Hot as hell!!!
It looks like this one was shot with an actual camera instead of a webcam. I wonder who the lucky guy was that shot these.
this isn't rocket science, if u notice all sites i own usually will update monday at 12:01am pst.
why she shot this with a camera and hasn't done it before, i dunno. and the webcam ones are not videos, they are webcam pictures, if there was video it would be on the site, and no they're not from live shows either, those again would be on the site.
I honestly think, not that it's any of my business, that Pattycake and Krissy both took time out to have a kid. Cool, good for them, which would explain the change(s) in body shape.
Krissy didn't take time off to have a kid, she just sends me updates when she does them, i try to get her todo them all the time but yeah
all site's update on monday if they update, if they update more then once a week (like spunky angels does) the updates are spread out a lil more like tuesday video / wednesday second pic set of the week.
To clarify this, Spunky, if Krissy sends you content on a Tuesday, it doesn't get posted until the following Monday? Hardly seems logical. I can understand this for sites that do weekly updates (e.g. Nikki Sims, Bryci etc.). These sites are actually making an effort to get paid up subscribers. If they miss a week, there'll be all kinds of backlash from their customers. It makes sense to have a specific day of the week for those sites. But Krissys updates are lucky to be monthly (sometimes quarterly). I'd be surprised if there are more than 5 members on her site (and those poor saps are throwing away their money waiting for new material). Having a specific day of the week just seems strange.
I did not find it cheating!
But there will be evidence!
Not only do I say it's a cheat!
Soon I'll see who took the money.
Submit Report !!!
Why do not you do anything?