Seriously, what's the deal with non nude sites?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Please? Please!?! :wtf:

What the fuck is this "please" bullshit about? Ry baby c'mon now if you're going to start making threats you should really get away from the polite teacher get up you've been peddling so far. It's just not working out for you.

Why the fuck should I give a shit about anything you say with this weak assed statement? Are you asking me to go outside with you or are you telling me?

If you're asking, I'm telling you to go fuck yourself.

If you're telling, I tell you to go fuck yourself all the same but at least you made an impression.

No, not this time my friend. But you'll get me one day. ;)

See, this is how it works. I ask you politely and give you a chance to comply. This way, maybe your death isn't so painful. Gunshot to the head maybe. But if that doesn't work, I eviscerate you, wrap your intestines around your neck, and drag the remainder of your body outside. Then we stick you on the ground and cut off a digit every 5 minutes. If you're still alive after that hour of punishment, we fit you with some cement shoes and toss you in the lake to drown. So maybe you watch your tone a little. Capiche?
See, this is how it works. I ask you politely and give you a chance to comply. This way, maybe your death isn't so painful. Gunshot to the head maybe. But if that doesn't work, I eviscerate you, wrap your intestines around your neck, and drag the remainder of your body outside. Then we stick you on the ground and cut off a digit every 5 minutes. If you're still alive after that hour of punishment, we fit you with some cement shoes and toss you in the lake to drown. So maybe you watch your tone a little. Capiche?

Yeah we can act like the tough guy to try to save face now that your true nature has been revealed. But it's just not going to work. You said "please" that's the be all and end of it. Nothing you say now until I see pictures of you eating STDiva's AIDS infected eye balls is ever going to save you from our collective contempt.

But like I say, you'll get there in the end. You've got spunk.

Just not yet.
Meh,it's good for what it is...

I didn't either until recently,and I still don't get the worship...I think it's an age thing.....:D

Bring it on

Like I said above,it's good for what it is...

.......but GoodFellas is better.:thefinger

I don't know, I've always preferred Scarface.


Closed Account
Is any one else mystified by the non nude model phenomena? I seriously just don't get it. I mean I can see perfectly clothed chicks just by getting out of the house. Professional swimsuit and lingerie models are one thing. No big deal they are making a living modeling for magazines and catalogs. That I can understand.

However chicks that start up websites like that...seriously? The only product they are selling are themselves, not a line of clothing. I'm not gonna pay for that shit. Don't get me wrong kudos to the chicks that can do it and pull it off. What I don't get is the guys that join the sites.

My feeling is they must be a large group of virgins out there that don't know how to approach a woman. Sustaining these chicks income. I can definitely understand why some guys get cranky when they see a chick open a site and not get naked. Like me they surf porn for uh, porn. Which seriously it's the whole cock tease effect.

It's like you go to a strip club and for some weird reason one chick is allowed to dance and keep her clothes on no matter how much money goes her way. Let's see I go out and see women clothed, if I'm lucky I can bring one home and see her naked..woot woot! Shit I barely pay for porn much less giving a chick money to keep her clothes on.

lol.. imagine a strip club were you pay the chicks to keep their clothes on.

idk I probably just opened up a whole pandora's box here. So let the " discussion " begin!

Same here. Like some posters above said, it's a combination of different strokes for different folks type thing, such as much in life, a well as I guess there are a lot of guys who prefer less hardcore or exclusive single photo galleries of a nice woman, complete with suckers (er, I mean fellows,hehe) who will actually pay for something that should be for free.

I guess to each his own. But I don't personally pay for adult film or certain star material now myself either. Accept for a few DVDs every few months, but rarely the last three years, and now with the advent of Blu-Ray, ect. But whatever floats other guy's boats.
Is my thread getting hijacked by Godfather references? Oh well I guess if it's gonna get hijacked there would be no better direction lol

It was just a matter of time and in your case, it took less than 10 posts before any thread goes down the shit can. Learn to live with it and you will sleep much better at night. :yinyang:
Cerina Vincent !!! Non-Nude Pic.......uh huh,......yeah, thats why!

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