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Tax cuts don't work

Lack of regulation is the most harmful element in a country's economy. It's what destroyed our country, basically. Those great tax cuts that Bush signed fueled companies to brainwash Americans into home ownership -- and then they created a market to take advantage of people and con them into buying a house. And when the profits were "taken" and the investors who made up this system "cashed out" -- the American tax payer is left to pick up the pieces. It is cartoon lunacy that not a single Wall St Banker/Exec will go to jail over what happened leading up to 2008. Cartoon lunacy.

Presently, our gov't system does not work. The Dems and GOP are tools for special interests/i.e. Corporations. The GOP rode a nice wave of racism and populism to capture control of Congress but they have no fucking clue what to do. They can blame Dems all they want and blame Obama all they want but they Control congress now, and the constituents are seeing nothing but gridlock in Washington and misery everywhere else. Another massive change election is going to happen in 2012. Out with the Conservatives who will have done nothing and in with probably moderate Dems who will campaign on "I can compromise" type platforms.

The Iraq War perfectly sums up dipshit Conservative philosophy. "Let's beat our chests, go to war against an inferior opponent who had nothing to do with anything. Rah Rah. You're damn right we're going to spend $2 trillion on war. And we're not going to stop until Saddam is gone. He's gone? Really? Well, we're not going to stop until Osama is gone. He's gone now, too? Huh? We'll we're not going to stop until...hmmm. Wait a minute -- it's really expensive to pay for soldiers' healthcare. Since when did healthcare become so goddamn expensive? Huh? What happened to the America where healthcare was cheap and efficient? Everyone paid and nobody complained? Well, I'll tell you what, I goddamn ain't gonna pay more taxes to pay for some soldier's healthcare. No goddamn way. It a'int the American way. Pay your own way Soldier!"
They do work for some. Anyhow, fuck that, what about lynching the fucking banksters !!! :mad:

Will E Worm

Neither do tax hikes.

Tax cuts work. Abolishing the income tax would be the best option.

Bush tax cuts worked out fine. I got to keep more of my hard earned money and I spent it. That created more demand and required more hiring to keep up with it. Of course it created jobs. Tax cuts increasing demand is one of the provable economic certainties.


fiat = fake or made up, i.e. paper money, for those who don't know...

Most people do not know what is in their wallets. ;)

Because sure as shit your people(Dems/Obama/Liberals) get greedy and slip the invisible hand to our wallets.

They sure do. His income in 2010 $5,505,409 in 2010

Why do democrats care one iota about the condition of the economy, they're anti capitalists who would rather sit at home like a bump on a log and receive state money, they don't need no stinkin economy...WTF? :dunno:

...oh yea, it's the condition of the economy that makes or breaks a presidency
and they know it!

Anti-captilists and anti-Americans.

This is not a fact.

First off, what are these tax cuts supposed to work for? Trimming nose hair? Getting pecker tracks out of a wedding gown? Possibly getting the Lions in the playoffs?

Next, we have to deal with that are too many variables. It's not like you can have a control group for a clinical study.

The bottom line is that if you give these big companies tax breaks they are going to pocket the money. If you increase their taxes or even just close any loopholes they are going to pass it on to the consumer.

All of this talk is nothing but opinions. Saying that something is a fact does not make it so.

Good :hatsoff:

screw that! I don't want to pay MORE taxes. Cut my taxes and let me keep more of my hard earned money. Let the overpaid jagoffs in Congress take a pay cut instead.

They like to give themselves raises tacked onto bills. Even though that is illegal. ;)

Lack of regulation is the most harmful element in a country's economy.


This country has too many regulations and laws. Most need to be repealed.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
This is not a fact.

It's true it's hard to quantify this, and there's a lot of spin on both sides.

What is a fact, for instance, is that growth during Bush II was the lowest in the post-WWII era, so those cuts at that time definitely were not effective, and can definitely be blamed for the ballooning deficit we've seen since 2000.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Well I ain't paying a single cent more on tax. So for all of you who want tax hikes.....you pay not me.

Of course I will pay mine, and I will pay them gladly.
I grew up in a time when paying taxes was the American way. To not pay taxes (ie, tax dodgers) were unAmerican - some even called them "hippies".
I've no children, but I will gladly pay for the health care and education of our nation's children. To do so will only strengthen our nation's future, in body and in mind. To attempt to definance, undermine and destroy our nation's history is unAmerican.
I am not old, but I will gladly pay for the health care for the elderly. Many have already paid their fair share. To attempt to pull the rug from them would be unAmerican.
I am in good health, but I am intelligent enough to realize that there are some who are not. I am employed, but I know there are many who are not. To leave those less fortunate than I am out in the cold so I have more coins in my pocket is unAmerican.
I cannot turn my back on the American solder, it is he who shields us.
I cannot turn my back on the American teacher, it is he who informs us.
I cannot turn my back on the American firefighter/EMT, it is he who helps us.
I cannot turn my back on the American policeman, it is he who protects us.
No, I must pay my taxes, as I cannot turn my back on this nation to do so would be unAmerican.
However, should you chose to, more power to you - but remember that while you turn your back on the nation, should you come to a time of need, the nation will not do the same.
I call this the Reagan myth. The Reagan economy was a one-hit wonder.
It wasn't even that and tax cuts (while they were needed) weren't the reason the economy turned around IMO. I don't see any evidence of that anecdotal or otherwise. After his ERTA...unemployment as an indicator was up over 2 pts. from 7.4 to 9.8 a year later (only to go even higher in ensuing months).

Reagan's spending probably had more to do with the turn in the economy than his tax cuts. That's the real truth about the myth IMO.
but I will gladly pay for the health care and education of our nation's children.

Good knock yourself out. I'll pay for mine and family but could care less about doing it for those who refuse to pull the wagon. Dog eat dog world out there and I have limited resources.


Of course I will pay mine, and I will pay them gladly.
I grew up in a time when paying taxes was the American way. To not pay taxes (ie, tax dodgers) were unAmerican - some even called them "hippies".
I've no children, but I will gladly pay for the health care and education of our nation's children. To do so will only strengthen our nation's future, in body and in mind. To attempt to definance, undermine and destroy our nation's history is unAmerican.
I am not old, but I will gladly pay for the health care for the elderly. Many have already paid their fair share. To attempt to pull the rug from them would be unAmerican.
I am in good health, but I am intelligent enough to realize that there are some who are not. I am employed, but I know there are many who are not. To leave those less fortunate than I am out in the cold so I have more coins in my pocket is unAmerican.
I cannot turn my back on the American solder, it is he who shields us.
I cannot turn my back on the American teacher, it is he who informs us.
I cannot turn my back on the American firefighter/EMT, it is he who helps us.
I cannot turn my back on the American policeman, it is he who protects us.
No, I must pay my taxes, as I cannot turn my back on this nation to do so would be unAmerican.
However, should you chose to, more power to you - but remember that while you turn your back on the nation, should you come to a time of need, the nation will not do the same.

You'd be hard pressed to find a single person who doesn't want to pay their taxes to support teachers, soldiers, police/fire, county hospitals and elderly care, don't be ridiculous, Stan.
You'd be hard pressed to find a single person who doesn't want to pay their taxes to support teachers, soldiers, police/fire, county hospitals and elderly care, don't be ridiculous, Stan.

Call me "hard pressed".:wave2: Although they technically forgot to pay (in other words, chose not to).
'member this?? Is there a difference between a 'tax' and a 'fee'.:o

No pay, no spray: Firefighters let home burn
Tennessee house in ashes after homeowner 'forgot' to pay $75 fee

Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee.

"They could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

The fire started when the Cranicks' grandson was burning trash near the family home. As it grew out of control, the Cranicks called 911, but the fire department from the nearby city of South Fulton would not respond.

"We wasn't on their list," he said the operators told him.
Cranick, who lives outside the city limits, admits he "forgot" to pay the annual $75 fee. The county does not have a county-wide firefighting service, but South Fulton offers fire coverage to rural residents for a fee.
Growth was substandard during that period also.

I mean, I hear what you're saying, but we're going to have to raise taxes to pay off the deficit, which we're all responsible for, because we let the people we elected, both parties, run it up so high.

At some point, someone's gotta take responsibility.

Letting the Bush tax cuts expire would only cover 25% of the deficit this year and even President Obama just said he wanted to make the middle class part of the Bush tax cuts permanent. He knows taxes are high enough already.

Part of the reason why we're feeling this hurt so bad is because government is spending well beyond it's means and should come down.

When I hear Dems cry about spending cuts and that taxes need to go up it reminds me of a teenager crying about their credit card getting maxed out instead of changing their habits they just want the limit raised.

Government spending NEEDS to go down, and not just in areas that the Democrats feel comfortable with.

cindy CD/TV

Those of you who want to pay more taxes, feel free to pay mine, too. :D The more you give the government the more they will spend on shrimp running on treadmills and giving General Electric yearlong tax holidays. :) :dunno:

Wanna get the economy moving again? Job creation of course is the obvious answer, but employment is the last thing to rebound during an economic recovery. We need a catalyst to jumpstart that recovery first. As the economy improves and credit is more readily available, businesses will be more willing to hire permanent full-time employees.

IMO, the first solution is to cut the income tax for the lower and middle class for like two years. In the most basic of terms, capital is the lifeblood of the economy. But when people are scraping by just enough to pay their bills, or worse, they can't afford to go out to eat or buy consumer goods, etc. (the very things that make the American service-based economy go!), thus, capital flow has been sluggish at best. I'm no advocate for "class warfare" aka wealth redistribution, but maybe for this one time we need the rich to temporarily step up and contribute even more than they do already. It's not a cure-all, because even if we taxed the richest 2% of Americans at 100%, the impact on the deficit and the economy in general would be negligible. But everyone needs to make sacrifices until the economy is back running on all cylinders again, that includes the filthy rich, IMO.

If Obama and Congress (GOP and Dems both) were really serious about fixing the economy starting back in 2008, they would've taken that nearly $1T stimulus and used it to help stablize the housing market by soaking up all those "toxic" subprimes weighing down the entire system. Both Obama and McCain were in agreement on this during the 2008 campaign, if I remember correctly. And Obama dabbled with the Home Load Mod. program, and even modified it more recently. But, overall, the Mod program has mostly been a dismal failure because the banks have customers by the balls and they refuse to let people off the hook. If we had bailed out struggling subprime homeowners (the vast majority of whom were mere victims of abrupt income changes brought on by unemployment and loss of assets, or were simply fucked over by unscrupulous lenders looking for a big real estate score), we could've kept people in their homes while they were unemployed -- or struggling to get by on a drastically reduced income -- and kept property values from plummeting. With a stable market, banks would be more willing to lend (to get credit flowing more freely), new home construction would pick up and, overall, the values of homes in neighborhoods all over the country would start to rebound -- fewer people would be under water on their homes and would be able to refinance from their higher interest rates.

The housing market has been a cancer for years and one of the big reasons why the economy is not picking up significant momentum. So far we've been treating the complications of this "cancer" but we're not yet seriously treating the disease itself. We need to, or the patient will die. :( :2 cents:
I don't think Main St. enjoys paying corporate welfare.
I just want those who can afford it to pay their fair share. That's all.

You know...Its late...I've had some wine...I'm tired, but...

I think the debt is like $30K a person. What if we all put up the $30K? That would wipe out the debt, or a good chunk of it. I'll assume that not everyone can pay the $30K.

If you don't pay, you don't get to vote.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Here in Germany, we have a professor who proposed the extremy fair and very simple concept of a flat tax


Basically he said, 'Let's make a tax rate of 25% for each and everybody'

Because the superrich and companies often worl around paying taxes or pay so little a supermarket cashier, a factory worker, a teacher would just cry.

If everybody had to pay his fair share, the country would be in great shape.


ƒ said:
You'd be hard pressed to find a single person who doesn't want to pay their taxes to support teachers, soldiers, police/fire, county hospitals and elderly care, don't be ridiculous, Stan.
mega said:
'member this??

No pay, no spray: Firefighters let home burn
Tennessee house in ashes after homeowner 'forgot' to pay $75 fee

Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee.

"They could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

The fire started when the Cranicks' grandson was burning trash near the family home. As it grew out of control, the Cranicks called 911, but the fire department from the nearby city of South Fulton would not respond.

"We wasn't on their list," he said the operators told him.
Cranick, who lives outside the city limits, admits he "forgot" to pay the annual $75 fee. The county does not have a county-wide firefighting service, but South Fulton offers fire coverage to rural residents for a fee.
I do.
Call me "hard pressed". Although they technically forgot to pay (*in other words, chose not to).
Is that what a follow up article printed on the story, that they chose not to pay? If so, the Cranick family have to take responsibility for A) inadvertently setting their own home on fire and B) not paying the premiums required for the City of South Fulton to run a fire dept. Really, if this family burns trash along side their home, they'd better make damned sure their annual fire service fees get paid!
I do have a big problem with the City of South Fulton Fire Department arriving on the scene and essentially standing down and not fighting the fire before them... orders are orders I guess :dunno:
That's dirt cheap, though, $75-/12 months fire protection...although it does seem kinda weird having to pay a separate annual premium for it, huh?
If it were me, I'd just 'em draft my checking acct. and be done with it, I'd never have to receive a bill again!

Oh well, live-n-learn the hard way for some people I guess.

Is there a difference between a 'tax' and a 'fee'.

Well, governments are now using fees as a means to supplement budget shortfalls, but all in all, I think that it's semantics as fees are basically tax increases with a friendlier namesake.