Some of you guys need to stop generalizing and stop being elitist. Jeez...
I personally vote based on one issue: national defense. Not only is it my living, but it's what I've chosen to do to make a difference. So I will probably vote for her ticket (with McCain of course), and I don't shop at Walmart and I don't kill babies, and I don't screw the government (the government hires former C and D students for the most part, they do quite well with that all on their own...).
Well sure. But a society based around the weakest traits of the people will produce those same qualities in its leaders. I mean it's just fanciful talk anyway, but a leader should definitely rise above and do the right thing.
Ehh, I guess I'm being pessimistic, but I think those that are incapable of leading often find themselves in leadership positions. Palin is a take-charge kinda gal, sure. She can definitely be a
leader, but besides disagreeing wholeheartedly with her views and yes, dredging up the
experience issue.. she's just
not an
*experienced leader*. I'm sure she's the center of the PTA meetings, and she can distract everyone with her looks and dammit
even democrats are stunned by the beauty and controversy in her past and present.. in my opinion so much so that they're forgetting the future while everyone scrambles to sort out petty shit that doesnt seem to have any clear answers:
Banning books, creationism, gays, abortion, etc. Of the few interviews actually available with Palin she's chosen her words too carefully and too vaguely regarding those same issues. Many people cant back someone who thinks we're in some American version of a holy war and wants to reinforce abstinence as safe sex. It doesnt take a year of interrogation and interviewing to realize that there is something fundamentally wrong.. with that fundamentalist.
But by the time the elections come around, who knows if everyone will still be in a stupor over all that same petty shtuff or if her ..
disturbing beliefs.. will shine through as dangerous to many.
We're not so far removed from the past where beliefs, differences and religion were deadly sins to those in power. It's not overdramatics to refer to
recent American history as a lesson. Slavery, communist witch hunts, religious fanatics (scientology equally as bad as Koresh or Graham), hate crimes (On the rise), oh.. and I'm a Jew who every so often is asked 'Didnt jews kill jesus?'.
Bah, it
does seem dramatic every time I reread it. Eh, I just have to think about Bush blatantly starting this 'H
oily War' and disregarding that seperation of church and state thing for the last 8 years.
That's some scary shit! :eek: