Should Conan O'Brien Leave NBC?

I Loved Conan's old show in New York because the studio was smaller and it felt like he connected with his audience better. Now with his brand new show and studio it just seems like he wants to distance himself away from his audience. That and his material is just watered down. I know new time slot, new demographic, but then what the hell is Jay Leno for? I thought he was going to take his audience demos with him and let Conan have his as well. I say revamp the NBC line-up . For starters get rid of or cut down The Biggest Loser time slot. Do we honestly need to see the trials and trebulations of 12 obese people for 2 hours? Secondly, cancel Saturday Night Live, It hasn't been funny in 5 years. It's nothing more than a sketch show where the host plugs his or lastest movie/tv show/album/or achievement and limps through an hour and a half of unfunny material. And finally, don't run Olympic Coverage 24/7, No one needs to see the same damn sporting event 4 times in one day.