Sweden sued by EU.

Will E Worm

Sweden sued over EU data directive inaction

Sweden’s government is being sued by the European Commission for refusing to implement a 2006 measure requiring telecom operators to store information about their customers’ phone calls and emails.

The European Union directive, known as the Data Retention Directive, was approved by Brussels in March 2006, but Sweden has yet to implement the measure more than three years after its passage.

Now the Commission’s willingness to tolerate the Swedish government’s recalcitrance over the directive appears to have worn out, as the Commission recently decided to file a suit against Sweden in the European Court of Justice, the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper reports.

According to SvD, the European Commission decided to sue Sweden on April 14th, and has recently filed papers with the court to bring the suit forward.

“According to the treaty, the Commission is responsible for starting an infraction claim when a member country doesn’t follow a decision,” said the European Commission’s spokesperson in Sweden, Eric Degerbeck, to SvD.

The Data Retention Directive was championed by former Social Democratic justice minister Thomas Bodström, but has continually lacked the support from Sweden's current centre-right Alliance government.


And now, sadly, the government will fold like the submissive little bitch that it is. Not that the Socialdemokratena (leftists) would do any better.
I hope the EUSSR colapses under it's own wieght one of these days. It's a bureaucratic monstrocity wich won't stop until every EU citizen is stripped of their national indentity and culture and bows to their masters in Brussels. I can only hope their will be a European summer and we will be able to get rid of these fuckheads in Brussels.
freedom in risk?

Absolutely! The whole idea here is to regulate and control the internet. Allegedly to stop kiddy porn and stuff like that, but what it really comes down to is that politicians hate not being in control.
They can not allow anything to remain out of their control, and if they can't take control of it, then it must be destroyed.

Trust me, not long from now, there will be an internet tax.
Why are people so afraid to let the government listen in on things? What the hell are you all doing that you want to hide from your government?

I'll mail them my own phone bills if it will help them.

Will E Worm

Why are people so afraid to let the government listen in on things? What the hell are you all doing that you want to hide from your government?

I'll mail them my own phone bills if it will help them.

Go ahead and do that. :tongue:

No one has the right to spy on people for no reason.

It's my life not their life.

If this continues they will force you to go to a state church.
How would you like that?

Why are people so afraid to let the government listen in on things? What the hell are you all doing that you want to hide from your government?

I'll mail them my own phone bills if it will help them.

Considering they type of people that are in and run all the governments around the world I can see the point in not trusting those in charge.
When I first clicked on this thread, I was whole-heartedly convinced that they were being sued for their absolute refusal to oust the assholes from the Pirate "you know who" out of their country.
When I first clicked on this thread, I was whole-heartedly convinced that they were being sued for their absolute refusal to oust the assholes from the Pirate "you know who" out of their country.

That is closer to the truth than you might think. This law will be used to go after illegal file sharing, among other things.
Why are people so afraid to let the government listen in on things? What the hell are you all doing that you want to hide from your government?

I'll mail them my own phone bills if it will help them.

Lets turn it around. Why should the government be allowed to spy on you if you're not doing anything wrong? By spying on people the government is essentially saying everyone is a potential criminal. There's also another potential problem. What you're doing now isn't a problem but what if the political climate changes and the ones in power suddenly decide what you're doing is anti-whatever and produce a pile of documents to "prove" it. What would your reaction be if something like that happens? Ich habe es nicht gewüsst?

Make no mistake, this isn't about fighting child pornography or terrorism. This is about control.