Hiliary 2020
While it's asserted as a "reverse discrimination" case (never understood the notion of "reverse discrimination" as discrimination is discrimination) but as I understand it the tests results were disregarded because some in the city felt the test was a poorly written test. It was a new, not previously used test.
The one firefighter sued to have the results restored. The differences in legal opinion would seem to be on the one hand, the right of a local jurisdiction to decide their standards for testing and the singular right of this one individual to have his test score upheld. Two reasonable positions.
Well mega por fin we finally agree, sort of.
reverse discrimination?
Its reverse?
So real discrimination only comes from whites to blacks?
Riduculous right?
I agree with you, discrimination is discrimination.
But to clear it up for you, the term reverse discrimination is a phrase invented by guilty feeling white people.
But lets get real about one thing, and they even admitted it.
They shredded the tests because no blacks passed and they knew that in our sue happy society they would be sued by the blacks who failed.
They also knew that if they shredded the tests they would probably be sued by the non blacks.
But I guarantee they knew that with people like Sotomeyer in power they had a much much better chance of winning if the plaintiffs were the white guys.
And they were right.
Thats just one reason why this affirmitive action does not work.
In almost every other country in the world the citizens are just citizens and not classified in groups to promote what some feel is so necessary.
Think about this everybody.
You are black, and they tell you that you only need to get an 80 to get the promotion/position but the white guy needs a 90.
Wouldn't you be offended?
I know I would.
I mean what exactly is that saying besides "youre too stupid to compete with the whites".
To me thats true racism.