This thread (
and thank you thread author without saying his handle :grins:) is amusing, in that it's brought out the
"best" in the
usuals. After about a year here, reading threads etc., I finally have a near complete compilation - profile on some of you
peoples . . .ha ha !
Here's the drill - You're not cool unless ~
You're democratic - left
pseudo - environmentalist
Anti prosperity (unless their ends are met)
pro illegal immigration ( there is no such thing)
anti American (there is no amerika !)
pro Chavez (despot)
pro che guevara t- shirt :bowdown: (murderer of hundreds) . . (thousands (?)
anti - career (unless it's to further undermine the status quo ambiance)
effeminazation [sic] of male
masculinization [sic] of females.
Anti Second Amendment - (yet they despise law enforcement)
Pro ebonics (well . . . .)
alternative method(s) in everything - (even when alternatives are more costly and are known to fail)
revisionistic (what is is is ?)
Anti children / Anti procreation
Pro same sex and moving away from heterosex all together (a ratty human being might be brought into
their world if man (+) woman !!)
. . . and a host of others :rofl:
And those of you who aren't in tune with my dietary regiment . .
F bomb to you !! :rofl2:
I'm just kidding !
You're all good company !