As far as the origins of the symbol, no one is 100% sure from where it came.
As far as aesthetics, as I actually work in design, it's symmetrical, full of familiar shapes regardless of culture, works well within a frame (circled) or outside on a broad background, colour is easily modified without compromising the over-all effect of the symbol. In general, it is a nice symbol rich in its simplicity. But that's just my own, technical evaluation. My opinion is pretty much useless if I'm trying to tell you if it is beautiful or not.
But no, it is not beautiful in contemporary culture. I don't care what the origins are, or how it was once used. When much of the world's population sees this symbol, they think of the Holocaust and of Hitler. I don't care how nice or beautiful the symbol is, don't use it and expect people to ponder its beauty. If you use it, expect people to associate you with all the shit that goes along with it.
damn. Long winded again today...Someone should punch me in the mouth.