I'm pretty sure Obama is fully aware of that!
What Obama said was a mistake and was just a slip-of-the-tongue. We all say things sometimes that we clearly don't mean and are totally unaware of it, until it's brought to out attention.
It was brought to Obama's attention and he apologized.
So what kind of person is he?
I doubt he's some guy who has some type of predijust twards people with disabilities.
You know when some people are drunk and they start to tell you what their true feelings are?
Yeah the next day they apoligize, but that doesn't take away the fact that they spoke their true, inner felings.
I'm sick of the phrase "slip of the tongue".
He said it, and he meant to say it because thats how he thinks.
Its only a slip because it had negative effects.
Strange how Ive heard this phrase you in defense of Obama many times, but never once for any Republican.
I gonna kill your children, oops, slip of the tongue, Black people suck, oops, slip of the tonge, Jews are the devil, oops slip of the tongue.
It was a direct, coldhearted statement which although he probably didnt plan on saying, but nevertheless said intentionally.
So you tell me, what kind of president makes degrading comments about mentally disabled people?
The same kind who says child who have down syndrome and survive a botched partial birth stabbed in the head and have their brains sucked out abortion be allowed to be put in a closet and allowed to die slowly?
So if I call you an asshole, don't get offended or upset, it was just a slip of the tongue.
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