First of all, I don't want to hear what you think about my sentence structure. or punctuation. or lack of', I've seen some of your posts
Third, I know who that anti Semitic, clown is, I hope they can prove she has ties to terrorist organizations, as some have claimed. and she is tried for treason. Every penny of her salary, should be taken from her, to support all of these refugees she wants to hand my tax dollars to. I don't think she should be allowed to wear it at work. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state in America, ALL OATHS OF OFFICE, should be taken on the Constitution. And that's great how they clamped down on all of your bullshit, AFTER brutal murders occur, you're so far ahead of the curve then we are....of course you clowns won't even extradite child rapists, woman murderers, not to mention you refuse to let use fly over your air space to bomb known terrorist countries, with killers of innocent people in them, because of your own countries political interests.
And as fro number 2. Well I saved the funniest one for last, "All you want" doesn't mean JACK SHIT! You ARE NOT a citizen, you don't live here, you don't pay taxes here, and honestly, I'm glad. "All you want", all you want is EVERYTHING. Basically you want this country to have musket's and 6 shooters. Well I'll tell you what, when our borders are locked for good, all of the criminals are dead, and buried, and they execute any new ones the day they are found guilty, we'll think about talking about, getting the U.S. government into a straight enough line, so they remember who hired them, and pays their salary, we'll think about talking about, hi cap. mags, and semi-auto weapons. Of course being such the scholar you are, you know how the Constitution was written in order of importance, and you know the 2nd Amendment is there so we can protect ourselves from the government, by banding together and forming the well regulated militias, that would be needed. Now, if you have any clue, you would see I made the comment, that I wish they could come up with an agreeable standard for certain things, you may have also noted I would agree to certain changes, but what you want is to squat down, and take a big old nasty shit on my rights, because of the actions of a few, and in some cases preventable few. Going back to Columbine, there were signs of what those little cunts were up to, but the parents were shitty parents, just like the 2 stupid fucktards in this last one. You seem to forget, the Sandy Hook shooter KILLED HIS MOTHER, to get into her secure safe, to obtain those weapons. A ball she dropped by bringing her known mentally ill son into the gun world. You mother less fucks don't want reasonable, you want it all, and then when something else happens, and you chose to ignore EVERY sign that was presented to you, hey, lets enact more gun laws.
I think the answer lies in sever, swift, strict punishment, against those that have committed crimes of such a vile nature, it renders THEIR rights null, and void. Don't you tll me, is some vile animal rapes, and abuses a child, or anyone for that matter deserves to retain his generals. He should praise his God, that we're taking it surgically, and not letting the parents cut it off with a dull, rusty kitchen knife. Don't you dare tell me, that some 15 year old Wyatt Earp wanna be cowboy is going to take a stolen gun, go into a store, rob it, and kill the clerk, all on surveillance camera, and he gets to live on death row, for more then a year MAXIMUM. I don't want to hear how anyone of any age, race, religion or gender can be allowed to commit a crime with a gun, and be allowed to keep the fingers on their hands, that pulled, or would have pulled the trigger, My rights are absolute, and must remain so, until I abuse them.....just like our leaders do. I shouldn't have to sacrifice ONE SINGLE FREEDOM, unless I give someone a reason to take them away. The people that migrate to this country, and then piss on it by NOT WORKING for the American dream, but use it as their toilet, to commit crimes, menace the good people who work, and try for the American dream, deserve to be taken to the desert on the border, Then be tattooed across their forehead, in big black letters. "UNWELCOME" , then injected with a tracking chip, so we know they aren't in our country. And if they pull it out, and are caught in our country again, especially if they are breaking the law, back to the desert, bullet to the back of the head. Leave 'em lay, the buzzards gotta eat too.
Try and let this soak into that glob of whatever it is, you call a brain. Laws only effect the law abiding, so any firearms owner, such as myself, already locks is firearms, and ammunition up. The people that do bad, aren't going to obey one single thing on your ridiculous list of what you, and your ilk, think are responsible. I guess you have far more polite criminals in France, that will provide you with the time to make it fair, and load your gun, not so much here. And if I ever, God forbid, come across a situation where I find a little kid being abused, or a woman being sexually assaulted, and the piece of filth is running away, the first thing I'm going to do IS SHOOT HIM IN THE BACK, so someone else doesn't have to suffer the same horrors other victims have. If he's doing to my wife, or family, trust me, he will beg for that bullet.
So, to sum it up, you are clueless, you don't live here, so it isn't your concern, mind your own shit hole, and you aren't being reasonable with what gun laws you want, you are being totalitarian, and clearly looking to dis arm a lawful populace. And last but not least, I could care less if you are unhappy with my grammar, or punctuation.