Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!

what happen to freedome of speech i man come on give him a break
Now, now... don't you go and edit people's post!

Oh come on, I changed "dickhead" to "fellow FO'er" and "butt-buddy" to "good buddy"

People do it all the time Plus!! I did say FIXED at the end.


what happen to freedome of speech i man come on give him a break

Kinda hard to know what you mean... free speech hasn't gone anywhere, and give who a break?
Or did you mean "What happened to Free Hate Speech"? It's alive and well , even to be found here on FreeOnes... :cussing:


From a bowling score to the multi trillion dollar debt he's proposed for the American taxpayer,'bama just sorta wings it when the topic at hand has anything to do with numerals.

The guy has never made a payroll in his fuggin life !


That's how you spell it!! Oohh. Thanks! Funny cuz noone pointed out my misspelling earlier.

Any way, time for me to express my opinion on this.

First, Obama more than likely came on Lenos show for the same reason Clinton went on the Arsenio Hall show back in '91, to gain positive public opinion. (cuz he really needs it, very low poll numbers)

But Clinton at the time was merely a candidate. Not the President.

The President of the United States should not make an appearance on a late night talk show. period. Instead of doing his job he's out in LA courting the Hollywood elite for campaign donations. This shows were his priorities lie.... not with us. The people.

As for his "gaff"... I hate to say it but we all make verbal SNAFU's, however, Obama being POTUS should make him aware that he must act and speak with more tact and decorum than that, and that anything he says can be used against him.

'nuff said.
I dont care for Obama but he is a good speaker and I enjoyed his interview.

I cracked up at the special olympics comment. Glad he wasnt afraid to say it. Maybe it will lighten people up.


I fixed the thread title.

...he said, right before he burned in Hell.

Only believers can enter Hell, you'll have to burn somewhere else...maybe as a reincarnated reptile in Death Valley?
Imagine making fun of the mentally challenged...oops! Well...just flick your tail as we pass each other.:rofl:
For whatever reason you've appointed yourself "Town Crier", as long as you keep throwing what other people say out there, people are gonna comment on the content...

...yeah, that's what you focus on - the content! Sure. :rolleyes:

Typical right-winger: "Ban him!!" :weeping::weeping:

Phil was actually speaking the truth. My saying don't get all wadded up was meant as more of a matter of fact comment than a direct call out.

I didn't think it was a "call out" per se - more like some snotty "advice", but ok, I guess I misinterpreted your post - seemed reasonable at the time, esp. based on our past interactions...

And I quoted you because you said it, if I remember correctly there are quite a few people on here that don't like Palin, not just you.

Well, that just supports my original interpretation though. If you were addressing ALL of us Palin-haters, then there wasn't the need to quote me - including my own words, not just those of Palin. :dunno:

But you took it personally, like your looking for a fight. I don't care enough about you to argue with you anymore. I'd get more satisfaction jamming a drill in my eye.

By all means, go right ahead and "Drill, baby, drill !!". ;) - ouch!

Okay, I'll remember that - you don't care enough about me :)crying:) to argue with me anymore.
That's how you spell it!! Oohh. Thanks! Funny cuz noone pointed out my misspelling earlier.

So, you're okay with having people point out your spelling errors. Duly noted.

First, Obama more than likely came on Lenos show for the same reason Clinton went on the Arsenio Hall show back in '91, to gain positive public opinion. (cuz he really needs it, very low poll numbers)

But Clinton at the time was merely a candidate. Not the President.

The President of the United States should not make an appearance on a late night talk show. period. Instead of doing his job he's out in LA courting the Hollywood elite for campaign donations. This shows were his priorities lie.... not with us. The people.

As for his "gaff"... I hate to say it but we all make verbal SNAFU's, however, Obama being POTUS should make him aware that he must act and speak with more tact and decorum than that, and that anything he says can be used against him.

'nuff said.

Heeeeeeeeeere's Bushie!



Who was being homophobic??? Aren't you female?
Wow...I get it now...you are trying a new technique...not taking your meds for longer periods of time, to see if you can function without them! Sorry...it's not working for you.:rofl2:

Although I now see a little clearer why you had such a fascination with my balls, and made a quite detailed post on the subject.
Sorry, but I'm not gay, and have no interest in flirting with you online.:nono:

Besides, I'm sure most real genitally-correct females find you unappealing, you whine too much and don't seem to have a lot in the way of personal standards or actual character. So I guess you're screwed either way...figuratively speaking, of course.
(Probably ugly, too...you sure have a lot of free time to spend here on FreeOnes.:rofl:)

So, while I can understand your frustration, I can't help you out here. I don't care if you're unhappy, or can't get laid. I find your sexual attraction to me really creepy.
Wow...I get it now...you are trying a new technique...not taking your meds for longer periods of time, to see if you can function without them! Sorry...it's not working for you.:rofl2:

Although I now see a little clearer why you had such a fascination with my balls, and made a quite detailed post on the subject.
Sorry, but I'm not gay, and have no interest in flirting with you online.:nono:

Besides, I'm sure most real genitally-correct females find you unappealing, you whine too much and don't seem to have a lot in the way of personal standards or actual character. So I guess you're screwed either way...figuratively speaking, of course.
(Probably ugly, too...you sure have a lot of free time to spend here on FreeOnes.:rofl:)

So, while I can understand your frustration, I can't help you out here. I don't care if you're unhappy, or can't get laid. I find your sexual attraction to me really creepy.

He is human and made a silly insensitve remark which I'm sure he regretted later.People who even get that such types of remarks like that or "thats gay" and know thats not what they want to be about occasionally do that.
I will not defend the remark but it also is not something to be making a federal case about.
So, you're okay with having people point out your spelling errors. Duly noted.

No. No one said anything about my misspell and I didn't recieve any msg's about it. I wasn't aware I had ..... nevermind.

What is this, a burn? Were you trying to burn me? ow. i really feel that.

That wasn't a "personal" appearance. That was a video feed. Bush took what? 5 minutes to shoot that and then went back to work. Obama was "off the clock" for how many days in LA? And... Obama was in SoCal for Political Donations for his party. Not Presidential Duties.

Oh, I don't watch game shows. I find them trivial.