By the middle of this coming summer I am leaving Indiana. I have wanted to for a while and this will be. I have nothing keeping me here except my older sister, I'm not married and the friends I have always seem to have something better to do. This will be my first opportunity in my adult life to truely strike out on my own, make my own mistakes, and build a life from the ground up. Some of you may know that I am unemployed and have had shit for luck finding work. It's dawned on me over the past month or so that I simply don't need this shit anymore,no more daily grind and no more disappointing and ulimately pointless job interviews. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to be working for anyway? To pay bills? Pay to live in a place that isn't even mine? Buy more useless shit? Uh-uh, I don't think so; at this time in my life I have nothing to lose. I haven't come up with a detailed game plan except eventualy to live in NoCal but that's the point. I have planned shit my entire life and it's gotten me nowhere. Nows the time to find out what kind of man I am and the kind I can be 'cause I ain't getting any younger and I have wasted too much time already.
I'm going to get my car up and running, save as much money as I can, and sell or toss all the shit I won't need and head west to a new life.
I am sharing this with you all because I have had this shit on my mind for a while and telling people helps make this thing real. Thanks for listening.
I'm going to get my car up and running, save as much money as I can, and sell or toss all the shit I won't need and head west to a new life.
I am sharing this with you all because I have had this shit on my mind for a while and telling people helps make this thing real. Thanks for listening.