Who is Sunny fucking on her web-site?
It's Daniel Weber aka Ariel King aka dirrty from Spyderz, her boyfriend/coproducer. The website is currently bordering on fraud -- lot's of great teasers but a membership sends you to the same website that hasn't been updated in a serious way for months.
I'm a complete fan of Sunny's, and hope the tease is true, but so far I feel played, just as I did when I signed up for her website "relaunch" last summer. Over three months we got virtually no new content and the last set of "new" videos were years old.
By the way, the boyfriend is all you get in the Dark Side of the Sun, too. Guess we beggars can't be choosers -- but it's different when you pay and are deceived. I hope Sunlust and friends get their act together. They can't just only hold parties and announce new things without delivering on their promises before even die-hard Sunny-lovers give up and ruin her dreams of retiring by age 30.
Just another voice chiming in to say that NONE of the new content teased on her new home page actually exists in her members area. Glad I opted for the trial membership rather than the full month.
Just another voice chiming in to say that NONE of the new content teased on her new home page actually exists in her members area. Glad I opted for the trial membership rather than the full month.
at this point- I don't think she gives a hoot anymore. Going behind the camera and mainstream- bascially following Jenna Jameson is what she wants to accomplish.
As jenna got more mainstream, started working behind the scenes of clubjenna, movie titles, her adult work started to fall off and her flicks were of technically high value, but junk in terms of content. The same is applying here. I think this is her way of saying I want out, I want more mainstream stuff or behind the camera, production company where the really money is.
change numbers, up to 25
all you people who signed up should demand your money back and don't buy the new stinking movie with microdick. won't be long before she's doing bangbus and her fans to pay the rent.