Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

It looks like the parents are facing some serious charges. This case is going to have a very serious impact on future cases. It seems obvious that if you are responsible for your child until they are 18, that counts for any, and everything. If the kid got shit faced drunk, and killed 4 people in a drunk driving case, they would be held accountable, and in reality they have no control on whether he drinks after he borrows the car and goes to a party. In this situation, they basically handed him the bottle of whisky, so to speak. As I've said many times, I don't have ANY kids, minor, or adult, and all but one of mine are locked in a 750lb. safe. If these clowns have to be made examples, so the rest of the lawful, and respectful firearms owners can maintain their rights, then so be it. They earned that right through their pre, and post incident actions. Or in other words, they got what they had coming to them

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


On the dark side of the moon
Meanwhile in Denver:

“Our entire society is made up of shitty little fucks who insult badasses & get away with it because law enforcement & social norms protect the WEAK from the STRONG. I’m over it. The weak better buckle up... shit is about to get real."

Here's our murderer (killed by law enforcement) who went on a rampage killing 6. His writings and posts showed support for alt-right causes.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Meanwhile in Denver:

“Our entire society is made up of shitty little fucks who insult badasses & get away with it because law enforcement & social norms protect the WEAK from the STRONG. I’m over it. The weak better buckle up... shit is about to get real."

Here's our murderer (killed by law enforcement) who went on a rampage killing 6. His writings and posts showed support for alt-right causes.
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I know this is a small conciliation, very small, but at least he didn't take his own life, like a little bitch. By alt right, do you mean revelation, or is he one of those whiny Trump pussies that can't except he lost? See I can't stand these freakishly progressive left wingers, and I really have no love for the same version of the right side. I'm hoping for one of two things next presidential election, and that's, that, the republicans can field a much more centered candidate, or a no name libertarian swoops in, and takes it. I tend to vote republican ONLY because of the 2nd Amendment, and they don't want to just pass out my tax dollars to an undocumented, unchecked immigration, no matter what country they're coming from. I have no problem giving aide to those who need it, but the ones that have earned it, should come first. I'm not really concerned with who gets married to who, or if they head to the abortion clinic, but I shouldn't have to help pay for someone that has laid back and rode the gravy train, from jump street. As far as the gun thing goes, you and I have spoke about that we agree to disagree. I don't know about you, but I'll wright to the editor of the the paper, and I've been published a couple of times. See no one want's to understand, that just because you won a certain type of gun, you're automatically ready for another Waco, or Ruby Ridge. They don't understand the fun in shooting one, just like I can't get why someone would hit a little ball across the grass with an overpriced stick, just to put it in a little hole, on some really fancy grass. But it's perfectly reasonable to buy a bucket of balls, and practicing hitting that ball, so you can hit it better the next time you want to chase it around the freshly cut grass.

I didn't even read about this one, I heard 4, then 5, and now I guess with your post, it's up to 6. This shit really does bother the fuck out of me. People like me don't want this, or gain anything by this, everyone loses, I just wish they could come up with an absolute standard regarding medications, mental Standards, and how things are shared. I wouldn't have an issue with a waiting period for certain weapons that people get freaky about, and I wouldn't have an issue with them raising the age of purchase of AR's and the like, to 21, like handguns, but some of what they want to make illegal, would do away with un military looking everyday hunting rifles and shotguns, and that's not fair to sportsman. In fact if you want to raise the age for shotguns I'm fine with that, but you have to male allowances for youth hunts, and sporting events. But for FUCKS SAKE you do not give a 16 rnd Sig-Sauer pistol to a fucking kid. People drop the ball all the ball all the time, just like that 15 year old kid. The parents where oblivious, clueless people in another world from the start. The school should have called the cops right then and there, when the parents balked. I don't know if they were worried about a lawsuit or what, but if I had a kid and he drew violence, I would be worried. Of course if I did, he would learn early on, the responsibilities that go along with gun ownership. I think that's a huge factor here, to many people or more so institutions, are afraid of lawsuits, because if they are wrong, they would be slandering a person. I completely agree something needs to be done, and there needs to be changes, but taking my, or preventing my purchasing of weapons, isn't the answer. A gun is a tool, without a human, it's useless. Hell, I can go in my tool box and find a big enough wrench to kill you with, many knives in my kitchen, and a lot of the accessories in any school gym equipment room. Know I know those things aren't going to take out 15 or 20 people at a time, but many spree killings have occurred without guns, albeit, not as frequently, or as high of a kill rate, but evil people, bent on doing evil things, will find away. Timothy McVeigh did it, without firing a single shot.
- Colorado's gun laws are one of the most permissive in the country
- Colorado is very customary for mass shootings (4 in 2021 alone).
But gun-advocates would claim this is just coincidence, that there is no link between these 2 facts. Don't even dare pretend there's one !


On the dark side of the moon
- Colorado's gun laws are one of the most permissive in the country
- Colorado is very customary for mass shootings (4 in 2021 alone).
But gun-advocates would claim this is just coincidence, that there is no link between these 2 facts. Don't even dare pretend there's one !
Please support your assertions.

Colorado's gun laws are not 'one of the most permissive' in the US. It is not one of the top 10 states for gun deaths. As such, I am curious about your assertions. Bear in mind I live in Colorado and generally support gun laws (see such below).
Colorado has stronger gun laws than many states, but still has significant room for improvement. The state has the 18th-highest gun death rate. To save lives, lawmakers in Colorado should pass laws requiring waiting periods for all firearm sales, enact a child access prevention law, require the reporting of lost and stolen guns, raise the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21, and prohibit violent hate crime offenders from accessing guns.


On the dark side of the moon
I know this is a small conciliation, very small, but at least he didn't take his own life, like a little bitch. By alt right, do you mean revelation, or is he one of those whiny Trump pussies that can't except he lost?.
He was way beyond Trump: more of the strong versus weak type. He was a nut case with a violence fetish it seems. His victims were targeted and he actually wrote books about what he was going to do. He was on law enforcement's radar (whatever that means) a couple times. People saw the train coming, but ... here we are now.

You're correct, the gun is the tool. The mind is what is more concerning.
Please support your assertions.

Colorado's gun laws are not 'one of the most permissive' in the US. It is not one of the top 10 states for gun deaths. As such, I am curious about your assertions. Bear in mind I live in Colorado and generally support gun laws (see such below).
1) Colorado had 4 mass shootings in 2021 alone, claiming the lives of more than 20 people.

2) "Colorado is one of the more permissive states regarding gun laws" If that's not a permissive gun law, then what is ?!


On the dark side of the moon
1) Colorado had 4 mass shootings in 2021 alone, claiming the lives of more than 20 people.

2) If that's not a permissive gun-law, then what is ?
How about this:

Colorado is one of the more permissive states regarding gun laws
The Gifford Law Center is one of the leading gun-law advocates. They rank Colorado 15th best out of 50 which is hardly "one of the most permissive." I'm sure you're familiar with the laws of the other states.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
1) Colorado had 4 mass shootings in 2021 alone, claiming the lives of more than 20 people.

2) "Colorado is one of the more permissive states regarding gun laws" If that's not a permissive gun law, then what is ?!
I'm going to say it's a Constitutionally reasonable law.

Your country is very strict on gun's, very accommodating to the islamic community, yet the last couple of major acts of violence and terrorism, by that religion of peace, and so forth, included fully automatic weapons, semi automatic weapons, and I may be mistaken, but an explosion or 2 also, and before you even start with the, "but it only happens one or two times a year, as compared to America, your whole country is only slightly smaller the Texas, which ironically is probably one of the MOST gun friendly states! Also, before the thought escapes me, that claim of yours, that most weapons in mexico, come from this country. Well think about this, that wall everyone screamed about being unacceptable, because anyone should be allowed to just stroll in, might just help keep that alleged transfer of firearms into mexico. Although I recently saw an article that said cartels have taken to growing illegal marijuana growing, and have been, threatening, destroying, and killing legal marijuana growers. So maybe those are the ones helping to perpetuate that problem. Of course, if I weren't allowed to own one, they would all go away, and none of these filthy pieces of trash would stop stealing from gun shops, and military armories. Hell maybe the corrupt politicians, cops, and military in mexico, would stop taking the bribes, and then, we can all just light up a fatty, hold hands and sing Kumba fucking ya, instead of having to worry about the cops responding to the armed robbery to get his heroin money, in time to keep the clerk from getting shot by a gun. But the murderer won't make it to the chair, because he had issues, and didn't realize that laws were not only for us law abiding folks, but they applied to his silly square ass too!
I'm going to say it's a Constitutionally reasonable law.

Your country is very strict on gun's, very accommodating to the islamic community, yet the last couple of major acts of violence and terrorism, by that religion of peace, and so forth, included fully automatic weapons, semi automatic weapons, and I may be mistaken, but an explosion or 2 also, and before you even start with the, "but it only happens one or two times a year, as compared to America, your whole country is only slightly smaller the Texas, which ironically is probably one of the MOST gun friendly states! Also, before the thought escapes me, that claim of yours, that most weapons in mexico, come from this country. Well think about this, that wall everyone screamed about being unacceptable, because anyone should be allowed to just stroll in, might just help keep that alleged transfer of firearms into mexico. Although I recently saw an article that said cartels have taken to growing illegal marijuana growing, and have been, threatening, destroying, and killing legal marijuana growers. So maybe those are the ones helping to perpetuate that problem. Of course, if I weren't allowed to own one, they would all go away, and none of these filthy pieces of trash would stop stealing from gun shops, and military armories. Hell maybe the corrupt politicians, cops, and military in mexico, would stop taking the bribes, and then, we can all just light up a fatty, hold hands and sing Kumba fucking ya, instead of having to worry about the cops responding to the armed robbery to get his heroin money, in time to keep the clerk from getting shot by a gun. But the murderer won't make it to the chair, because he had issues, and didn't realize that laws were not only for us law abiding folks, but they applied to his silly square ass too!
1) God, you need to learn to organise yout thoughts, go to the line, make paragraphs, etc.

2) The problem with anti gun-control folks like you is that there's no middle ground : Anyone who dare to say that gun laws should be tougher is anti second amendment piece of trash who would steal guns from every US citizen if he could.
But that's not what the overwhelming majority of us, gun-control advocates, want. What we want is no assault weapon (Yeah, I know, this is a very blur denomination but you get my point) or armor-piercing ammos sold to civilians, no high-capacity magazines, gun registration, mandatory secured vault to store your guns, guns and ammos stored separately, mandatory gun-licencing (with both full background checks -criminal and psychological background) and some tougher rules about when and how to use it (ex : don't shoot in the back of someone who's retreating).
I hear your poiint about clercks and that's a legitimate point so maybe make rules designed at them, allowing the mto bear a loaded gun under the counter

3) What do you mean by "very accomodating to the islamic community ?
Can I remind you that here, women are not allowed to wear headscarves while working for the government ? Here, Ilhan Omar wouldn't be able to dress like this in the Assemblée Nationale (=Senate)

This is muslim US representative Ilhan Omar

And this is french muslim députée Fadila Khattabi

I also want to remind you that burqa is not allowed in public space here. And that the Minister of the Interior recently ordered 7 muslims associations to be disbanded and some Mosques to be closed, accusing them of spreading radical islam ideology.
And, polls about the next presidential election that's gonna be next April) show 2 anti-Islam candidates (Marine Lepen and Eric Zemmour) polling respectively at 16 and 13%. That's 29% of people claiming they would vote for acandidate that has a clear anti-islam agenda.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
First of all, I don't want to hear what you think about my sentence structure. or punctuation. or lack of', I've seen some of your posts

Third, I know who that anti Semitic, clown is, I hope they can prove she has ties to terrorist organizations, as some have claimed. and she is tried for treason. Every penny of her salary, should be taken from her, to support all of these refugees she wants to hand my tax dollars to. I don't think she should be allowed to wear it at work. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in America, ALL OATHS OF OFFICE, should be taken on the Constitution. And that's great how they clamped down on all of your bullshit, AFTER brutal murders occur, you're so far ahead of the curve then we are....of course you clowns won't even extradite child rapists, woman murderers, not to mention you refuse to let use fly over your air space to bomb known terrorist countries, with killers of innocent people in them, because of your own countries political interests.

And as fro number 2. Well I saved the funniest one for last, "All you want" doesn't mean JACK SHIT! You ARE NOT a citizen, you don't live here, you don't pay taxes here, and honestly, I'm glad. "All you want", all you want is EVERYTHING. Basically you want this country to have musket's and 6 shooters. Well I'll tell you what, when our borders are locked for good, all of the criminals are dead, and buried, and they execute any new ones the day they are found guilty, we'll think about talking about, getting the U.S. government into a straight enough line, so they remember who hired them, and pays their salary, we'll think about talking about, hi cap. mags, and semi-auto weapons. Of course being such the scholar you are, you know how the Constitution was written in order of importance, and you know the 2nd Amendment is there so we can protect ourselves from the government, by banding together and forming the well regulated militias, that would be needed. Now, if you have any clue, you would see I made the comment, that I wish they could come up with an agreeable standard for certain things, you may have also noted I would agree to certain changes, but what you want is to squat down, and take a big old nasty shit on my rights, because of the actions of a few, and in some cases preventable few. Going back to Columbine, there were signs of what those little cunts were up to, but the parents were shitty parents, just like the 2 stupid fucktards in this last one. You seem to forget, the Sandy Hook shooter KILLED HIS MOTHER, to get into her secure safe, to obtain those weapons. A ball she dropped by bringing her known mentally ill son into the gun world. You mother less fucks don't want reasonable, you want it all, and then when something else happens, and you chose to ignore EVERY sign that was presented to you, hey, lets enact more gun laws.

I think the answer lies in sever, swift, strict punishment, against those that have committed crimes of such a vile nature, it renders THEIR rights null, and void. Don't you tll me, is some vile animal rapes, and abuses a child, or anyone for that matter deserves to retain his generals. He should praise his God, that we're taking it surgically, and not letting the parents cut it off with a dull, rusty kitchen knife. Don't you dare tell me, that some 15 year old Wyatt Earp wanna be cowboy is going to take a stolen gun, go into a store, rob it, and kill the clerk, all on surveillance camera, and he gets to live on death row, for more then a year MAXIMUM. I don't want to hear how anyone of any age, race, religion or gender can be allowed to commit a crime with a gun, and be allowed to keep the fingers on their hands, that pulled, or would have pulled the trigger, My rights are absolute, and must remain so, until I abuse them.....just like our leaders do. I shouldn't have to sacrifice ONE SINGLE FREEDOM, unless I give someone a reason to take them away. The people that migrate to this country, and then piss on it by NOT WORKING for the American dream, but use it as their toilet, to commit crimes, menace the good people who work, and try for the American dream, deserve to be taken to the desert on the border, Then be tattooed across their forehead, in big black letters. "UNWELCOME" , then injected with a tracking chip, so we know they aren't in our country. And if they pull it out, and are caught in our country again, especially if they are breaking the law, back to the desert, bullet to the back of the head. Leave 'em lay, the buzzards gotta eat too.

Try and let this soak into that glob of whatever it is, you call a brain. Laws only effect the law abiding, so any firearms owner, such as myself, already locks is firearms, and ammunition up. The people that do bad, aren't going to obey one single thing on your ridiculous list of what you, and your ilk, think are responsible. I guess you have far more polite criminals in France, that will provide you with the time to make it fair, and load your gun, not so much here. And if I ever, God forbid, come across a situation where I find a little kid being abused, or a woman being sexually assaulted, and the piece of filth is running away, the first thing I'm going to do IS SHOOT HIM IN THE BACK, so someone else doesn't have to suffer the same horrors other victims have. If he's doing to my wife, or family, trust me, he will beg for that bullet.

So, to sum it up, you are clueless, you don't live here, so it isn't your concern, mind your own shit hole, and you aren't being reasonable with what gun laws you want, you are being totalitarian, and clearly looking to dis arm a lawful populace. And last but not least, I could care less if you are unhappy with my grammar, or punctuation.


On the dark side of the moon
1) Colorado had 4 mass shootings in 2021 alone, claiming the lives of more than 20 people.

2) "Colorado is one of the more permissive states regarding gun laws" If that's not a permissive gun law, then what is ?!

I'll give you a picture which may be a bit easier to understand:
Colorado has the 20th-highest total of mass shootings among U.S. states; Illinois, California and Texas top the list.

Illinois (A-) and California (A) get high marks for their laws, but still top the list for mass shootings.
Colorado has the 20th-highest total of mass shootings among U.S. states; Illinois, California and Texas top the list.

Illinois (A-) and California (A) get high marks for their laws, but still top the list for mass shootings.
California, Texas and Illinois are #1, #2 and #6 on population

Anyways, if you look at the countries murder rates, countries with very strict gun-laws have the lowest homicide rate. And the US murder rates is equal to Sudan's. I rest my case
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Any correlation between the gun laws of states and their gun violence is pretty statistically meaningless when the transportation of guns between states and the exchange of firearms between private individuals is so free and easy in any practical sense. It's not a good measure of any states laws in of themselves.

To get a better sense one would have have to compare the laws of different countries, and low and behold for some strange reason it's like almost every other industrialized nation on planet seems to not have the problem with shootings like the US does.

I mean really, if it was just as simple a concept as the people that don't follow the laws would do what they want anyhow, then why don't all those other nations have people dying all over the place due to shooting? I mean they theoretically wouldn't care about following the law so what's stopping them?

I actually believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to own arms (even though no right is absolute no matter what like you can't yell fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one just because you have "freedom of speech"), but lets not fucking bull shit ourselves here. It's the fact they are allowed to exist as they are in the US that causes so many shooting in the first place, not people's willingness to follow laws or not. Every place in the world has criminals. Very few other first world nations have people that shoot each other all the time. While guns don't shoot people. People shoot people...with guns.

Finally, and as somebody that grew up in a very pro-gun culture family, and not only like I stated believe in our constitutional right to individually own arms, but also realize why it was in fact a very important concept of our rights in the first place, I've also have to come to a very brutal and gut wrenching reality as I've gotten older. Technology has literally advanced to the point where it's greatly or maybe even totally rendered that right to be unviable. As soon as things like planes, tanks, advanced navel vessels, automatic weapons, personally carried explosives, cruse missiles, and such came about it made the purpose of having arms to resist tyranny pretty much worthless. This isn't the 18th century where people have parity with their own country's army and we all go out and stand in lines firing muskets at each other. Now we are just allowing people to better kill each other for a notion that doesn't work anymore. Yes, for over a hundred years now the advance in military warfare literally nullified an important right we had. It sucks to come to terms with that, but I've prided myself in dealing in reality and not bull-shitting myself, not coddling myself with a reality that isn't real because it might hurt my feelings.

It's even worse for me, because I've also had to come to the realization that so many of the people that I was told were supposed resist tyranny and be the bulwark against it have instead decided to be the people that are joining it. As I get older I often wonder what my father would say today if he was alive and seen it. I wonder how many of his ideals would have held up if he ended up knowing the outcome of his beliefs was going to do the opposite of what he thought.


On the dark side of the moon
Any correlation between the gun laws of states and their gun violence is pretty statistically meaningless when the transportation of guns between states and the exchange of firearms between private individuals is so free and easy in any practical sense. It's not a good measure of any states laws in of themselves.
Exactly. Thank you.


On the dark side of the moon
Anyways, if you look at the countries murder rates, countries with very strict gun-laws have the lowest homicide rate. And the US murder rates is equal to Sudan's. I rest my case
After you changed the goalpost. Sure. Congrats. You started by comparing states and ended comparing countries.

Even then, what are you talking about? Sudan v US:
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.