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Have you ever considered or attempted suicide?

  • Yes, I have considered it

    Votes: 63 37.7%
  • Yes, I have attempted it

    Votes: 15 9.0%
  • No

    Votes: 89 53.3%

  • Total voters
Well, we're certainly all and each entitled to our thoughts and opinions, Dinalt. I respect yours as you do mine. :) :hatsoff: This is a tough and delicate subject!

Hopefully our thoughts and posts here have helped or will help someone. If anyone ever wishes, they can PM me on the subject if they are not comfortable publicly posting.

Cheers. :hatsoff:
There is a difference between stating your opinion and and judging others by your opinion on a subject.


I agree with Stealthy Egg (and I love your sig). And I very strongly agree with Brino.

And to Nightfly. You, as usual, make some good points, but...

1) I do not like You Misquoting me. You typed that I typed about my brother's death; I'm 'fine with it'. Where did I type that?
I did not type that.
I do not feel that.
And I resent You Misquoting me like that.

I am in no way 'fine' with him killing himself. As I said, I love him very much and I miss him very much. Why would I be fine with it? I do not agree with what he did or how he did it. But I am/was not him. I do not understand every subtle nuance that drove him and his psychy (spelling?).
And I am in NO WAY fine with it.
So in the future please do not misquote me. Especially on something so dear to me as a loved one. I believe you meant no harm. But a lot more accuracy would be appreciated.

And 2) in regards to my friend. You say there is so much more I should be doing.
Well, she won't speak to me while she is going through this. She has no other friends (by her own admission), I do not know how to reach her mother or siblings, she lives 2,000 miles away from me at present, and I have contacted 2 local suicide monitor/help line's in her region - one of which has contacted her and is trying to monitor her situation. What else would you have me do?

And BTW, where did I type 'I give up.', in regards to her; as you typed?

You seem like a relatively peaceful, well meaning person. But you also strike me as rather naive. You have some good ideas, but you should keep in mind that one needs to understand the whole picture on a subject before one can become an expert on said subject. And one's opinion's effectiveness and assistance to others is directly affected by said understanding.

Bottom line. Just because you think you know all there is to know about a subject. Doesn't mean you actually do.
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no,and i hate the people what thing about it,what could by so disturbing that make you try??,lost love of your life?,maybe a mother or a brother??what?,i can't find any reason to suicide!!!!!!!!what is solution?,escape from trouble,but where?in death?must be stupid!!!ooo,sorry ,very stupid! every bad thing got a good thing to,in any kick in the ass is something what make you strong,so vote for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and think that your mother fight 9 months to born you,another 15-20 years to feed you and teach you,and in a second you blow up all that!!??
shame on those what think about suicide,and maybe we gotta leave they do it,who think like that make shadows to earth for no reason!
VOTE FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
niky 6 said:
no,and i hate the people what thing about it,what could by so disturbing that make you try??,lost love of your life?,maybe a mother or a brother??what?,i can't find any reason to suicide!!!!!!!!what is solution?,escape from trouble,but where?in death?must be stupid!!!ooo,sorry ,very stupid! every bad thing got a good thing to,in any kick in the ass is something what make you strong,so vote for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and think that your mother fight 9 months to born you,another 15-20 years to feed you and teach you,and in a second you blow up all that!!??
shame on those what think about suicide,and maybe we gotta leave they do it,who think like that make shadows to earth for no reason!
VOTE FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and more.....what is life?,well..i am bored,alone,sad,nobody love's me,let's end my life,who can think so superficial?,let's see bright side:that's some asshole what think that ,and say:let's kill someone.this kinda' of people got no respect for life,for anything!
i am in shock!half life you eat,sleep,piss,etc;and another half what?,think if life deserve to be lifed?!!once again think about those what hang on life,try,wanna'life, but they die!!!,tell them that you wanna suicide,is people what give everything for another day...............tell them!!!!!!!!!! : that life don't deserve to be live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
give me one reason to suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what?????????????
i'am realy angry now :crash:
i'll give you a 1000 reason to life!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't know man!!!??it's an age what you're imature,can't think right,i know that,blame people from around that could make suicide one to see what got to be see!!
i meet people what got suicide thougts always i could make them see the beauty in life,anyone could!,is so izzy.................................
and everytime someone don't got'it i tell him :do it!!who's gonna cry after you?the one what take what another are gived to you?coz'you don't have the right to take life ,even is your own life!!!!
001 said:
So would I be right in saying you are pro life? ;)
sure i am , and everybody gota'be!!!!!!!!
i am sorry if i hurt feeling of anybody,but i can't talk about this subject in others terms!!!
No its fine by me :) I agree for the most part, but maybe it isnt always so black and white to others. I dont think anyone can object to how you voice your opinion on personal matters such as this.


Closed Account
Kinda morbid thread, but yeah I have considered it. Woman can do that to ya. I was planning on a high speed crash, but i came to my senses.

Anyone out ther considering it, just know it ain't worth it, there's plenty to live for. You just have to find it.

"You do not understand even life. How can you understand death?”



This thread makes me a sad panda.

Probably not surprising but I'm just a bag of nuts. I've never had to see a doctor or a psychiatrist to know that I probably suffer from a couple of mental disorders. (Depression, ADD and Bipolar Disorder)

I've suffered from depression for about 8 years, but I don't need any meds to help cope with it. I believe these mental disorders are exactly that, mental, meaning all in your mind, and the only thing that can control it is yourself. I have my good days, and I have my bad days. The only medicine I need is the love and support of my wife.

When you are depressed and feel you have no one to turn to for help, all kinds of crazy shit goes through your mind. When you have the feeling of wanting to give up the only thing you think of is ending your life, because you don't want to suffer anymore. It really sucks sometimes, and unless you've been through it, it's not really fair for soemone to say oh if you have tried susicide or thought of it then you are a coward and have no purpose in life.

I've read most of Nightfly's comments on this board, and to me he sounds so heartless.
It's blantantly obvious he's never been through any of this before, but feels he's "helping" by throwing in his own 2 cents. My advice to him would be try to know the reasoning of the situation before you go and judge someone, especially on such a serious subject like suicide.
Phil, you don't know me. I would appreciate it if you would stop mentioning my name somehow, in some way, making some sort of criticism of me in so many of your recent posts. It's as if you log in, see what I've posted each day, and try to conjure a counter-post to somehow libel me. I let most of your comments go unnaddressed because, frankly, it's not worth my time to address the pettiness of your commentaries. However...

I did not choose to post my OWN personal experiences on this particular subject matter for my own reasons. They're MY experiences, and this is not my personal blog or some therapy session. You're completely off-target, Phil, saying it is "blatantly obvious" that I've never had to deal with this issue before. You couldn't be further from the truth. You're just looking for a reason to disagree with me, as you're hell-bent on doing of late, Phil. Just because you disagree with me or dislike me, Phil, doesn't mean it's appropriate for you to somehow critique me in the majority of your posts lately.

I'm empathetic and sympathetic with many who have posted here, and I'm also sorry that you suffer mental illness or instability, Phil. I happen to disagree with your philosophy that your wife can get you through anything...well, unless she is a psychotherapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. But hey, whatever works for you. If it's keeping you even-keeled, then go for it. I posted before that it often takes a friend or family member or loved one to help us through tough times and get people on the path to resolving some of these issues, so I concur in that regard, but professional help should not be discounted, IMO. I wish you success in your self-diagnosis and self-healing. Seriously.

As to the first comments I made above, I really would be appreciative if you would stop taking pot-shots at me, Phil. It's getting tiresome. Just because I have refused to dignify your flaming PM (about me "kissing [mod] ass" and that I should be banned) with a response doesn't entitle you to take your "issues" with me all over the board publicly. It's harassing and needs to stop.

Thanks. :hatsoff:
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Like you've never done it to me before. I only made one little comment, you call out everyone on this board. Even without even mentioning their names. Apparently also you don't know the meaning of what a PM is either.

Also there is a difference between disliking and disagreeing with someone.
Not personally, no. I know someone who tried to commit suicide and to see them at such a low point was awful, thankfully he is ok now but its the worst feeling in the world to see someone struggle so much when you cant actually do anything physically to help. I get stressed out and depressed at times, we all do but I feel life is too important to waste and thats why I dont let myself get too low. I really feel sorry for the people that get into that state of thinking but there is no solution to make someone snap out of it, just time (as someone said earlier) all you can do is support them as much as you can by being there, unfortunately you cant change someones state of mind, they have to do it themselves.


Closed Account
My cuz killed heself, she was my hero. I vowed never to get that low. But when you get there you don't look at the road behind you, you only look at what's in front of you. Somtimes the present can be scary.

I found peace. I found forgiveness. And I have a lovely wife with a baby girl on the way. Life has away of balance, and it's Karma.

Don't Hate, and you won't hate. Love is what binds us.
I thougth about that, I was close to try that (thanks GOD I wasn't drunk else I would have tried) and I will do that if I'll ever find myself with AIDS or some major handicap.

I seriously hope you don't go to the hell for this action or for being sex addicted :angels:
foxycougar said:
Being a psychology major has led me to work on a couple of crisis lines. Suicide is a very serious and difficult thing to deal with, whether it be you with the thoughts or someone close to you. I would encourage anyone who is considering or knows of someone considering suicide to get professional help. We all need friends to lean on but a professional is the only one that will be able to diagnose any type of disorder and perhaps further curb any future thoughts of suicide.

I'm sorry for what I'm going to say, but I think that someone who really wants to die he's someone who thougth about that and decided that a period is a good way to stop something, not a disturb: I think that a disturb is to try the suicide just to gain attention or to scare someone. I always get yelled anytime I say so...
never! my aim in life is to see 1 scene where Jenna Jameson is doing anal xD....... :( ......okai okai okai sorry i know thats not so funny

no but serious i think life is too............oh fuck man........i forgot the word.....sorry.....ok sorry i can't find it in my brain.......ok i take the word unpayable (i don't know if this word even exists buit i think you know what i mean).....you can't just stop it it's a gift from god .....sometimes i think life is like a game but you don't have a continue you just have this one chance and this thought makes me sad......i can't think about laying death under the earth, this is the most scarry thing for me, to be death, so this is my opinion about that, you should be proud to be on this earth and enjoy every day of your life, spend time with your friends, your family because there will come a day when all is over.....( ok it sounds strange what i'm writing and it's not the best english I'm sorry for that)
and how 2Pac says in his song ''Changes'': ''That's the way it is''