1 Corinthians 7:2–3
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update
2 But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband.
3 The husband must 1fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband.
For you to justify your belief that you are enjoying that which is not your wife, is.. interesting. Your belief that you are in the right is, by itself.. an expression of satanic intent. That you purposefully cherry pick whys and hows is absolutely your right as a child under G_ddess, hallowed be her name.
Matthew 10:34 - 37
34 Think not that I came to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law: 36 and a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
The first tenet of doubt in your god is to accept that your negative opinion of Lucifer is misplaced ~ for many reasons. He is simply a questioner, he is not the ruiner. He was chief among the angels, not the lowest. He is not infallible but he is a blessed creation of your god, whom you adore, and his creation was INTENTIONAL. God modeled everything after himself, which is why he created amongst him a republic in which to suggest that he question himself, and you speak of all these descriptions of hell and heaven.. but you should do well not to cherry pick in such negativity, for that is chief sin amongst believers ~ to see such constant negativity and condemn it, for the sake of good. Negativity begets negativity, sir.
The wheel is most like the yin yang, and whether you find the evil in this world repugnant or no, it was created and allowed to exist in much the way that matter exists ~ there are positive and negatives to all the energy in the universe, and how you call to one or the other, and even MORE.. how you justify your calling TO IT.. matters not! If one drops the atom bomb to create peace, that does not justify nor condemn the fact that such negativity was called to light. Worship of the things that bring you joy is as selfish as indulging in that which tastes best, you may slowly poison your 'temple' in pursuit of joy.
Bah, you see not what has been done because you believe it to be wrong. You are short sighted in your judgments, and would do well to see the entire spectrum. If someone has been victimized.. do you not agree that someone else was saved? If someone wins the lottery, what is to be said about the millions of fools who turned their positive into a negative so that one may barely profit from the sinful lottery?
It is as close to this baby eating that you seem so very, and so oddly concerned with!
You are high and mighty when the cause presents an immediate change of power in the negative, but think you of how much good is caused by these moments of grief? For there are no shortcuts through this life, would you agree? I'll call a humorous example.
In Garp, a plane runs into a house.. Robin Williams is pleased that his house has been damaged right in front of him, for now that worst part is over! There are lighter times, ahead!
There are thousands of reasons why things are, and why things have to be this way, but why do you concern yourself with their wellbeing, when they are alive and well and have become prophets of change?
For every person that dies to plague, we draw closer to a cure.
For every child raised in a ghetto, a survivor is made from the hardship placed upon them!
You say and it hurts society as well whos' responsibility it is to help them put their lives back together after years of trauma at the hands of devil worshipping sycophants.
But that is what society is! Measure not the good of society to help another in terms of what you think is 'time wasted!' Think not of 'money spent'! The good of society is helping the lowest on the totem pole, NOT THE HIGHEST!
Devil worshipping sycophants, pshaw. You name that which is not yours to name. I refer people constantly back to their own mantra, which they SO OFTEN FORGET ~
"Everything happens for a reason" and it is an utter lack of FAITH that you do not remind yourself of such. For true faith is NOT questioning that which happens! It is human to find yourself in chains of command! Take it literally, CHAINS.. bondage! You submit to a will other than our own, sir! The chains that your god asks of you! For you to question and condemn another is not your job!
ALthough, I mean.. ahem.. technically it is. You are human and flawed, as we all are. So by all means tear down those of us who have been sent here to do their duty.
I have faith in that duty. From the man who sits next to me upon the bus and reeks of pestilence to the foolish who rail against things they know not about.. I graciously accept that this is the way it has to be ~ TEMPORARILY!
We are in a politics section, surely you see that there had to be years of an Obama so that a Trump would rise, afterward! Likewise in all things, you may view things as negative and in the same breath announce your faith in your god ~ your god provided good and bad! Negativity was brought onto somoeone so that positivity could be wrought upon another.
I WISH DEATH UPON MANY, But not all. I mean be reasonable. Except when France won the cup. FUCK THOSE GUYS
We cant all be awesome.
People of any background often commit suicide, it is not our place to call them cowards or weak because of the 'hand that was dealt them'.
Meditate upon the length of hell?
You commit negativity upon any who read your assumption of that which you do not know. Those who have perished for a moment and returned know not of eternity ~ for they are already in eternity and can only comprehend it in linear, tiny terms.
What is altogether likely is the common sense of any human! You would do well to see the patterns in all creatures ~ a child lies and questions the world around it, and fears punishment but knows not how to protect itself. It is created to test limits. And in return, the limits of society are to push back to teach future generations what not to do. There is no spirituality to be attributed to everyday earth nature. But if you were to see all the sides of it, and call it spiritual.. and you have such an empathy for those around you in pain, who have been wronged.. know you that it goes BOTH WAYS, for being created in his image and being subject to the whims of living.. he himself feels the pain of it! He suffers, as does his creatures. A being so described as perfect, is tortured and wronged. By his own will.
You are seeing it from a human perspective, one that is ruled by FEAR.
What you perceive as heaven is simply a prison in which you are no longer allowed to question. Liken it to a mental asylum in which you are constantly 'doped up' on what god gives you, and you are tortured with everlasting joy. Everlasting.. eternal.. blaring white light and you 'forget' that which you previously were. The air sings to you and lulls you into an acceptance that you are where you are supposed to be.
Where nothing is confusing or without purpose and everything is boring boring boring.
Shatan the questioner is the good guy, here.
I think you will come to understand things from my point of view.
Or rather, why your God cannot win.
God was questioned, for a reason.
But it was the sheer offense of it, the questioning of he who created questions! That he thought himself infallible and yet JUST!
You see the error of it, sir? The gall? For god created you in his image and you hate the questioner the same as he, and have you not thought.. WELL WHY?! Because to be the first to question your creator is to be the first to be made example of! and why? Because god did not wish to be reminded of a simple fact. That god has no idea who created HIM. Or where he came from. Or really why he did any of this. He created others to question, but what is eternity of answering that which you have no answer? So he also struck down the questioner and created 'faith' to give you the illusion that there is answer!
The respite of heaven you speak of is simply an unending torture of FAITH! Not having an answer, but being forced to accept it!
the existence you are playing 'film critic' to now, is his sandbox experiment!
He knows not what will happen, and he only has the awful, morbid curiosity of enjoying the show no matter how it turns out, because this gives him insight into himself!
He cannot turn his gaze away from our trials and tribulations for the same reason we cannot stop looking at sex, delinquency and so-called evil. The very contradiction of it is the most godly thing, ever!
Why create something, then set the rules in opposition? And create a plethora of words to describe it, and then to further have the gall to call things evil or INHUMANE, when they are being committed so often that one needs to create a description calling human nature something inhuman? This reflects badly upon the creator!
The idea of time is a construct, a construct so freshly in the mind and CHIEFLY in the mind of the creator, that forever after.. we as humans will judge others in a sense of time, a thing which we know not the length of, nor when it was created.. only that it is so INDELIBLY in our DNA, that we not only know *for some reason* that it exists, but there are VERSIONS of it.
Furthermore, for you to separate these things is human, to question that which you cannot see is to be faulted, for you call these divisions ~ they do not exist.
You call actions useless ~ you cannot stop nor start, help or hinder the creation pain or pleasure on your fellow human.
For in this way, you yourself.. for having GRAND accusations and questions, grand beliefs.. are most like the accuser!
For it was he who first saw time as something that is so cruel to us, as his creations! And he questioned god, over and over, he presented strong cases for our liberation, for our salvation..
God did not approve of his angel Lucifer having such feelings for gods creation, we were his and his will was not to be questioned. As observers (ancient text of Enoch described the angels as such) they should observe and... well to quote that stupid saying, 'This is the day which the lord hath made and we will rejoyce and be glad in it" which is less a notion of joy so much as a parent saying 'this is the day and dammit you will enjoy it."
God constantly plead his case to Lucifer in retort, "How can I be offended by what these creatures are doing? i created them!"
But in that same span of untime, Lucifer kept questioning and to silence his fears, (or rather concerns, as it is altogether unclear whether angels were allowed to feel fear. The observers have to remain impartial, AND YET) so he was sent down to us, but before doing so, as the most human of them all.. he convinced others that his concerns were justified, after all, if someone created something and did not see to 'caretaking' of it, would you not be within your rights to perhaps.. water the flowers? Repaint the walls? Feed the hungry? So he was sent down with others, who are seen more as indulgent assholes and not simply versions of those who attempt to enjoy as humans do, the very same things they become known for. Humans evolve, new truths are revealed, the questioners thought they could do as much and I have quite the respect for them. Standing on even ground with god is as noble a thing as accepting his will at face value! Why should I see weakness where strength exists, Eric?
And that brings me to the end point. God cannot win because he, himself is more a nihilist.
Because as his creations, and as a matter of common sense.. being born IN that image, and constantly knowing that the student must surpass the teacher..and by enduring these trials we gain FURTHER empathy for our fellow man, and for life, and for all its forms we feel it. Intimately feel it..
It is for that reason why we must keep advancing. To keep questioning and opening doors. For that one day when we find the final door and open it.. it will not be with more questions, but more of a SWAT team breach 'n clear. The liberation from tyranny.
You speak of hell as in something that is to be escaped from. I propose you think of it simply. Bear with me ~ You are in hell right now.
No, it isnt as awful as you think it is. But it is. Its a constant pain, a ringing in your ears. Its the reason you question.
Or rather, its your nature to always ascend to the next level. Its the reason you watch the next movie, play the next game, the reason you are unfaithful in your relationships if you know you can 'do better'.
It is the hell that you are in, and you are only acknowledging the obvious ~ that to be just ONE LEVEL DOWn is to feel that much worse than this one. If living in the gutter is awful, then to start 'below' the gutter must be 'hell'.
I VOTED FOR OBAMA TWICE. I mean, I did. Some people think thats pretty evil. *shrug*
You speak of pain and suffering and all the things you are already experiencing, but the clincher, the one BIG issue you have with it is 'selling your soul for eternity of hell'.
The child sacrifice and such.. I absolutely understand your disdain for it. But throughout history, it isnt anything rare for children to experience that death in any speed. Slaving to death, starving to death, raped and murdered and left alone.. at this moment, anywhere on earth are thousands of them, in various states of 'deathing'. I am not the defender of those who deliver the message to them, I am only a questioner. I openly question the plan and wish god ill will.
Why ill will? I refer to my statement that god is a nihilist. He knows there is a point to the non point. He beliefs that you are no more special than the millions of other sperm that made it around an egg. Just because you are born doesnt mean you are more special or MORE OR LESS a part of his plan. Of course he knows of the energy of things, of course he shaped it this way. He created time and stretches it or condenses it as he saw fit.
God is only as omnipotent as his limited vision allows him, There is a saying! "The rain falls on the just and the unjust, alike"
And he believes that his blessed light is shone upon you! But it is also shone upon the beasts, the rotting, the unjust, it is not distributed fairly nor consistently.
It is faith that propels me to believe in his plan and at the same time wish him ill will because
'It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.'
Benjamin Franklin is no devil because he believes that, at every level, authority is to be questioned. And if found wanting, replaced.
Selfishness is caring overly so, a thing which Lucifer is known for! A thing he accused god of not being, not caring. It is not his place to be blamed for telling humanity how the system worked, when answers stopped tumbling out of the sky. It isnt anyone's fault but the creator for all the pain you see done. These creatures did not bring themselves out of the sheol and into this world to feel further pain, it is just our lot in life to do so, until we reach that final door where we can flip the switch off.. where we become our own saviors.
God does not offer salvation to the sperm that didnt make it, the blade of grass you trampled upon or the souls that didnt make his criteria! It is the 'great below' that wishes for EVERYBODY to reach salvation and perfection.
But. Thats just my opinion and I could be terribly wrong and I'd have to explain that to a god, that, for all you and I know.. has no concern over what happens to either of us, so long as we do what he says.
"I would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven"