They obviously have the right to build The Cordoba House there, it just makes them supremely insensitive dicks if they do. The government really has no way (or seemingly, desire) to stop it, unless the American Center for Law and Justice's law suit succeeds, which doesn't seem too likely, although all of the details have not been fully disclosed yet as far as I know. From what I have seen the law suit will challenge the mosque on the grounds of "abuse of discretion of city procedures," and the group will attempt to get the current site recognized as a historical landmark of sorts, which would prevent construction of the mosque. We shall see.
Full Story Here...A new challenge to the Ground Zero mosque in New York City could be filed... according to an organization representing a survivor of the Sept. 11 attacks...
"We're poised to file legal action on behalf of our client to challenge this flawed decision and put a stop to this project," Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, confirmed today.
The organization said it will file an Article 78 petition in state court to challenge the plan to build a 13-story Islamic mosque at the site of a building that was struck by wreckage from the jets used as bombs by Islamic radicals in the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The claim will allege there's been an abuse of discretion in the city procedures that approved the program.
"The actions taken by the city of New York represent a blatant disregard for the city's own procedures, while ignoring the fact that this is a historic and hallowed site that should not be destroyed to build an Islamic mosque," said Sekulow...
The ACLJ represents first responder Tim Brown, a decorated firefighter who survived the collapse of New York's Twin Towers in the Sept. 11 attacks. He lost nearly 100 friends that day...
The ACLJ had given New York officials oral and written testimony urging city officials to designate the site as a landmark...