I'll back you up a little bit Legz, because I think you are correct.
Its obvious from his past affiliations ,jobs and words who he represents and what his true plans are.
Thats why they passed the biggest spending in history without even reading it first.
Thats why he is trying so hard to push this government medical system takeover.
Here he is speaking in front of SEIU, which is one in the same as ACORN
He even changes the way he speaks (or maybe thats how he really speaks) to appease them.
So if you don't think race is #1 in this guys mentality, you are sleeping or just in denial.
He doesn't want to help Blacks go to work, he wants to give them more free stuff.
Sad really.
And whats with all these "czars" he's appointed?
Nobody voted for them, but they control much of the distribution of the stimulus money, and all of them are extreme left wingers