Starting Over

By the middle of this coming summer I am leaving Indiana. I have wanted to for a while and this will be. I have nothing keeping me here except my older sister, I'm not married and the friends I have always seem to have something better to do. This will be my first opportunity in my adult life to truely strike out on my own, make my own mistakes, and build a life from the ground up. Some of you may know that I am unemployed and have had shit for luck finding work. It's dawned on me over the past month or so that I simply don't need this shit anymore,no more daily grind and no more disappointing and ulimately pointless job interviews. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to be working for anyway? To pay bills? Pay to live in a place that isn't even mine? Buy more useless shit? Uh-uh, I don't think so; at this time in my life I have nothing to lose. I haven't come up with a detailed game plan except eventualy to live in NoCal but that's the point. I have planned shit my entire life and it's gotten me nowhere. Nows the time to find out what kind of man I am and the kind I can be 'cause I ain't getting any younger and I have wasted too much time already.

I'm going to get my car up and running, save as much money as I can, and sell or toss all the shit I won't need and head west to a new life.

I am sharing this with you all because I have had this shit on my mind for a while and telling people helps make this thing real. Thanks for listening.
I am proud of you...I have done this kind of thing many times and it is so cleansing...just get rid of everything you have, put what you need in your vehicle and GO!!!

I've done Washington, Oregon, California, Florida and found Arizona was the BEST!!! There is everything here from snow to water and sunshine!! All around great state.

Doing this cleansing has been a GREAT success for me and will be for you also...So Cal isn't where I would head...but, whatever. I loved Arizona, it's a lot cheaper and I've been here for 15 years now.

Good luck darlin' :thumbsup:
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I am proud of you...I have done this kind of thing many times and it is so cleansing...just get rid of everything you have, put what you need in your vehicle and GO!!!

I've done Washington, Oregon, California, Florida and found Arizona was the BEST!!! There is everything here from snow to water and sunshine!! All around great state.

Doing this cleansing has been a GREAT success for me and will be for you also...So Cal isn't where I would head...but, whatever. I loved Arizona, it's a lot cheaper and I've been here for 15 years now.

Good luck darlin' :thumbsup:
Thanks so much Sparky that means a lot!:D:thumbsup: I still have a lot of details to iron out but I was thinking of ending up in Sacramento, believe me I have no interest in living in Los Angeles or San Diego. Sacramento is a medium sized city and even though I have never been there before I know it won't be insane or superficial as L.A. I do plan however on driving up the PCH, it's always been a dream of mine.:D Thanks again Sparky.


Member, you member...
Good Luck in your future endeavors, drf, and be sure that your laptop is charged and you snag some free wi fi so you can keep us up to date on your adventure!
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Well, good luck to you. California is, well, a tough state to want to move to. Sactown is good in that if you can land a job, you can buy something decent there. If you're not committed to Sactown, than you should take a look at San Jose, imo.

I think we all get to that point where we reflect existentially.
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I could never pack up and go somewhere with out a job lined up. Even if I had nothing to lose that’s too scary ... innless you are relaying on your parents or someone to wire you money if it does not work out.


Lost at Birth
good luck, DRF! I gotta agree with Titsrock on the San Jose idea. I have a friend who moved to LA right out of college. it was a struggle cost of living wise but its what he wanted to do so he was happy regardless. he wanted to work in films but worked mostly as a bartender till he finally started making enough in the film world (editing) to do that full time.

but it just comes down to what you want really, so much luck to you in this endeavor. afterall, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Best of fortune. NoCal??? Hmm....If you believe in that strategy then okay but NoCal (in some of the proper cities can be quite financially challenging).

Again, I wish you good fortune.:thumbsup:
Good luck! As a european this is extremely rare for me, here we have socialism. ;)
By the way, what is NoCal?
I'd advice you to go to smaller villages and such, there I always had more succes finding jobs. (Less competition, 20 people wanting a job as a waiter at the same time sucks... :( )
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Is Los Angeles really that bad compared to surrounding cities??
Too many people, the traffic is disgusting, not to mention the smog. I would visit L.A but I wouldn't live there.
When I was 18 I put all my clothes in a bag and moved to the north of the netherlands. A friend I knew from school recommended me for a job. I was hired so I just took off. I didn't have a place to live so I stayed with her for the time being and got my own place 5 weeks later. I have never regretted that decision. My fiancee and I are now thinking of moving abroad. Maybe Germany or some place further away. Sweden is supposed to be very nice.
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Good for you.Hope everything goes great for you.Things will go wrong and things will go right.Good luck with everything.
