of the pro-veggie arguments. Yes, there are annoying, preachy, self-righteous vegetarians, but there are also plenty who aren't. In fact, I've probably seen more situations where a person was simply trying to maintain their vegetarianism in a group situation (with food), and wasn't making a fuss about anything, and they subsequently came under fire for their preferred diet. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen/heard a meat-eater respond to encountering a vegetarian by doing some silly machismo posturing or caveman routine, I'd be able to make a down payment on a hybrid car or at least pay for a lifetime supply of falafel. What's funny is how the meat-eaters actually seem to go into a defensive position (albeit not intellectually-based). I mean, which do you think is more CHALLENGING to be in modern Western societies, a meat eater or a vegetarian?

I wonder if this thread is disappointing for negator, because instead of anything resembling an interesting discussion on the matter, it quickly broke down to lame insults ("veggie nut-jobs") and such. Okay, the vagitarian joke was kinda funny, I'll grant that...;)

BTW, I knew a guy in college who was a vegan and a body-builder (no chemicals or 'roids, of course) and he was pretty well RIPPED. I was impressed. He was also a pro-gun lefty, but very soft-spoken. An interesting person, for sure.
Ok, here's another one for you Blueballs! yeah, I'm pickin on you buddy.

"Every 60 seconds thirty acres of rain forest are destroyed in order to raise beef for fast food restaurants that sell it to people giving them strokes and heart attacks which raise the medical cost and insurance rates, providing insurance companies with more money to invest in large corporations that branch out further into the third world so that they can destroy more rain forests."

-George Carlin


This thread (and thank you thread author without saying his handle :grins:) is amusing, in that it's brought out the "best" in the usuals. After about a year here, reading threads etc., I finally have a near complete compilation - profile on some of you peoples . . .ha ha !
Here's the drill - You're not cool unless ~

You're democratic - left



pseudo - environmentalist

Anti prosperity (unless their ends are met)

pro illegal immigration ( there is no such thing)

anti American (there is no amerika !)

pro Chavez (despot)

pro che guevara t- shirt :bowdown: (murderer of hundreds) . . (thousands (?)

anti - career (unless it's to further undermine the status quo ambiance)

Pro effeminazation [sic] of male "youts"

Pro masculinization [sic] of females.

Anti Second Amendment - (yet they despise law enforcement)

Pro ebonics (well . . . .)

Pro alternative method(s) in everything - (even when alternatives are more costly and are known to fail)

Historical revisionistic (what is is is ?)

Anti children / Anti procreation

Pro same sex and moving away from heterosex all together (a ratty human being might be brought into their world if man (+) woman !!)

. . . and a host of others :rofl:

And those of you who aren't in tune with my dietary regiment . .

F bomb to you !! :rofl2:

I'm just kidding ! :D

You're all good company !
Meh, I'll give not eating meat for a week a go, I never gave vegetarianism a chance nor considered it seriously. So I wont budge it before I try it. I'll try letting you people know. :D
Its just the way of the world, the way nature is

we like porn because we like to have sex

having sex is natural

eating meat because we are omnivores is natural

having heterosexual relatioships is natural

i fucking hate people that go against nature, they are in fact freaks of nature
. . . .

oh, i was looking for the hamtramck thread. sorry. . .

Hey! You stop that right now! :2offtopic If you were to summon the Almighty Hamtramck to this thread he would take complete control of it. Don't push your luck!
Ok, here's another one for you Blueballs! yeah, I'm pickin on you buddy.

"Every 60 seconds thirty acres of rain forest are destroyed in order to raise beef for fast food restaurants that sell it to people giving them strokes and heart attacks which raise the medical cost and insurance rates, providing insurance companies with more money to invest in large corporations that branch out further into the third world so that they can destroy more rain forests."

-George Carlin

All I can say to that is......Rainforest Fuck That!
I have nothing against vegetarians, but I cannot understand the logic behind it. For one, we as humans are designed to eat both. By eating meat we keep the food chain flowing round and round. Also, animals will still be killed even if I become a vegetarian so it seems kind of pointless - although I understand the principle that vegetarians stand for. For example, the ways in which many animals are kept and killed can be seen as cruel. However, this can be changed and it should be..
I don't really get how people talk about the food chain and all this. it's not like people are out there competing for food in the wild with the rest of the animals. If you want to talk about natural law, or whatever, than domestication of livestock and agriculture is not keeping with the food chain. Not to mention driving cars and talking on cell phones. People do all kinds of shit that is not keeping with the way things work "naturally." Either you have to think anything that people do is natural, including cloning, industrial chemicals, and vegetarianism, or else none of it is. To selectively choose what is and what isn't natural to conveniently fit your lifestyle is kind of bullshit.
I don't really get how people talk about the food chain and all this. it's not like people are out there competing for food in the wild with the rest of the animals. If you want to talk about natural law, or whatever, than domestication of livestock and agriculture is not keeping with the food chain. Not to mention driving cars and talking on cell phones. People do all kinds of shit that is not keeping with the way things work "naturally." Either you have to think anything that people do is natural, including cloning, industrial chemicals, and vegetarianism, or else none of it is. To selectively choose what is and what isn't natural to conveniently fit your lifestyle is kind of bullshit.

I agree... I don't think there's something about what man does nowadays that we could say is natural; is it easier for the world population to respect ethical ideals or to be subdued by economic forces that have erased words like ethic or nature from their dictionary?
Its just the way of the world, the way nature is

we like porn because we like to have sex

having sex is natural

eating meat because we are omnivores is natural

having heterosexual relatioships is natural

i fucking hate people that go against nature, they are in fact freaks of nature

Are we really supposed to think that this is a serious contribution to the discussion. I'm sorry, it's hard for me to say that makes the cut...
Its just the way of the world, the way nature is

we like porn because we like to have sex

having sex is natural

eating meat because we are omnivores is natural

having heterosexual relatioships is natural

i fucking hate people that go against nature, they are in fact freaks of nature

Are we really supposed to think that this is a serious contribution to the discussion? I'm sorry, it's hard for me to say that makes the cut...
Veggies are OK, but meat is yummy too.

Hey, do we have any level 5 vegans (don't eat anything that casts a shadow)?