Shaved Balls.


Hassle....Fucking grows back and then you itch like fook.....And then you look like you got a sexually transmitted disease cause your scratching your knob like its fucking Armageddon.

Yea yea I know but who wants to shave your balls every single day its fucking delicate work.....Don't want no home made castration that's for sure!
so i have a question to all of the ladies/ocsm, do you like just the balls shaved or all or the pubes completely shaved :p really interested in hearing womens preferences


Official Checked Star Member
sign me up please

you are signed up. bring loaded balls.

I consider it a courtesy for my gal. I mean, why not?

exactly. think about all the shit we girls do for you...the shaving, the waxing, the licking our girlfriends pussy in front of you, the serving beers in a bikini at your weekly poker match with the boys and distract them by sitting and wriggling on their laps while sneeking a peek their hand while they are concerned with sliding their fingers into my cunt. like fucking your boss twice a week so you can keep your job...

Hassle....Fucking grows back and then you itch like fook.....And then you look like you got a sexually transmitted disease cause your scratching your knob like its fucking Armageddon.

Yea yea I know but who wants to shave your balls every single day its fucking delicate work.....Don't want no home made castration that's for sure!

see benefits above. and maybe you can get a ladyfriend to shave it for you...daily. and then take it for a test run.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
exactly. think about all the shit we girls do for you...the shaving, the waxing, the licking our girlfriends pussy in front of you, the serving beers in a bikini at your weekly poker match with the boys and distract them by sitting and wriggling on their laps while sneeking a peek their hand while they are concerned with sliding their fingers into my cunt. like fucking your boss twice a week so you can keep your job...

Holy fucking crap! My ex did nothing like that! I got so robbed!
I like clean shaved pussies, my wife never talked about shaved balls, and it never occured to me to do so, untill last summer... she asked me to do so, and I thought it was a fair interaction. I liked her pussy shaved, so it was more than fair if I shaved my balls as well if she loved it. So ever since then I did, every time I took a shower to avoid the so called cactus balls. And ever since then she pleases me more than ever before.
maybe me and my girlfriends at freeones should open a "salon for balls" where guys can come in and get their junk trimmed and cleaned up. then those new balls can get a massage and taken out for a test run. just sayin....

mmm i like the sound of it,sign me up for an apointment please.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
I shave mine for several reasons. First, I hate pubes on a woman, so it just seems fair. Second, if I were to let mine grow, it would be like a forest. Third, I had a girl that wouldn't go down on me if it wasn't shaved. Fourth, and most important, I kept having problems getting the damn condoms off afterwards. The pubes on my shaft would somehow get tangled up in the condom when I'd pull it off, and that was just damn painful! :rolleyes:
i shave mine it feels good with no hair down there

i have some stories to share ... scan down if you don't want to hear this

it's not that bad of a story

i was trying to remove all the hair ( not on balls or around cock ... above it )
anyway i wanted to get it all off with out shaving ( bad idea ) i used nair hair
remover put a bunch on, waited a few mins , whiped it off, it worked but also
it burned alott ( thankfully did not put any on my balls )


i was shaving my balls, needed a trimmer so i grab a trimmer ( it was a remington shaver/trimmer ) so i started to trim down there carefully
like always ... i mean i was extremely careful more so with this one then
the conair trimmer, others , just with one movement of the trimmer

1 inch cut on my balls ( it's all healed up now ... can't even tell it was there

if your shaving down there stay away form remington trimmers
the shaver is really good but the trimmer will cut you up
( i also tried the trimmer on my face also just to see ( this was a few days after .. , it cut me there also )

anyway conair makes really good trimmers ... that what i use now


i do have a rough spot just below the head it was not from shaving
was from jacking off

was 14 or 15 or maybe 16 don't remember .. i was rubbing the skin down
( i don't do that any more ) anyway i looked down, saw a big spot of blood
looked at my cock, blood all over it ... beside the scar still being there
every things ok .. just a rough stop .. i tried to get rid of it but nothing works
