Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!

Hi, folks, I went through each and every post of this thread. I'm a little shocked to see that it has degenerated in to personalities.
The thread had a promise of becoming a good debate.

Now? I don't know.

It was a real good platform to talk about the state and the position of the Physically & Mentally Challenged persons. Why not use that opportunity?
Hi, folks, I went through each and every post of this thread. I'm a little shocked to see that it has degenerated in to personalities.
The thread had a promise of becoming a good debate.

Now? I don't know.

It was a real good platform to talk about the state and the position of the Physically & Mentally Challenged persons. Why not use that opportunity?

Thanks - we needed that!

Getting back to Obama's remark - here's my interpretation:

Being relaxed on a late-night talk show is understandable, but the prez shouldn't get THAT relaxed.

I'm all for respect and rights for the developmentally disabled (retarded), but there's a reality behind why they are considered to be disabled (or differently abled, whatever you wish to refer to it). They have a genetic abnormality which means they can't perform many/most tasks at the levels that most of us who aren't handicapped (pick your word/phrase) can. Sure, some of them can, but there's a reason why parents don't consider it good news when a doctor tells them that their baby will have Down's Syndrome or whatever else. Sure, societal prejudices are part of the reason it's bad news, but it's also bad news because the child will probably not reach typical levels of mental (or, in most cases) physical development. There's a reason that there's a "Special Olympics". Compare the records in that olympics to the non-special olympics.

Maybe this S.O. bowler can beat Obama at bowling. But who would vote for a developmentally disabled person to be president (now, be serious - I'm abstaining from any Bush jokes here, so I'm trusting all the Obama-haters/assassination dreamers can restrain themselves similarly)?

Obama meant to say that he wasn't doing so hot (in his own view) at bowling - but he made that point by making retarded people the butt, the punchline of his joke. Not nice, and not very classy. But forgivable, I think.

:2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
good post facial, sincerly
And thanks for the negative rep.

Personally, I don't feel good about a president, especially in these times, taking the time to be on oprah or leno.
Its like, hey man, arent there more important things to do than preparing for a talk show?
It probably used an entire day preparing and traveling.
But on the positive side, at least he didnt use that day to create more degradating legislature.

As for the comment, it was extremely poor taste and very offending.
Even hurtful.
And I'm not just saying this because the person I love most in this world has Down syndrome.

The comment, even though said in passing, demonstrates what kind of person he really is.
Leno caught it, and quickly moved on.
I just wish the sheep in the audience would have reacted, I know I would have.
Thanks - we needed that!

Getting back to Obama's remark - here's my interpretation:

Being relaxed on a late-night talk show is understandable, but the prez shouldn't get THAT relaxed.

I'm all for respect and rights for the developmentally disabled (retarded), but there's a reality behind why they are considered to be disabled (or differently abled, whatever you wish to refer to it). They have a genetic abnormality which means they can't perform many/most tasks at the levels that most of us who aren't handicapped (pick your word/phrase) can. Sure, some of them can, but there's a reason why parents don't consider it good news when a doctor tells them that their baby will have Down's Syndrome or whatever else. Sure, societal prejudices are part of the reason it's bad news, but it's also bad news because the child will probably not reach typical levels of mental (or, in most cases) physical development. There's a reason that there's a "Special Olympics". Compare the records in that olympics to the non-special olympics.

Maybe this S.O. bowler can beat Obama at bowling. But who would vote for a developmentally disabled person to be president (now, be serious - I'm abstaining from any Bush jokes here, so I'm trusting all the Obama-haters/assassination dreamers can restrain themselves similarly)?

Obama meant to say that he wasn't doing so hot (in his own view) at bowling - but he made that point by making retarded people the butt, the punchline of his joke. Not nice, and not very classy. But forgivable, I think.

:2 cents:

I'm pretty sure Obama is fully aware of that!

What Obama said was a mistake and was just a slip-of-the-tongue. We all say things sometimes that we clearly don't mean and are totally unaware of it, until it's brought to out attention.

It was brought to Obama's attention and he apologized.

good post facial, sincerly
And thanks for the negative rep.

Personally, I don't feel good about a president, especially in these times, taking the time to be on oprah or leno.
Its like, hey man, arent there more important things to do than preparing for a talk show?
It probably used an entire day preparing and traveling.
But on the positive side, at least he didnt use that day to create more degradating legislature.

As for the comment, it was extremely poor taste and very offending.
Even hurtful.
And I'm not just saying this because the person I love most in this world has Down syndrome.

The comment, even though said in passing, demonstrates what kind of person he really is.
Leno caught it, and quickly moved on.
I just wish the sheep in the audience would have reacted, I know I would have.

So what kind of person is he?

I doubt he's some guy who has some type of predijust twards people with disabilities.


Hiliary 2020
I'm pretty sure Obama is fully aware of that!

What Obama said was a mistake and was just a slip-of-the-tongue. We all say things sometimes that we clearly don't mean and are totally unaware of it, until it's brought to out attention.

It was brought to Obama's attention and he apologized.

So what kind of person is he?

I doubt he's some guy who has some type of predijust twards people with disabilities.

You know when some people are drunk and they start to tell you what their true feelings are?
Yeah the next day they apoligize, but that doesn't take away the fact that they spoke their true, inner felings.

I'm sick of the phrase "slip of the tongue".
He said it, and he meant to say it because thats how he thinks.
Its only a slip because it had negative effects.

Strange how Ive heard this phrase you in defense of Obama many times, but never once for any Republican.
I gonna kill your children, oops, slip of the tongue, Black people suck, oops, slip of the tonge, Jews are the devil, oops slip of the tongue.

It was a direct, coldhearted statement which although he probably didnt plan on saying, but nevertheless said intentionally.

So you tell me, what kind of president makes degrading comments about mentally disabled people?
The same kind who says child who have down syndrome and survive a botched partial birth stabbed in the head and have their brains sucked out abortion be allowed to be put in a closet and allowed to die slowly?

So if I call you an asshole, don't get offended or upset, it was just a slip of the tongue.

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I supposed before that that he will attempt to cut budget resources to mentally disabled people.
This re-enforces that concern.
If he does ever cut services to mentally disabled people to allow more services for Halfawhita , her babies daddies and her six bastard children, thats when I hope someones waiting in the grassy knoll.

Oh, classy!! A racist slur AND a wish for his assassination. Lovely.

Funny you mention his "cut(ting) services to mentally disabled people" though -

"The biggest single chunk of money that Palin is turning down is about $170 million for education, including money that would go for programs to help economically disadvantaged and special needs students."

So, there's a new person for you to have assassination fantasies about, I guess.

good post facial, sincerly
And thanks for the negative rep.

But on the positive side, at least he didnt use that day to create more degradating legislature.

Thanks, and you're welcome! :hatsoff:
What I quoted of you above was what inspired the negative rep.

Lastly, I'll note that the president doesn't create the "legislature." It's stipulated in our constitution, as one of the three branches of government. He doesn't really have a choice in the matter. :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
The news Thursday drew anger from those who accused Palin of putting her national political aspirations ahead of the state's interests, and admiration from others who say she has courage to turn down money that would expand government. The state Legislature will have an opportunity to override her decision.

so i guess it depends on how you look at it.

Either way, I still feel that anyone who jokes about mentally disabled people, on any level, is a big pussy.

you said it was Not nice, and not very classy.

I agree.

excuse me for using the word legislation.
I should have said ridiculously enormous spending plans designed to help the people who contribute nothing or at best very little at the expense of other peoples hard work.
I should have said ridiculously enormous spending plans designed to help the people who contribute nothing or at best very little at the expense of other peoples hard work.

Oh, like the corporate executives who give themselves ridiculous salaries, stock options, bonuses, and retirement packages as they abandon a company and drive it into the ground?



Hiliary 2020
the only thing i'm insecure about is the fate of the country I grew up in.
that and people who like to chuck in little cheap shots on message boards.
what I can not stand is the same thing.
and those who think they are better then others.
its now that we need to regulate on those posers
whos with me?