Starting Over

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
No More by Black Flag
"no, i won't believe that this is all. i'm not happy, i'm not free. pay check to pay check, living for what? every night i get drunk to get sunk. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more. i knew what i had when i grew up. i know that it really sucked. now i'm a slave to the same lies. if i don't get out i'm gonna die. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more. control, control for who, for what? i'm no robot. they can get fucked. reaction's masochism this can't last. i need to live, i need it now. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more"

This is pretty much how I feel and why I am leaving.

I'd rep you if I could. :hatsoff:
Those are good friends to have, knowing the hourly rates at auto shops today !:uohs:

The Sacramento area is a good first landing spot if you intend on moving to NoCal because the rents aren't as high as they are in the SF or San Jose areas and the Sacramento area is nice because of it's central location, being that the Lake Tahoe Basin (which you will love) and *Reno are about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. away to the East (Interstate 80) ... and to the West, SF and San Jose are also about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. drive.


* Nevada has no state income tax, if I recall correctly.
Thanks for the info. I know Sacto is close to S.F and San Jose but I didn't realize it was that close to Reno. Sacremento seemed like a reasonable place to me. It's not huge like L.A. It's also far enough away from it. I am really looking forward to this.
I absolutely love No Cal, but because it is so expensive, I don’t think it is a good place to start over when you’re broke.

Look into to Florida, especially the West coast……somewhere between Tampa and Sarasota. Great weather, cheap rent, older work force so it is prime for a young guy.
I finally got a job! It's an entry-level management position at a gas station; the pay sucks but it is full-time. It's not much but after almost a year of shit I will take anything. I will have to to find a part-time gig in order to save up for this move because I am not leaving with just my dick in my hand. Needless to say, I will be sticking around Indy for a little while longer then I thought. I really don't want to but I don't see any other way. I will need the money.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well at my age I am doing the same thing as well. I personally have spent way too much time in Mass and Boston, well New England for that matter. So I am saving up, doing my research, and moving to Houston. I honestly like it down there, I have family down there I never really see. And if I get bored I am just going to walk across the boarder and get into action and adventure all over Central and South America.