Come on, guys, as long as you don't want to actively do something about gun safety issues, you deserve every dead body that heaps up on your failed country. Just let's wait until your relatives die.
No, I will not shed a tear for them. They are on you.
well that's a step up from hoping for it, I guess:
And again, another massacre. Another person who should not be able to get hold of a firearm has the oppotunity to act on his madness.
And the same reaction. Some pityful mutterings. A lot of talk about even more access to firearms will make the country safer. I picture you saying the same about madmen running around blowing shit up. The best way to deal with all those explosions? Better C4, and more of it!
Oh yes. And the standard thetoric that has worked so many times against any regulation: If you regulate guns, the bad guys will keep their guns.
Oh yes? So you do not want to change ANYTHING to get guns out of the hands of unfit persons? It is too hard to accept that a process of starting to regulate access to new guns, to make fully automatics and such illegal would BEGIN to make your country safer?
There are a lot of people around here who keep on talking that "Wild West" talk. I hope you will loose some family member to a madman. Or maybe one of you will loose his mind somewhere and just shoot down somebody who pisses him off? Or, even funnier, your kid shoots his brother playing with one of your weapons. That would be really great. Hey, you could not be blamed, firearms are the american way of life, huh?
let's just wait until one of your relatives gets raped, beheaded, run over by a truck while shopping, or just blown up by those your country let in with open arms.
same with johan. Either of you have some fucking nerve to preach to us about mass killings.