Should we colonize other planets?

Will E Worm

The way the global population is increasing those "small pockets" of undeveloped land won't be enough to offset population growth and shrinking resources.

Like Mega said, it's inevetible.

It is inevitable. There is no question about that.

I doubt it. Stop listening to Mega. :tongue:

Yeah...listen to Worms that dress up as cupcakes and quote scripture on porn boards..:hatsoff:

:D Ha!

He has a point though. The technology has to improve, but it will happen. Maybe/probably not in our lifetimes, but eventually.

We have the technology already.

There is no question that we should, the only question is;

Will we survive long enough to develop the technology to allow us the opprotunity?

"Earthlings" will colonize other planets.

Destroying one planet is enough.

Well, this planet will be taken out eventually and humans won't have anything to do with it.

Will E Worm



It's good to be the king...
Actually the pertinent question is "Could we colonize other planets?"

The human body is not built for long term space travel - consider the challenges that a human mission to Mars would need to overcome:

  • physical effects of exposure to high-energy cosmic rays and other ionizing radiation
  • physical effects of a prolonged low-gravity environment
  • physical effects of a prolonged low-light environment
  • psychological effects of isolation from Earth
  • psychological effects of lack of community due to lack of real-time connections with Earth
  • social effects of several humans living under crowded conditions for over one Earth year
  • inaccessibility of terrestrial medical facilities

Manned mission to Mars - Wikipedia

And until we develop warp-drive (or someting equally exotic), travelling to our nearest star Proxima Centauri is a long way off. Proxima is a red dwarf star about 4.2 light-years (4.0×1013 km) distant.

But if the following news prove to be true, who knows?

Speed-of-light results under scrutiny at Cern


Colonization of other planets only makes sense after we've invented a Firefly class transport.

Until then, it's just a waste of effort.


Works for panties
Yeah, we should colonize other planets.

1- To prevent a comet or asteroid from killing all of us off.

2- To get the resources from the other planets. (What is it? Earth first, we'll mine, log, and farm all the other planets later?)

3- We will eventually run out of room here for everybody. And unlike some people, I'd rather use that population to colonize other planets than kill them off like China is currently doing and others want to do.

4- Since we apparently can't all get along here on Earth, maybe separation of a few AUs would help matters. It gives those of us who don't like things the way they are a chance to make things the way we want them. Sorta like how the US came about, just on another planet. You can have one planet that subscribes to one thing, and another that subscribes to something completely different, and living there (sorta like now) is completely voluntary, and if you don't like one place's ways, go somewhere else. Gives us all options.

5- Exploration and colonization is kinda in our blood. It's what we do.
It would be a detriment to the species if we couldn't continue our run of destroying environments and wiping out entire civilisations once the fruits of our own planet become diminished to the point in which trying leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

Little green men? Submit or die!

Unless of course you're more evolved and technologically advanced than us. Then we bow to you as willing slaves to be exploited.
It's alright to visit a planet and discover it. But it should not mean we have to own it just because we've seen it in the movies


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Why not unless the planet if full of blue cat people.
The only planet bar our Earth in our solar system remotely open to the possibility of human colonization is Mars. In a century or two we can terra firm that place into a new Earth. Besides Mars, our best bet in our solar system are some of the moons. Europa and Enceladus being the best bets.

We are centuries from having the tech to even think about thinking about colonizing places outside our solar system. Even Mars and those moons is more a 22-23rd century time line.