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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Let him rant in here, it's his safe space.

You Might as well report another regular at your local pub for talking about his annoying wife.

If this thread annoys you, just stay out.
Using an outdated comment. Pathetic.🖕
The only way your comment is outdated, is if you have had a change of heart, which you have not.

16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16

RIP Coolio, who gave up his life for trying to speak the truth, after taking his demonic oath. A death sentence for celebrities who can’t stomach the disgusting reality of the complete demonic truth they learn. The horrible, gross, perverted, cowardly, reality of what they involved themselves in when they made their faustian bargain, and exchanged their soul for fame and fortune.

The light of the truth is self-evident. It will set your soul free. But if you have taken a demonic oath and been shown secrets, then you know these “elite” weirdos are raping, torturing, killing, and eating kids, and drinking their blood. So exposing them, as an initiated insider, is putting your life in extreme jepoardy.

So for those celebrity or elite insiders who decide to fight for truth and justice, it is imperative that you have an escape plan, commit to the truth fully, and commit to God fully.

Breaking any oath, even with devil worshippers, is serious. So proceed with caution, and know that you will have to change your life if you hope to survive. But if you die, die with a clear conscious, having spoken your total truth, and done whatever you could do to save as many innocent lives as possible. And from that point give your soul too the mercy of God for judgment.

4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.
Ephesians 2:4–5

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?​

8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.​

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,​

10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.​

11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”​

12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.​

😂 Serious shit tho, but Scott LaRock almost funny as Keef D!

Balenciaga & The Demon God of Child Sacrifice




This is in consideration of Joel Embid winning his first MVP. Congratulations to him. But in consideration of this honor, he was forced (they're just puppets) to wear a piece of trash Balenciaga Devil-worshipping allegiance sweatshirt. Seems harmless enough, I guess, all things considered, but this is a reminder of who and what he is paying homage to.


Baal Enci Aga (Latin) - '"Baal Is King"
*Notice how "Baal", instead of "Bal", is spelled out on the yellow tape in this picture.

The followers of Baal are not jut about sacrificing kids to the Devil, but raping and torturing them before they drink their blood.

As referenced in the following video, in addition to the weirdo kid S&M stuff, there are also excerpts of a Supreme court ruling holding that certain types of virtual child porn is legally permissible. Seriously, what the literal fuck! And this stuff is contained in an international ad campaign!!

Additionally, Balenciaga stole this kids Chris G's designs,( you can tell by Embid's sweatshirt that they have no original ideas, or talent, of there own). Then when he threatened to sue, they killed him and made some type of fucked up human mannequin out of him!

Balenciaga is just one company, and Embid is just one ball player, but no gets paid, or awarded, for "accidentally" serving the Devil. It has too be voluntary. So that being said, it is what it is. But for those not knowing, be careful what you promote, because, in the words of the rapper Coolio regarding these child killers, "There are somethings you just don't get a pass for". And this is one of those things.
🔔DDG News🔔 on Twitter: "Stephen Curry now follows DDG on Instagram

As I said previously, none of these celebrities get paid or awarded for accidentally serving the Devil. They have to actively promote the satanic agenda. This includes all sports. And, in basketball, everybody from Embid, to LeBron, and even the NBA Golden Boy himself, Stephen Curry.

Hence, on the night that Steph Curry made "NBA history” by passing Dwayne Wade for 24th on the all-time assist leaders record, He was forced to promote the occasion by wearing his signature Steph Curry Brand 666 Baphomet Sweatshirt.


You are the company that you keep. So, again, here is Steph with the demonic rapper DDG flashing the "Devil Horns", and now Steph is "following" DDG on IG.

Why is this relevant? It's because DDG is one of the most satanic rappers in the industry, who has repeatedly admitted to selling his own soul.

What's even worse, DDG has sold the souls of many other artists to the Devil to improve his position. He even sacrificed his nephew's soul and is using him to promote this demonic sick shit. Below pic is DDG's nephew WooWop. WTF!😦

Woo Wop video produced by his "Uncle" DDG.🙄

No wonder kids are shooting their teachers in the classroom!

It is because of greedy satanic nutballs like DDG promoting this crazy ass demonic shit just for money. This lil Woo Wop kid's whole family should be in jail for what they did, or let happen to this child.


I’m not gonna overstate the obvious. In this case, a picture is with MORE than a thousand words, because once you see what they did to his nephew, there really are no words left to say.

But, again, this is just a reminder. You are the company that you keep, and Steph Curry's company is this DDG nut. Steph Curry is able to keep his hands cleaner than most, because of his hall of fame talent and achievements. But make no mistake, he is playing the same game as the rest of them, promoting the satanic weirdo agenda in exchange for his brief fortune and fame.

Occult Symbols Flashed on Screen During Brewers Game​


Lastly, I am talking about basketball because it is the NBA playoffs, so they are center stage right now, but this satanic agenda is a cancer on ALL sports, and society in general.

Secrets Of 63 Numerology: The Demonic Full Moon Sacrifice Of Anne Heche
Anne was groomed from birth to play her role in the devils minstrel show. Raised by satanist groomers operating undercover as fundamental Christians, her gay father raped her continuously from the time she was an infant, and even gave her herpes when she was a baby.

The purpose of all the incest sexual torture, by the parents, is to create a psychotic break in the victim child which is the first necessary step in grooming her to be a MK Ultra celebrity puppet.

As a side note, we need to acknowledge that this pattern of SRA is not the exception, but rather the rule with these people. As seen with unfortunate celebrities such as:

Mariah Carey

SRA raped from age of 10,

to Bella Thorne,
Raped from infant to age 14,

We can see that this type of horrible abuse is far to common.

So to get back to the SRA of Anne, well it did its job, and she had a mental break at which time she created her alter ego "Celestia". Based on her middle name Celeste which, interesting enuff, means means sky or heaven. Although most of these types of MK Ultra alters are evil.


Lost and turned out, she was sold to the Hollywood elite at age 18. As you can see from this above picture, her grooming took off from there in creating a mk-ultra sex slave puppet as indicated by her butterfly tattoo.

Anne struggled her whole life to control the demons continuously moving in and out of her body.

So under her mind control, she served her time on the Hollywood stage promoting the gay Baphomet agenda as the NWO prototypical dream gay couple, with Ellen DeGeneres.

But still, she never stopped trying to recover from her dark past. She was trying to reject her alters, so it was inevitable with all the child abuse in her own life, that she would eventually be the one to speak out against it and put together a documentary (down graded to a Life-Time movie) dealing with human trafficking.

So, obviously, that is why she was killed. Character's on this Hollywood stage don’t change. They don’t get better, and they don't find God. They perform their demonic task, or die.

So this is how they did it.

With a staged car wreck after she apparently drove 240 mph down a one lane residential street. LMAO. Yeah right.:rolleyes:


In any event, we see from the ambulance numerology that this murder was done on 63 synchronicity. 63, or the reflection 3 6’s, or 666. Additionally, 666 is the 36th triangular number. In the Jewish cypher, we see that 63 numerically equates to “kaballah", "malach", baalim", "all fake”, as well as “begin”.

“Begin” being also particularly pertinent as this was a new moon ritual. 6+3 = 9. 9 being the number of completion indicating the ending of one cycle, and the beginning of another cycle. This is what is called an Energy Harvest. By the numbers.

63 also represents the complete series of the evolutionary cycles - 7x9 = 63 - and as odd, it would mark the passage towards a final state that would be the number 64.

So to translate the numerology in simple terms, what we have here is a Kabbalah magic masonic sacrifice to Baal/Moloch. Satanic references being the “Lord Of Lies” and/or the “Lord of Illusions”.

At this point, we take time to indicate some of the many 63 and 33 synchronicities.

Twilight Zone S03 E30 - Hocus-Pocus (In Gematria, 0's have no value). So we have 33 masonic synchronicity on Mr Frisbys 63rd birthday. The name "Hocus Pocus" paying homage to Baal the Demon of Magic. Similar to Cristóbal Balenciaga (Baal is the King Of Magic).

The Satanic Ritual Killing of JFK in 1963


“Anne Heche” = 63 (English Ordinal)

“Girl In Room 13” = 63 (Reverse Full Reduction)

“Full Moon Ritual = 63 (Full Reduction) August 12 (Date Of Death)

“Friday” = 63. Anne's crash happened on Friday Aug 5, First Quarter Moon, and she was pronounced dead on a Friday 12 Full moon.

6 days 7 nights. 7 being the number of completion. Just like her movie.

So we can clearly see that this was a synchronized sacrificial murder by the numbers.

But then there is also the issue of the "red herring" or, the "red wig". Which she apparently bought just before she died.


This "red wig" is a reference to the red room, an underground sacrificial chamber, where all the celebrities must go, to torture people and make sacrifices. So when celebs make this type of redroom reference, It means "redrum", or "murder". Either they, or somebody else, is going to die.

Similar to how the rapper Offset did his redroom video about his car crash where he died and was cloned.

3:21 video mark


So in the case of Anne, the "red wig" reference clearly indicates that she knew something was going to happen. Blood was going to be spilled. But exactly what DID happen to Anne on Aug 5th, is impossible to tell.

The fake witness holding the prop dog incorrectly placed the time of the accident at 11:30 instead of 10:52. 0’s have no value in Gematria, thus we have 113, the number for "deception" (Reverse and English Ordinal). Giving another strong indication that this whole car crash scenario was “all fake". Remember, masonic karmic laws dictate that they must tell you what they are doing. So here they are stating that they are deceiving you with a faked scenario.

Additionally, Anne died 11 weeks and 3 days after her last birthday. May 25 to Aug 12th equals 113 again. Death rituals in the Occult are done using the subjects birth date.

So what really happened to her is impossible to tell, but for certain she was coherent and not burnt when she went into that ambulance, and then she was never seen alive again. The ridiculous contradictory media cover story's about her burns, and her being brain dead, indicate that they want you to know that these stories are fake, and that she was sacrificed.

Whatever people may ultimately believe, 2 things are for certain. One, Blood sacrifices require someone's blood, and Two, she is not coming back. So you can do the math on that yourself.
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The Demonic Master Of White Supremacy:
Reflections on 33 & 63 Numerology


K&B satanic statue overlooking Lee Circle, New Orleans.
Sexual representation channeling Demon Pazuzu

Pazuzu arms and wings in representation of Baphomet.


The Demonic Caduceus to be considered along with the Asclepius.

Below is the statue put in the place of the Lee statue that was removed from Lee Circle in New Orleans.The statue is, in part, the Demonic Asclepius, combined with the Baphomet Phallus. As such, it symbolizes, again that the Demonic power structure is still intact in New Oreleans.

Now, in consideration of the above, we continue building on the synchronicity of 63, representing the number of the Beast, Baalim, The Devil. King Of All Liars. All Fake.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8:44

We reflect on the Hocus Pocus episode Of Twilight Zone, where Mr. Frisby is being named the “Worlds Greatest Liar” on his 63rd birthday. The award being given to Frisby on 33 numerology. Hocus Pocus Production Code 48 33. Season3 Episode 30. O’s having no value, 330 equals 33. And also, notice this award was given to Frisby at the 33rd minute of the broadcast.

Let us reflect on the Occult significance of 33 numerology.

Understanding the occult relevancy of 33, we now move back to the synchronicity with 63. 6+3 = 9 representing the complete series of the evolutionary cycles - 7x9 = 63.

From here, we re-visit our previous example of a cycle ending with the death of JFK in 1963.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 by way of a classic, execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the “killing of the King”*. This form of unusually public and gruesome murder of an extremely popular world leader is designed to shock and awe the mass consciousness.

As for the extremely brutal and public assassination of JFK, there are explicit reasons why such an execution plan was carried out in broad daylight, and especially during a highly watched presidential tour of Dallas.

“There is a Secret Society ritual that is ‘the killing of the King.’ The national leader of the people is only a figurehead and has no real power. Power lies behind the scenes within dark secrets. Others pull the strings of the politician puppets. If an upstart, politician puppet makes waves or rocks the boat or doesn’t play ball…..that puppet gets eliminated. It is why Caesar was killed. It is why Kennedy was killed. If you disturb the real power structure, you can be targeted for removal. Such ‘assassinations’ demonstrate to the world who has the real power; it is a bloody statement of who is really in charge; and the truth is our secret rulers control from dark shadows. (There is a reason the Ace is higher than the King in a deck of cards. The Ace represents the Secret Societies that truly run the show).”


Now moving back a century earlier to 1863, we consider the confederate General, Robert E Lee, one of the the patron saint's of southern racism along with Albert Pike and others. Pike, by the way, was a known masonic satanist, sporting the triangle masonic 33.

Like Pike, General, Robert E Lee promoted the outward lie of confederate white supremacy, but actually was just another masonic pawn of the Devil.


Lee was chosen to lead the confederate army in 1862, and did so successfully, until The Battle Of Gettysburg in1863, a turning point in the war. At which point we see the beginning of a new cycle with the downfall of Robert E Lee, the confederate father of white supremacy. Also noting that he subsequently died at the age of,… you guessed it ….63.

Understanding that as Lee's statue was being torn down in New Orleans Lee Circle, in 2017, at the the same time this Demon statue was being erected in K&B Plaza overlooking the site of the old Lee statue.

The message being sent by the elite, is that the Old Boss is the same as the New Boss.

*Notice the All Seeing Eye on the statue, as well as the Masonic seal. This is because on the 33rd degree masonic level, You learn that your master is the actual Devil.

Here we see celebrities also participating in this one-eyed symbolism.


General Lee was a lie. Like all freemasons, he was just a pawn for his demonic masters, he never served the white man, but rather the Devil. He was born to serve Satan, and play his role, just like may puppets before and after him.

"...Trump defended his shocking 2017 comments about the Charlottesville hate rally by saying the Confederacy's general -- a slaveowner who led a war to maintain Black slavery -- was "great.


From the very beginning, the Top of the Masonic Pyramid has always been Demons,

Racial stratification, is the same as any other divisive methodology in terms of controlling the masses of real humanity debt slaves at the bottom.

In this structure, any difference of race, sex, ethnicity, economics, religions, etc., is merely used as a control mechanism by the Devil. Simple divide and conquer.

The truth is that all humans are 60% water, and 99.9% genetically identical. Under God, created in his image to aspire and attain greatness.


This truth shall set you free, but understand the Devil has the complete opposite destiny of greatness planned for you.

*See below* The father of lying seducing you into taking a first byte of the apple in 1984, while putting your planned future in plain sight.

Ending again on 33 numerology, with this 33 second clip.
Demonic 63 in Summation: The Concept Of Manifestation

It was brought to my attention that youtube changed the last Richard Seed video, in the previous post, from 33 to 32 seconds, they may change it again, or remove it all together, who knows… it’s a common clip with different time durations, so the actual time doesn’t mater outside of my numerological usage. But since I'm here, I might as well conclude the discussion of Occult 63 significance.

Demonic = 63 (English Ordinal), or The reflection 36 (Single & Full Reduction)

The digits in the number 63 have the digit sum 9 which resonates with the planet Mars. 63 is often written as 63/9 where the digit sum is placed after the slash.

63, or 63/9, as it is sometimes referred, has a powerful ability to manifest, as it has all the numbers in the magical 3-6-9 triad, which is the underlying code in the structure of the universe. This gives Occultist Magicians, using the number 63/9 in rituals, an ability to make things happen the way they want. So we see that a primary power of the number 63/9 is manifestation.

Following this theme, we see how this number 63 was used, most obviously on the ambulance, to manifest the satanic murder sacrifice of Anne Heche. This sacrifice was done, by the numbers, to keep her from exposing Hollywood pedophiles.


We see an even more focussed occult usage of this manifestation principle in the case of the assassination of JFK. This was done by Satanists such as Kerth Barker, who took place in demonic rituals to “Visualize the manifestation of JFK’s Death”. He, and many other Satanists, did this at an occult satanic ritual that was held on 10/29/63 (the reflection of 63/9). Kerth Barker was one of the participants of these rituals, and was a child who was born into a New World Order satanic cult from which he escaped.


Moving on, we now re-visit the New Orleans Demonic Phallus Statue, and cross-reference it with "Penis Demon" statue erected in E.Vancouver Canada .


Notice the Phallic Resemblance

These two statues are purposely supposed to be more alluring and disarming. Their purpose is to seduce the masses towards evil. But the truth is that these somewhat comical statues mask the real hideousness of satanic fascism. Satanic Fascism is the goal of the NWO/Illuminati.

ONA Nazi Satanists
333 = Beast Sigil (Jewish Cypher)
"Beast Sigil" Translation: Symbol Of Demonic Magic

The depravity, death, murder, and torture, under Satanic Fascist regimes are a parasitic cancer to their society, and these psycho's violent demonic practices mentally traumatize the populace, in an mk-ultra fashion. This causes a psychosis, and/or demonic possession over the masses.


Similarly, the goal of every high level Satanist, is to permanently manifest Satan, or some other Demon, here on Earth.

This is because life on Earth is ultimately what every Demon wants, in exchange for granting power to his summoners. So that it may ultimately create, and rule, a Hell on Earth.

CERN Ritual Sacrifice


CERN Switzerland Satanic Tunnel Ritual Calling For Lucifer​


Keeping this goal of Demonic Manifestation in Mind, I now refer you to the following Horror Movie Classics discussing the fascist manifestations of evil, and, in particular, thru the use of clones.

*7:03 video mark

Controlling the people is the primary goal of all fascist dictatorships. Thus, clones are every satanic fascist fanatic’s ultimate solution for the problem of control. This is because clone humanoid creatures' can theoretically be easier to control, and can be more easily taught, and bred, to be evil enough to create a Demonic World.

Hans Spemann

This last video is a Horror Cult Classic, and my personal favorite of these three gems. You must see the uncut version to behold the evil manifestation of the Demon Leviathan In Human Form. American censors cut out the supernatural aspects, and rebranded it as a psychological thriller. If you can’t see the uncut version, don’t watch it.

That's all we have for today. Good folks out there enjoy your 4th, be safe, and I'm Out!✌️

Let us end by using 63/9 as a manifestation, and a blessing, from God for Good.

Isaiah 63:9

In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

King James Version
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Thanks again for your valuable contribution, Eric. May you and yours have a blessed 4th of July. Keep doing the good work that you do while brushing off the adulterous heathen naysayers. This modest and humble message board store of pornography is exactly where you belong to rehabilitate the lost and tormented souls possessed by the demon of perversion. Hopefully one day the world will be rid of pornography. In Jesus name...
Thanks again for your valuable contribution, Eric. Keep doing the good work that you do. In Jesus name...
....Amen, Lee ...May God Bless you, and your family as well....Thank you for the kind words, they are greatly appreciated! :giggle:Also, thanks to everybody else, as well, for all the love, and for all the support...Lastly, Special shout out to mah Kinfolk for all the inspiration, and edification...many thanks,bro!.......And I'm out!

Numbers 6:24-26​

''..May The Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.



FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Unfortunately eric has had to take a break as the demon lizards called and they're out of test subjects. Also because we received complaints about libellous comments he made. We hope his god protects him during this time.

And tha's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so.

Stone Cold Steve-FreeOnes, FreeOnes 3:16
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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am pulling my guest professor chair to the table.

Do You know the

Savage Land?​

You know this is where super heroes go to get eaten by dinosaurs, right?
The Savage Land, set in Antarctica at the base of the Palmer Peninsula, is a tropical prehistoric land surrounded by volcanoes deep. It is a tropical preserve hidden from the rest of the world.[2] It is located at approximately 69º 30’ S, 68º 30’ W

Pre Human History​

200 million years ago, the alien Nuwali created the Savage Land, in Antarctica as one of several planetary "game preserves" for the mysterious godlike Beyonders. The Nuwali stocked the Land with Earthly life of the era, most notably dinosaurs; as Earth's flora and fauna changed over succeeding millions of years. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period when a meteorite struck the Earth. They however were able to survive in the Savage Land. When Earth's continents shifted circa 50 million BC, the Nuwali augmented the Land's volcanoes to preserve its tropical status. They supplemented their preserve with prehistoric mammals and early hominids, or "Man-Apes". Following the Nuwali's departure in 200,000 BC, little is known of the Land's history for over a hundred millennia.[2]

Early Humanity​

A faction of superhuman Eternals dwelt there at least briefly, leaving a temple complex behind.[citation needed] In 18,500 BC, it was colonized by humans of Atlantis, who exported prehistoric life throughout their empire while importing unicorns and other mystic creatures. Atlantean scientists extended the tropical effect, creating a recreation/commerce center called "Pangea," then genetically altered Man-Apes into humanoid versions of birds, monkeys, fish, and other animals. The Beast-Men, put to work as laborers. The Beast-Men became dissatisfied with servitude and, following Pangea's automation, rebelled in the First Pangean War and were allowed to colonize underpopulated areas rendered habitable by the Nuwali effect.[2]

In 18,000 BC, alien and mystic conflicts resulted in the Great Cataclysm, sinking Atlantis and ending its empire, but the Land and Pangea were protected from inundation by surrounding mountains.[2]

The Beyonders, having observed their preserve over the millennia, sent Fortisquian operatives, later called the Caretakers of Arcturus, to repair its environmental system, but nonetheless, over half the population perished. Some survivors clung to Atlantean culture in cities like Lemura and Sylanda; others forgot their origins, becoming ancestors of the Swamp Men and other tribes. The animal-people developed their own societies, sometimes, as with the Aerians and Pterons, resorting to war.[citation needed] Every thousand years or so, high priests needlessly conducted human sacrifices to "protect" the Land.[citation needed] In 3000 BC two godlike aliens briefly made the Land their home, and at some point Sagittarians stored a Planet-Destroyer there with a gigantic robot, Umbu, to guard it.[

Read the whole truth here:

You Are Welcome.
What's up fam! No diatribe this time, just a simple message.

"Always Be Aware Of The People That Are Put On The World Stage For Your Consumption.


Always Follow Policies, And Not Personalities".


Can You Find A Way Out OF YOUR HELL?!

As Always, Thanks For All The Love, Thanks For All The Support….And I'm




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Just a few thouights about your efforts over the years:

Looking at nude people, whether in art, nature, or a social setting, can indeed offer numerous mental health benefits compared to continuously engaging in arguments about evil beings, aliens, and atheism.

Firstly, appreciating the human form in its natural state can foster a sense of acceptance and body positivity. In a society often saturated with unrealistic beauty standards, seeing nude bodies can normalize diverse shapes, sizes, and appearances. This normalization can help individuals develop a healthier relationship with their own bodies and reduce feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

Moreover, viewing nudity in a non-sexual context can promote a deeper understanding and respect for human anatomy. This understanding can lead to greater body literacy, which is crucial for making informed decisions about one's health and well-being.

Additionally, experiencing nudity in art or nature can evoke a sense of awe and wonder, fostering a connection to the beauty and complexity of the human form. This appreciation for the human body as a work of art can cultivate feelings of empathy, compassion, and interconnectedness with others.

On the other hand, continuously engaging in arguments about evil beings, aliens, and atheism can be mentally draining and divisive. These topics often lead to heated debates, fueled by differing beliefs and ideologies, which can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and conflict.

Furthermore, fixating on these topics may distract individuals from addressing more pressing issues in their personal lives or communities. Instead of fostering understanding and empathy, constant arguments about abstract concepts can contribute to polarization and intolerance.

In conclusion, while discussions about evil beings, aliens, and atheism may have their place in intellectual discourse, prioritizing the appreciation of nude bodies can offer a more immediate and tangible benefit to mental health. By fostering body positivity, promoting understanding of human anatomy, and evoking a sense of awe and connection, viewing nudity can contribute to a healthier mind and a more empathetic society.
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On the dark side of the moon
Unfortunately eric has had to take a break as the demon lizards called and they're out of test subjects. Also because we received complaints about libellous comments he made. We hope his god protects him during this time.

And tha's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so.

Stone Cold Steve-FreeOnes, FreeOnes 3:16
Wait ... someone actually read enough to find libel? I am shocked.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
In an ironic twist of fate, my last post was an argument made by ChatGPT to attempt and make Eric change his mind.

Well, now he has time to look at nekkid ladies for a bit, let us see what becomes of this
In an ironic twist of fate, my last post was an argument made by ChatGPT
Never Heard Of Him!
No one has a problem with nudity. Nudity is the pure, natural state of man, and woman. But It is nothing to be obsessed, or pre-occupied with. In fact, It wasn't until Satan, the Serpent, convinced Eve to eat from the Tree Of Knowledge, that she even became aware of her nudity. But henceforth, since that time, it became associated with sin, and used as a tool of the Devil to tempt, and mislead men.

GENESIS 2:4-3:24 "The Fall"
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree of knowledge that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

This is why, even today, Adult nudity movie companies such as Devil's Film, and Evil Angel remain so obsessed with this concept of sin, that they created their whole corporate name persona around these ancient concepts.

In Taylor Swift’s recent music video “Karma,” which features Ice Spice, Swift wears an Eyes Wide Shut-style mask as all kinds of darkness goes on, including the blasphemous line “Karma is a g-d.”


Of course, Taylor Swift is no stranger to the “All-Seeing Eye” hand gesture and the “devil horns” hand gesture.


Set "Closed Captions" for English Translation


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This play on "unholy" symbols fires people up mainly in countries that are as religiously posessed as the USA. Countries elsewhere - except muslim countries, I would say - don't get as riled up as you do.
People cosplay so apparently that means they want people to worship Goku and Batman. I love how many people live in countries with entertainment then complain that the entire world isn't some monestary for their favorite fictional characters. No god would ever require a book. Especially one that is limited so much by insecure men. Also, especially if said god can telepathically communicate with us. Man made god in his sexist, racist, uneducated, insecure, paranoid image. We apply the god-complex to celebrities like trump and kanye when that directly shows how flawed god is. A supposedly all powerful being who doesn't take credit for the bad yet "his own book" says "he" created good and evil. A total narcissist. Poorly written stories but you apply enough fair to mentally weak people (eric), they'll ignore any contradictions.


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People cosplay so apparently that means they want people to worship Goku and Batman. I love how many people live in countries with entertainment then complain that the entire world isn't some monestary for their favorite fictional characters. No god would ever require a book. Especially one that is limited so much by insecure men. Also, especially if said god can telepathically communicate with us. Man made god in his sexist, racist, uneducated, insecure, paranoid image. We apply the god-complex to celebrities like trump and kanye when that directly shows how flawed god is. A supposedly all powerful being who doesn't take credit for the bad yet "his own book" says "he" created good and evil. A total narcissist. Poorly written stories but you apply enough fair to mentally weak people (eric), they'll ignore any contradictions.

Boom, We got action!⚡

Yeah fam, since you don’t know much about the Bible, you probably should just work on the basics like the Ten Commandments, and the 7 Deadly Sins.


The Bible is complicated… with many versions and edits… but if everyone in the world just focused on these Basic Seventeen Precepts listed above, then the world would immediately change for the better.

In your case, this would also help you to resolve some of your apparent anger issues regarding a deity which you claim doesn’t even exist.

In the case of satanists, this anger towards God takes the form of mockery and blasphemy.

Black Jesus Video Clip Of Minimum-Wage Cursed Buffoons Mocking God.
Probably got paid 1 or 2 k for this bullshit w/ no residuals,,,lololol…But at least they have the piece of mind in knowing that people can enjoy these vids forever !

Bambie Thug: Jesus Sacrifice Mockery

But anyways, freeryan, God could be a choice for you, but your current master is the Devil,,,,especially if you are an atheist...Because whoever put these EuroVision 2024 awards together obviously has considerably more power than you…And they are obviously satanic followers of some sort…But these demonic images are marketed, and directed, towards kids, and popular culture in general.

And despite your illuminated non-religious attitude, there is nothing you can do about it…wether you agree, or not. So, by conforming to the agenda promoted thru these types of ritualistic award shows, than who are you really serving?

Eurovision 2024 WINNER: Bambie Thug

Demonic Puppet Bambie Thug


Emasculated-Men Wearing Skirts

But wait Eric, that's an Irish Kilt, right!?!?! lololol…Yeah, I think Bambie Thug is Irish too!

😂Nah, but ima give him a pass on the sports bra tho, cause I think he probably really needs that!... lololol😂🤣

The black female sell-out in this first video kinda made me nauseous🤧, but i posted the vid anyway...

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