ten reasons to go vegetarian


I only know a few vegans and they are lacking in other areas. They are weak and always seem to be tired . . . .]
As do I and they have a common physique - very much "boney" and emaciated structures :eek: Certainly not what I would consider healthy.

If I was to ever consider becoming a diet vegetarian, my immediate meat substitutes would be to make (animal fat free deep fried) garbanzo bean falafel thing - o - majiggers :thumbsup:
Another is a superb mushroom soup recipe that I have around here :yum: ! Made 100 % from scratch ! and easy too ! :thumbsup:
I highly dislike veggibles ever since i could taste at the tender age of 8. Since then i mainly eat meat. And how bout Prince Fielder, he goes vegan and cant hit the ball out of the outfield. Then he has a steak and and hits one 450 feet out. Life lesson in there somewhere. Eat USDA approved meat.:thumbsup:
Is there an actual reason for the constant hostility? It's getting a little old.

Notice that I made no mention of you, and you were the one that singled out my post for criticism. So why don't you ask yourself the same question?

we have a thread were 80% of the people are being hostile and saying just negative things about the topic because they don't agree, without providing any intelligent conversation,and one person (that's me) that is doing the same thing with a different opinion. Why don't you ask everyone else the same question?

Actually I really don't mean those things about you sputnik girl, I just said that to elicit a response from someone, because I knew that there would be a hypocritical attack against me for saying that, and I wanted to address that.

My point is that you or anyone else on this board doesn't like being told that they are stupid and ignorant for their personal lifestyle choices, but most people (other than you) don't seem to see a problem with saying it to others.

So I'm sorry that I had to single you out for making a brash reply. I appreciate that someone is trying to make a thoughtful post and discourage hostile posters (just wish it was for more people than me.)
I've always wondered something, and no vegetarian/vegan has ever given me a satisfactory answer: If they are against eating meat, then why do they insist that their soy products look like meat? You have veggie meat, veggie dogs, veggie burgers, why? :confused:
I can attempt to answer your question GSB, although I can't say for certain, being that I don't work for a company that produces such foodstuffs or have any awareness of their market research on which it is presumably based.

I assume the answer is because they can. As part of the mindset to meat alternatives they wish to present the notion that the essence of food is it's flavor, not in it's content as an organism. In other words, by replicating the flavor of meat they are demonstrating how one has no need for animal products as a food source. Also vegetarians and vegans, like all people, have a desire for a variety of dishes, and don't just want to eat the same thing constantly.

It may also have to do with the fact that cuisine is a part of culture, so people identify with it accordingly as part of their habit of dining as part of their habit of everyday routine. This is also do in large part, I suspect, because many vegetarians were raised as meat eaters and that discourse of cuisine framed their dining habits.

Simply put, we can accurately call this dish a "cheese burger", because the concept of it is something that is identifiable to every American, even if it doesn't in fact consist of cheese or meat, but is soy or other alternative based. We could just as easily call it something else, and have it be the same thing, but not identifiable as the other. It's just a matter of convention.

Most veggies aren't generally all that opposed to the idea of eating meat, that is from a purely culinary perspective. It's the fact that meat comes from killing animals that they are opposed, from a moral standpoint.

It's a bit more complex philosophically for vegans, but I think that explanation will suffice to the point.
Thanks, calpoon. You're the first person that has given me a satisfactory explanation. :hatsoff:


knows petras secret: she farted.
im kinda halfway there. did it before actually. i love vegetarian food, i eat it all the time, (providing i can find some without tons of nasty chemicals in it) but i like my seafood and some poultry. no red meat for years for me, cant stand it, and its nasty.
Actually calpoon, the reason soy products replicate "meat products" is so the soy companies can attract meat eaters to their products. It's not for the Vegans/Veges benefit. These consumers will eat it no matter the form.

I'll always eat meat because I like it and it's healthy for me. I do hope to only buy "safe" meat, from locally-raised, open range, grazed animals. From what I can tell eggs from "organic" chickens seem to be more colorful and look more flavorful than the big food companies eggs.

I see a safe eating reason to "go Vege" or "go Vegan." I don't like the idea of learning about a meat recall from some huge company after the fact...
im kinda halfway there. did it before actually. i love vegetarian food, i eat it all the time, (providing i can find some without tons of nasty chemicals in it) but i like my seafood and some poultry. no red meat for years for me, cant stand it, and its nasty.

I sincerely hope you haven't cut out pink meat though. It IS delicious AND healthy!
Another reason to not be a vegetarian is the fact it's just too much work. For the past few years while bodybuilding I have made my diet a virtual science while I have lifted, and even I wouldn't want to go through the trouble. People I know already think I take my diet too seriously. It's much simpler just to eat some chicken than to go though various vegetarian meals to get all the protein you need, among other things you get from meat if that's even possible. If you needed as much as I eat it would also start to physically be hard to actually consume that much without portioning out 10 equal meals a day or something. Our bodies were designed to eat meat as part of a balanced diet. Why fight it?
Why fight it?

that has been answered many times, including in this thread. If you ever talk to any vegetarian they could tell you why in one sentence. Maybe you should pay more attention.


Closed Account
1. Helping Animals Also Helps the Global Poor


2. Eating Meat Supports Cruelty to Animals

The only way you will stop this kind of cruelty is for EVERYONE to go vegetarian. That will never happen. Stop kidding yourself.

3. Eating Meat Is Bad for the Environment

Incase you didn't notice, EVERYTHING is bad for the environment.

4. Avoid Bird Flu

And what if it goes airborne? Diets aren't gonna help you then.

5. If You Wouldn't Eat a Dog, You Shouldn't Eat a Chicken

I might eat a dog.

I wouldn't eat a pet dog, just the same as I wouldn't eat a pet chicken. If the dog/chicken is bred for eating, then that is it's job.

6. Heart Disease: Our Number One Killer

I know 6 (I think?) people who've gone or already were vegetarian, and only 1 of them stuck with it. The others ended up in pretty bad shape and had to change their diet because of health issues.

Heart disease is avoidable in other ways.

7. Cancer: Our Number Two Killer

Wow! Vegetables are the cure for cancer? I had no idea...

8. Fitting Into That Itty-Bitty Bikini

Or here is a better idea, get off your lazy fucking ass and do some exercise. I'm pretty fit, and I eat meat at least once a day.

9. Global Peace

Now this is getting fucking stupid.

10. The Joy of Veggies

I love veggies, I appreciate "the joy" of them, especially placed next to be a big fat steak.

Just because I eat meat doesn't mean I only want to eat meat, I love a bit of variation. This point would only work on someone who eats nothing but meat.

And while we are on the topic, why do vegetarians shape their food to look like meat? Vegetarian sausages? Burgers? If you want a veggie, eat a veggie.

You don't see us carnivores shaping our steak into carrots and peas..