When you meet a.______________(fill in a name for a group of people), for the first time, within 15 minutes of talking to him/her, he/she tells you that b.__________________...
I gotta go with
a. New Yorker
b. that they are from NY, that they are tougher than anyone and have seen everything and can handle anything life throws out them cuz they are born in in NY.
lol. This should be a funny thread don't get too personal or vicious.
When you meet a.______________(fill in a name for a group of people), for the first time, within 15 minutes of talking to him/her, he/she tells you that b.__________________...
I gotta go with
a. New Yorker
b. that they are from NY, that they are tougher than anyone and have seen everything and can handle anything life throws out them cuz they are born in in NY.
lol. This should be a funny thread don't get too personal or vicious.