Support Janine Lindemulder while she is in jail!!

some people are able to release new rap albums while locked in prison :cool:

anyways, it is crying injustice when a sexy
babe is in jail, while real fucking bastards and assholes are free as the birds in the sky. society :dunno:


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
btw, not paying taxes is not a crime at all to my mind. fuck the system :)

Well then, don't pay (or file) your taxes and let us know how that works out for you.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm not supporting a tax cheat in jail. I figure I'm already supporting enough of them as is. She should have opened an account with UBS, like the "smart" tax cheats. That Janine was a dumb tax cheat is her problem. But now, the next time Lucy "Crazy Asian" Lee gets locked up (when, not IF!), maybe I'll go her bail.

And if you hit her with keys to your crib, you actin' funny.
Come home one day, find her countin' out your money.

Loooooocy!!! :mad:


Closed Account
I have been on Janine's myspace the last few months. One thing I can testify to is she is the real deal. Janine is a cool person. She is friendly, enlightened, intelligent, with a great sense of music. Oki an '80's and earlier sense of music but stlll. It's nice to hear a bit of old Joe Cocker or Queen every so often.

Her friends and family rallied around her like a bunch of South African Boers during the Zulu wars. Only thing is I felt out of place as they are full of endless quips and witticisms. Kind of like some people would like it to be on this board. I am too flat headed to join in. Or too serious or something.

But they stood by her every inch of the way.

Now, that's something.:cool: :hatsoff:
anyone gotta pic of her mugshot?


Prince of the Rotten Milk
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^ niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! I would like to be locked up with her while doing her besides doing time behind bars :)
This is a simple shakedown and an interesting take on class warfare. Jesse and Sandra are the aristocrats and Janine and her totally sketchy new hubby :eek: (what does everyone think of that loser!! haha! Wow...) are the peasants.

I will say that according to the vid the gov't has barred her from working in the adult industry. Why? Why prevent her from making a living doing something she's well-known for? Assuming her tax problems pertain to porn profits, simply assign a gov't tax auditor to "oversee" her books for 5 years. Isn't it reasonable for the gov't to give Janine a chance to "learn from her mistakes"?

Although her new hubby....yikes. I give that 6 more weeks before it's over.
She'd be so much hotter if she didn't have tats covering her arm and shoulder. Sorry but I am not a tats person.

support janine??? shes got a tatoo that cost more than my fact...if shes got any extra $ laying around (which looking at that tatoo..she must have plenty)....i could use some.....never been able to figure out why a woman with a body hot as hers would wanna trash it out with tatoos???makes women look so cheap:2 cents:
:subscribes :)


She is still a dead beat abusive woman


Prince of the Rotten Milk
JESUS! what a great set of pics (in previous posts)


rep to you, janine-lin02! thanks! :thumbsup: