Starting Over

When I was 18 I put all my clothes in a bag and moved to the north of the netherlands. A friend I knew from school recommended me for a job. I was hired so I just took off. I didn't have a place to live so I stayed with her for the time being and got my own place 5 weeks later. I have never regretted that decision. My fiancee and I are now thinking of moving abroad. Maybe Germany or some place further away. Sweden is supposed to be very nice.
It took a lot of balls for you to up and leave at 18. When I was 18 I was lucky to be able to find my ass with both hands.:D I'm going out there completely on my own with nothing but a car, my clothes and the money in my pocket. I don't know anyone out there. The whole point of me doing this is to see what I am capable of doing, because I am a 33 year-old boy and I need to grow up...a little. I know this isn't going to be easy but it will be more then worth it.
Thanks Boothbabe for sharing this with me, and I am happy to hear that it has worked out for you.:thumbsup: It gives me more hope and determination in making this move work. I have heard that Sweden is nice, Germany too. I am from middle America and have never been to Europe...maybe one day perhaps. Thanks again Babe!
People can make it anywhere. I think the secret is just doing it instead of thinking about it :) My brother also did a similar thing a few years ago. One day he packed a bag and got on a train to Belgium carrying just his clothes. He got a job and a room @ a hotel and he started from there. My parents have also lived all over the world when they were younger and didn't have children yet. I guess we're a family of travelers.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Good luck to you. I hope everything works out for you, definately keep us posted.:hatsoff:
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People can make it anywhere. I think the secret is just doing it instead of thinking about it :) My brother also did a similar thing a few years ago. One day he packed a bag and got on a train to Belgium carrying just his clothes. He got a job and a room @ a hotel and he started from there. My parents have also lived all over the world when they were younger and didn't have children yet. I guess we're a family of travelers.
Me too! I have lived all over the U.S. I was born in Pennsylvania but I have also lived in Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, Illinois, and Indiana of course.
I have lived here since 2002 and it's longest I have stayed anywhere. I am itching to get out of here! :D
Best of luck to you drf. And regardless of anything else, at least in NoCal you'll get away from (most) of that cummy midwest weather!
Well, the best of luck to you! Tough to make your way out there, but it sounds like you're charged up enough to do it.

Don't forget, you can make a quick 20$ from me anytime you like...

My advice to you is to do your homework before you move anyplace. I know that can be next to impossible sometimes, but just blindly moving to some city or even an area can be a very bad idea. You don't want to end up in a worse situation than you are now far away from anybody you know. There are just a ton of issues to take into account when you move someplace, more than I feel like listing here. Moving without a sizable readily available supply cash or a job waiting is also a very bad thing that should be avoided if possible. Just make sure you brace yourself against possible disaster and have a plan of action in place in case the worst possible scenario comes up. You are taking a lot of risk and just keep that in mind, and good luck. Also You Might want to count yourself as lucky in the fact there are a lot of people out there that can’t move no matter how bad it is in there area. What your doing has lead people to success, but it’s also lead people to be homeless, both through circumstances out of their control.
Depending on what you do for a living...the money is definitely in California but the cost of living when I was in LA was HIGH!!! Anyway, you sound like you will do well where ever you may roam and I find its always fun to go on an adventure!! I've done the PCH on a motorcycle and it was awesome...enjoy it!!

Do it while your only live once so have fun and enjoy my dear :jump:

Thanks so much Sparky that means a lot!:D:thumbsup: I still have a lot of details to iron out but I was thinking of ending up in Sacramento, believe me I have no interest in living in Los Angeles or San Diego. Sacramento is a medium sized city and even though I have never been there before I know it won't be insane or superficial as L.A. I do plan however on driving up the PCH, it's always been a dream of mine.:D Thanks again Sparky.


what the fuck you lookin at?
By the middle of this coming summer I am leaving Indiana. I have wanted to for a while and this will be. I have nothing keeping me here except my older sister, I'm not married and the friends I have always seem to have something better to do. This will be my first opportunity in my adult life to truely strike out on my own, make my own mistakes, and build a life from the ground up. Some of you may know that I am unemployed and have had shit for luck finding work. It's dawned on me over the past month or so that I simply don't need this shit anymore,no more daily grind and no more disappointing and ulimately pointless job interviews. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to be working for anyway? To pay bills? Pay to live in a place that isn't even mine? Buy more useless shit? Uh-uh, I don't think so; at this time in my life I have nothing to lose. I haven't come up with a detailed game plan except eventualy to live in NoCal but that's the point. I have planned shit my entire life and it's gotten me nowhere. Nows the time to find out what kind of man I am and the kind I can be 'cause I ain't getting any younger and I have wasted too much time already.

I'm going to get my car up and running, save as much money as I can, and sell or toss all the shit I won't need and head west to a new life.

I am sharing this with you all because I have had this shit on my mind for a while and telling people helps make this thing real. Thanks for listening.

Good luck to you :hatsoff:

I've thought of heading west for a new life myself. But the opportunity has not been right yet!
My advice to you is to do your homework before you move anyplace. I know that can be next to impossible sometimes, but just blindly moving to some city or even an area can be a very bad idea. You don't want to end up in a worse situation than you are now far away from anybody you know. There are just a ton of issues to take into account when you move someplace, more than I feel like listing here. Moving without a sizable readily available supply cash or a job waiting is also a very bad thing that should be avoided if possible. Just make sure you brace yourself against possible disaster and have a plan of action in place in case the worst possible scenario comes up. You are taking a lot of risk and just keep that in mind, and good luck. Also You Might want to count yourself as lucky in the fact there are a lot of people out there that can’t move no matter how bad it is in there area. What your doing has lead people to success, but it’s also lead people to be homeless, both through circumstances out of their control.
I know I can do this because there is no such thing as being half-pregnant and once I start I'll have no choice but to make it work because I will have no one backing me up, it's just going to be me. I have no illusions, this will be the hardest thing I will have ever done in my life so far. I have spent the first part of my life coasting on the sidelines waiting for someone or something to change it, but that someone is me.
I don't plan on leaving until June or July and I will make sure I have everything I need and have all lose ends here tied.
Do some rent cost research in the area that you want to settle in before departure, just sayin.

I intend to. But right now my priority is getting my car up and running again.
It needs a new tire, a battery, the pully on the water pump needs to be replaced. The transmission also needs to be looked at. Right now it sitting in the parking lot covered in snow.
Over the years I have learned to live without a lot of things so I am saving every cent I get that isn't for rent, food, bills or going into my car.
Depending on what you do for a living...the money is definitely in California but the cost of living when I was in LA was HIGH!!! Anyway, you sound like you will do well where ever you may roam and I find its always fun to go on an adventure!! I've done the PCH on a motorcycle and it was awesome...enjoy it!!

Do it while your only live once so have fun and enjoy my dear :jump:
I will, thanks!:D I'm in restaurant management. (well I was until last May) But once I get there I know money will be any issue almost immediately so I will look for anything because I'll be dammed if I come back to Indiana with my tail between my legs.
Like you said before it's going to be a cleansing, out with to old and in with the new. I have a while before I leave and I need to get a lot of shit sorted out...THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE AWESOME!:D


the pully on the water pump needs to be replaced. The transmission also needs to be looked at. Right now it sitting in the parking lot covered in snow.
Over the years I have learned to live without a lot of things so I am saving every cent I get that isn't for rent, food, bills or going into my car.

By pulley do you mean that it's seized ? If it fails to rotate easily without belt tension, look at having a reputable O.E.M. (original equipment manufacturer) quality rebuilt unit (water pump complete, as there are no serviceable pulleys or bearing that can be serviced from the exterior of the pump FYI) installed and you might as well have the cooling system serviced (radiator pressure flush & test and new main radiator outlet, inlet and heater core hoses replaced) if it has never been done before.

I would never travel without at least a gallon of potable water per person, some type of nutritious ready to eat food to last for three days and definitely a nice warm down sleeping bag, particularly if you may encounter heavy snowfall along the way among other stuff. You get it, what am I babblin' about ?

As far as employ goes, as much as I hate to say it, a govt. job of some type may be your best bet because they are hiring, regardless of the condition of the economy.

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By pulley do you mean that it's seized ? If it fails to rotate easily without belt tension, look at having a reputable O.E.M. (original equipment manufacturer) quality rebuilt unit (water pump complete, as there are no serviceable pulleys or bearing that can be serviced from the exterior of the pump FYI) installed and you might as well have the cooling system serviced (radiator pressure flush & test and new main radiator outlet, inlet and heater core hoses replaced) if it has never been done before.

I would never travel without at least a gallon of potable water per person, some type of nutritious ready to eat food to last for three days and definitely a nice warm down sleeping bag, particularly if you may encounter heavy snowfall along the way among other stuff. You get it, what am I babblin' about ?

As far as employ goes, as much as I hate to say it, a govt. job of some type may be your best bet because they are hiring, regardless of the condition of the economy.

Mostly...a few months ago the pully seized up and snapped the belt and the car started to overheat. A friend of mine who is very good with cars is going to work on it for me as soon as the weather breaks and all I have to do is supply the parts. I know next to nothing about cars (it takes me 5 minutes to find the dipstick lol) My car is a 1996 Infinti G20 and I am getting the part from Infiniti.
As far as jobs out there I think you're right, state and federal empolyment may be the way to go. Thanks Face, you have been a big help, some of the stuff you mentioned I really didn't think about but will put into consideration.:thumbsup::D


A friend of mine who is very good with cars is going to work on it for me as soon as the weather breaks and all I have to do is supply the parts.
Those are good friends to have, knowing the hourly rates at auto shops today !:uohs:

The Sacramento area is a good first landing spot if you intend on moving to NoCal because the rents aren't as high as they are in the SF or San Jose areas and the Sacramento area is nice because of it's central location, being that the Lake Tahoe Basin (which you will love) and *Reno are about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. away to the East (Interstate 80) ... and to the West, SF and San Jose are also about 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. drive.


* Nevada has no state income tax, if I recall correctly.


Hope everything works out for you lad! Oh yea and son get back onto freeones asap!:D
No More by Black Flag
"no, i won't believe that this is all. i'm not happy, i'm not free. pay check to pay check, living for what? every night i get drunk to get sunk. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more. i knew what i had when i grew up. i know that it really sucked. now i'm a slave to the same lies. if i don't get out i'm gonna die. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more. control, control for who, for what? i'm no robot. they can get fucked. reaction's masochism this can't last. i need to live, i need it now. i need action. won't take no more, no more, no more, no more. it won't work, won't work no more"

This is pretty much how I feel and why I am leaving.