Should the Government Stop the Construction of the "Ground Zero Mosque" ??

Should the Government Stop the Ground Zero Mosque from Being Built ???

  • Yes - The government should stop it

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • Leaning yes, but not completely sure

    Votes: 3 4.0%
  • I'm confused - help me to THINK.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leaning no, but not completely sure

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • No - The government should not intervene

    Votes: 49 65.3%

  • Total voters
They obviously have the right to build The Cordoba House there, it just makes them supremely insensitive dicks if they do. The government really has no way (or seemingly, desire) to stop it, unless the American Center for Law and Justice's law suit succeeds, which doesn't seem too likely, although all of the details have not been fully disclosed yet as far as I know. From what I have seen the law suit will challenge the mosque on the grounds of "abuse of discretion of city procedures," and the group will attempt to get the current site recognized as a historical landmark of sorts, which would prevent construction of the mosque. We shall see.

A new challenge to the Ground Zero mosque in New York City could be filed... according to an organization representing a survivor of the Sept. 11 attacks...

"We're poised to file legal action on behalf of our client to challenge this flawed decision and put a stop to this project," Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, confirmed today.

The organization said it will file an Article 78 petition in state court to challenge the plan to build a 13-story Islamic mosque at the site of a building that was struck by wreckage from the jets used as bombs by Islamic radicals in the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The claim will allege there's been an abuse of discretion in the city procedures that approved the program.

"The actions taken by the city of New York represent a blatant disregard for the city's own procedures, while ignoring the fact that this is a historic and hallowed site that should not be destroyed to build an Islamic mosque," said Sekulow...

The ACLJ represents first responder Tim Brown, a decorated firefighter who survived the collapse of New York's Twin Towers in the Sept. 11 attacks. He lost nearly 100 friends that day...

The ACLJ had given New York officials oral and written testimony urging city officials to designate the site as a landmark...
Full Story Here...
Btw, anybody who answered "yes" hereon forfeits their right to ever bitch about big government or government meddling. You also lose your right to defend or oppose arguments on Constitutional grounds.

I'm glad I answered correctly. Now I can proudly continue to whine constantly about the intrusion of big government and all Barrack Hussein Obama stands for.

You think the Leftists side with religion? You nuts? The left hates religion, it regards religion as the opiate of the people and a thoroughly bad thing.

Well I dare any Leftist to tell an Islamist that.
You think the Leftists side with religion? You nuts? The left hates religion, it regards religion as the opiate of the people and a thoroughly bad thing...

While this may be true (especially when it comes to Christianity), the left IMO, seems partial to Islam because Muslims, somehow or another, have achieved "victim status," in the US. And hands down, the left loves to protect and stand up for "victims" of perceived injustices. In this case, the "victims" just happen to be identifiable through their choice of religion.
Well I dare any Leftist to tell an Islamist that.

I've told plenty that ,in fact I don't have to say anything sometimes and they know.My atheist wristbands with sayings like "Reason not religion" and "No Gods,No cults" kinda give my feelings on it away.;)
I've told plenty that ,in fact I don't have to say anything sometimes and they know.My atheist wristbands with sayings like "Reason not religion" and "No Gods,No cults" kinda give my feelings on it away.;)

Better check and make sure you don't have a fatwa issued against you. Islam is incredibly intolerant towards non believers.
While this may be true (especially when it comes to Christianity), the left IMO, seems partial to Islam because Muslims, somehow or another, have achieved "victim status," in the US.


That's the fucking irony. A bunch of atheists standing up for a group that despises atheists.:surprise:


For the sake of their safey, yes, they should stop the construction.

And it's not a mosque.
...And it's not a mosque.

You're right, its a $100 million, 13-story, glass and steel Islamic community center and mosque. The facility's design includes a 500-seat auditorium, theater, performing arts center, fitness center, swimming pool, basketball court, childcare area, bookstore, culinary school, art studio, food court, September 11 memorial, and prayer space that could accommodate 1,000–2,000 people.
I'm guessing those who voted "Yes" are the same people who complain about "big government intrusion" in just about every other department of their daily lives.....

Hi :wave2:

Yeah, so far, what, we've got 9 - wait, make that 11, with 1 leaning against - people saying the government should intervene. I'm gonna guess that at least 6 of 'em are people who have trotted out the phrase "small-government conservative" or some variation on that theme to describe themselves - at least when it's useful for them...

Once again, this is yet another instance where we don't need the government sticking their nose in people's business making decisions for them.

Even though I don't like the thought of a muslim "community center" being built near ground zero, they do have the right to build it and that right should not be impeded. If they do it for something that suits us now, what's to stop them from doing it for something we don't want them to do it for once the precedent has been set here?

This shouldn't be a very difficult thing for anyone to understand.

Yet... it appears to be. I'm checking out my window now, C4TB, to see if there's a blue moon or something wild outside (pigs flying, maybe?)...

Btw, anybody who answered "yes" hereon forfeits their right to ever bitch about big government or government meddling. You also lose your right to defend or oppose arguments on Constitutional grounds.

Gun shops shouldn't be able to be built with 4 blocks of a gun related crime. Catholic churches cannot be built with four blocks of where a documented child molestation took place. KKK "chapter" headquarters cannot be built in any state that once permitted slavery or lynchings and, of course, no ex-Marines should be allowed to congregate within four blocks of Dealey Plaza. Fair?

Nice work. Don't forget pharmacies that sell Viagra or Oxycontin within 10 miles of one of Rush Limbaugh's Tribute-to-the-Common-Man Palaces, or Libraries Within 10 Miles of Sarah Palin.

They obviously have the right to build The Cordoba House there, it just makes them supremely insensitive dicks if they do. The government really has no way (or seemingly, desire) to stop it, unless the American Center for Law and Justice's law suit succeeds, which doesn't seem too likely, although all of the details have not been fully disclosed yet as far as I know. From what I have seen the law suit will challenge the mosque on the grounds of "abuse of discretion of city procedures," and the group will attempt to get the current site recognized as a historical landmark of sorts, which would prevent construction of the mosque. We shall see.

Full Story Here...

WorldNetDaily, Plump??? Really? C'mon man, be serious. I don't keep hand sanitizer around so much, but I'd need some if I were gonna click that link.

Anyway, why would building it make "them supremely insensitive dicks"???

Just like many American Christians oppose torture, many American Muslims oppose terrorism and fundamentalist forms of Islam.
Not caving into illogical bigotry directed at one's minority religion (D'ya hate all Catholics for what some priests have done to kids?) from the majority is not being insensitive, it's being gutsy.

And believe me, it's kinda hard for me to say this stuff, as I have no soft spot for Islam. I think it makes no more sense than Mormonism, Christianity, Judaism, etc... I'm also aware of just how extreme its fundamentalists can get in some places. I'm not some kind of uncritical "fan" of Islam. Far from it.

But still, the principle of the thing - freedom of religion - is important. And as long as we've got the private property laws, they shouldn't be infringed for the sake of violating one's freedom to worship as they choose.
I have to ask, how exactly is it insensitive for them to build there?

The only reason I can see anyone coming to the conclusion many of those against this centre do is by conflating 9/11 and every individual who practices Islam and holding them all guilty by association.

If not then please explain to me how exactly this is insensitive.
I have to ask, how exactly is it insensitive for them to build there?

The only reason I can see anyone coming to the conclusion many of those against this centre do is by conflating 9/11 and every individual who practices Islam and holding them all guilty by association.

If not then please explain to me how exactly this is insensitive.

It is insensitive because it goes against some people's thinking. It just doesn't sit right with them. No, no. They can't be more specific. If they were, they'd have to say something racist, and we certainly wouldn't want them to admit that, would we?
WorldNetDaily, Plump??? Really? C'mon man, be serious. I don't keep hand sanitizer around so much, but I'd need some if I were gonna click that link.

Anyway, why would building it make "them supremely insensitive dicks"???

Just like many American Christians oppose torture, many American Muslims oppose terrorism and fundamentalist forms of Islam.
Not caving into illogical bigotry directed at one's minority religion (D'ya hate all Catholics for what some priests have done to kids?) from the majority is not being insensitive, it's being gutsy.

And believe me, it's kinda hard for me to say this stuff, as I have no soft spot for Islam. I think it makes no more sense than Mormonism, Christianity, Judaism, etc... I'm also aware of just how extreme its fundamentalists can get in some places. I'm not some kind of uncritical "fan" of Islam. Far from it.

But still, the principle of the thing - freedom of religion - is important. And as long as we've got the private property laws, they shouldn't be infringed for the sake of violating one's freedom to worship as they choose.

I was simply citing a story about a proposed legal suit that may or may not bear significance in this matter. Also, in that post I clearly stated that it more than likely will have no impact whatsoever. Not an "aha!" post, just stating there will potentially be a challenge to the mosque on legal grounds.

And yes, it does make them dicks. The original plan for the owner of that property was to build a condominium complex. And only after he was persuaded by Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf did he decide to build a "community center." Rauf has denied that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and blamed the U.S. for 9/11 itself, not to mention that there is suspicion that a significant portion of the funding for Park 51 may be coming from Muslim and Arab nations that may or may not be hostile towards the West. All the while completely incensing a significant number of Americans in the process. That, coupled with the location, planned opening date of Sept. 11, and a "tribute" to the Sept. 11 victims' families, makes him an insensitive dick IMO. Which is not a conviction btw, I'm all for getting over this whole "tolerance at gunpoint" tact we've been made to take here in the US lately, but IMO it still makes him and his supporters dicks.

I've said time and time again, that they have every right to build Park 51 wherever they like. If you own the land, build what you please and the government, in no way should have any right to stop you from doing so unless you are breaking the law, which they don't seem to be. But even though they have a right to do so, the fact that they seem to be going about it very arrogantly, unapologetically and under the guise of improving Islamic/American/West relations makes them pretentious, insensitive dicks, in my eyes and numerous other people's eyes.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
You're right, its a $100 million, 13-story, glass and steel Islamic community center and mosque. The facility's design includes a 500-seat auditorium, theater, performing arts center, fitness center, swimming pool, basketball court, childcare area, bookstore, culinary school, art studio, food court, September 11 memorial, and prayer space that could accommodate 1,000–2,000 people.

Don't forget the underground armory and training facility that they'll add-on after the rest is completed.
That, coupled with the location, planned opening date of Sept. 11, and a "tribute" to the Sept. 11 victims' families, makes him an insensitive dick IMO. Which is not a conviction btw, I'm all for getting over this whole "tolerance at gunpoint" tact we've been made to take here in the US lately, but IMO it still makes him and his supporters dicks.

I've said time and time again, that they have every right to build Park 51 wherever they like. If you own the land, build what you please and the government, in no way should have any right to stop you from doing so unless you are breaking the law, which they don't seem to be. But even though they have a right to do so, the fact that they seem to be going about it very arrogantly, unapologetically and under the guise of improving Islamic/American/West relations makes them pretentious, insensitive dicks, in my eyes and numerous other people's eyes.

1. I don't understand how a tribute (I've read about a planned memorial monument or something - maybe a sculpture or plaque? whatever) to the 9/11 victims (again, some of those who died in the WTC were... Muslims!) makes them insensitive dicks. So, if they made no reference at all to an attack that took place a few blocks away, that would be sensitive?? This really looks like some folks are giving them a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation here.

2. Some people - both Muslims and non-Muslims - don't have, and never will have, a desire or willingness to understand or live in peaceful coexistence with others. They see everything as a battle, and they take offense at everything, look for a slight in everything. I can hardly imagine that if Rauf & Co. decided to move this mosque to the 'burbs of Buffalo that Palin and her ilk would respond by cheering him on and calling for a big Muslim-Christian Rally for Mutual Understanding on the National Mall, or in an Iowa cornfield or whatever...
1. I don't understand how a tribute (I've read about a planned memorial monument or something - maybe a sculpture or plaque? whatever) to the 9/11 victims (again, some of those who died in the WTC were... Muslims!) makes them insensitive dicks. So, if they made no reference at all to an attack that took place a few blocks away, that would be sensitive?? This really looks like some folks are giving them a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation here.

2. Some people - both Muslims and non-Muslims - don't have, and never will have, a desire or willingness to understand or live in peaceful coexistence with others. They see everything as a battle, and they take offense at everything, look for a slight in everything. I can hardly imagine that if Rauf & Co. decided to move this mosque to the 'burbs of Buffalo that Palin and her ilk would respond by cheering him on and calling for a big Muslim-Christian Rally for Mutual Understanding on the National Mall, or in an Iowa cornfield or whatever...

The fact that you fail to even acknowledge, let alone accept, that there is a vein of perceived insensitivity in all of this is just ignorant. Also, this isn't a partisan issue, and acting as if Republicans, or right-wing, non-muslims are the only people who take issue here is even further ignorance. I don't know what else to say...