Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard
I appreciate we all have opinions and many feel this was an unneeded surgery. I am guessing these people have not watched Talia's youtube video where she herself explained how she wanted this for 4 years. It's always amusing to me how the negative comments or haters usually have a rep power of 0 and the people that are nice or at least recognize a woman's right to choice, even if they disagree with that choice.. have a raised rep power, showing others agree with them. Coincidence?
She's happy and if you're a fan, you're happy for her, as some of you are.
You Might like older more so but you're a fan and you support her decision and for that, I applaud you. Not that my approval matters, because it doesn't, I just think it's great when a fan is a fan.
I have my haters as well as this thread will show you, which makes me howl with laughter. Skysdaddy or whatever your name is, you're entitled to your opinion, but you're a little off. Ok, a lot off. Bryci has dark brown hair, Katie has jet black, Talia has browish black, Ava has brown, Monroe is blonde. Women for the most part are either dark hair color or light hair color, same as guys... surely you can't think that was planned. You're not one of those conspiracy nuts are you? (just asking) You somehow think I engineered their look? It sort of seems like you either have never known many women or, you think I'm freaking superman. There is no such thing as telling a woman what to do, guys, or rather most guys, know this. You age of 25 (if that is real) tells me by now, you should know this as well.
It's a woman's world dude, anyone in a relationship or that has a clue knows this. You thinking I created the girls to look the same way, is giving me altogether waaaay too much credit. Thanks I guess?
You stopped looking at photos but you kept on posting? This furthers her career, you know this.. right? This is why they say, haters make ya famous. So keep on with the negative remarks, all it does is have people go and google or read more posts or keep coming back for more... which in turn leads to sign ups.
Oh yeah, keep on hating on me as well, the more times you bitch/moan about me, the more my 'name' is out there (which is fucked, it is supposed to be about the girl, not me), the more people are looking me up or googling me to see why you hate me, they're seeing my photos and in some cases, signing up. Weird how haters make ya famous. Next time be sure to mention my website alright? Thanks man!
Have a nice day dude.