Sarah Palin: Is She Really Going To Make a Difference In The Election??

The personal story of Sarah Palin will die down now.

Yes, the main stream and tabloid newspapers and SNL and late night talk show hosts have a field day. But they have digged, drilled every single Sarah Palin's mayoral meeting minutes, her records as Governor of Alaska and interviewed everyone in her small town and also all the Rupublicans and Remocrats in Alaska. The story of Sarah Palin will die down and Obama has ignored her. Obama made a grave mistake by mentioning lipsticks and Obama's camp is to attack McCain and ignore Palin. Obama refuses to give the spotnights to Palirn.

The story will end there.

Sarah Palin will learn her mistakes, sharpen her teeth, and modify her remarks and goes on.

Sarah Palin will no doubt bring on other female candidates to the national scene and will have a impact forever in the political scene in America !

If during the Presidential Election in 1991, we have internet, youtube, bloggers and widespread 24/7 news cable TV, Bill Clinton will never be chosen as President of United States. So it is unfair to Sarah Palin who is a woman and felt the good old boys push her around, she felt compelled to show her muscle to fight back ! I just hope Sarah Palin grows up and feels more secure and work with everyone in Alaska when she return back after Nov. 4.
One thing's for certain -

I'd rather spend the night at Sarah's place !

What could I possibly talk to Obama about ? The weather ?. . maybe a little bit - o - hoops ?
I mean, does he do guy things ?
Is he consumed with 100% politics everyday ?
Does he clean his own rain gutters ?
Does he ever lay around the house on Football Sunday, unshowered, and stack up beer cans ?
Is he a man or machine ?

If Caribou hunting or oil drilling or speaking in tougues is your plat du jour, ya all have a great time!
It appears the naming of Sarah Palin to the VP slot on the Republication ticket marked a new strategy in McCain's campaign. Unfortunately this strategy is very disturbing and foreboding for the future. McCain has issued outright bold face lies and distortions when taking about lipstick on a pig and the bridge to nowhere to name a few. It is very similar of the Rove/Bush campaign against McCain in 2000 and the general election. The New York Times had this to say:

"...the deceptive and dishonest 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign provided an all-too-revealing preview of things to come. In fact, my early suspicion that we were being misled about the threat from Iraq came from the way the political tactics being used to sell the war resembled the tactics that had earlier been used to sell the Bush tax cuts.

And now the team that hopes to form the next administration is running a campaign that makes Bush-Cheney 2000 look like something out of a civics class"

If you consider the New York Times bias, how about Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly saying McCain's lies are over the top. America will reap what it sews if it elects another person who distorts truth to fit a political agenda.
What is "climate change" ? Is this terminology interchangeable with "global warming" ?

Yes, in the context in which I used it, climate change means the same as global warming.

The reason the term has become more popular over the last 8 or 9 years is because it was Republican strategy to cause the proliferation of the term 'climate change' instead of 'global warming', because it would help popularise doubt in the masses on a subject in which the scientific community had achieved consensus.

What is the criteria for measuring "climate change" ?

Ultimately, global mean temperature, of course.

Please differentiate between "Climate Change" and natural occurring Interglacial fluxuation?

See below.

I'm sorry Sparrow, I need to see several independent scientific reports of consensus.

The IPCC is one of the largest collaborations in the history of science. If that level of consensus won't convince you, then you'll never get what you're looking for until it's too late.

This issue has become all too politically charged for me to believe either way. The left wing appears to be downright activist about the matter, while the right wing . . honestly, I don't know how they poll on the matter.

This is a purely localised American view - you're not taking a global perspective. In most other countries, there isn't any significant global warming dispute. China is still a communist state, and is one of the biggest producers of GHGs on the planet. Even in Western countries like my own, many on the right are more 'green' on the issue than those on the left. This isn't the simplistic left-right schism you suggest it is.

From life long personal observations, I tend to find that issues of which are backed by activism have a deep rooted ulterior motive, motives which only serve a few. Modern environmentalism is no exception.

That's a ridiculous position to take. You're wary of ALL activism? Activism simply means action to bring about some sort of social and political change.

Activism can refer to attempts to abolish slavery, to end apartheid, to promote democracy, monarchy, neo-Nazism, Zionism, Islamism, Christian Fundamentalism, secularism, Communism, Capitalism, or any other ism under the sun.

It doesn't make sense to be wary of all activism, unless you're wary of all forms of social and political change.

Above, it actually appears as if you, in fact, have your doubts about the existence of "climate change" with your assertion of "evidence strongly suggests" and "human beings are at least partially responsible . ."
It looks like wiggle room.

Absolutely not. The way I've worded it is essentially the same as the way the IPCC. "Evidence strongly suggests" simply recognises falsifiability of the theory (as is the case with any sound scientific theory) and that alternative theories exist (although this doesn't imply any form of equivalence). "Partially responsible" merely acknowledges that the world's climate is complex and many factors determine it, including the distance of the Earth's orbit to the Sun, the level of solar energy emissions, the cycle of the ice ages, and even volcanic eruptions.

Global warming deniers like to trot out graphs to illustrate the existence of one or more of these factors (you chose to refer to "interglacial fluctuation") as supposed counter-evidence, when scientists who support the global warming theory are more than aware of them and accept that they can and have been factors in climate change throughout the history of our planet. Crucially however, the climate models which stress the importance of these factors over the greenhouse effect and increased GHG emissions are unable to account for the level of change we're witnessing.

Since you say you're confused by the issue, and are apparently unable to penetrate the science behind it, why do you not then accept the weight of expert opinion on the subject?

Presumably when you walk into a building, you assume that the architect who designed it, knew what they were doing and that the building is not going to collapse on your head. When you get a terrible disease, you trust that your doctor is administering the right treatment to you without knowing the science behind it. When a nuclear power station is being built in your state, you accept that the engineers and scientists are taking the precautions necessary to ensure the safety of the populace. How is this any different?
John McCain adviser Carly Fiorina called comedian Tina Fey "sexist" and "disrespectful" Monday in response to Fey's impression of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) on Saturday Night Live.

Tina Fey is a sexist??????? Saying that is as ridiculous and untrue as saying, "George W. Bush is a genius" or "John McCain is an honest man".

Their strategy is so absurdly obvious. Attack anyone who points out the truth about Palin, that she's a clueless political lightweight, and label them as a sexist. Whether it be their political opponents or the media.

This election just keeps getting more and more interesting. What shameless line of bullshit will the McCain camp use next?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

Tina Fey is a sexist??????? Saying that is as ridiculous and untrue as saying, "George W. Bush is a genius" or "John McCain is an honest man".

Their strategy is so absurdly obvious. Attack anyone who points out the truth about Palin, that she's a clueless political lightweight, and label them as a sexist. Whether it be their political opponents or the media.

This election just keeps getting more and more interesting. What shameless line of bullshit will the McCain camp use next?

How was that, in any way, shape or form, SEXIST? :rolleyes:

I'm not positive, but I'm preeeeeetty sure that Tina Fey is a woman herself. Plus, it's a fucking COMEDY SHOW. What did this bitch expect, a 100% accurate representation of Sarah Palin? What a moron.

It's stupid, over-reactive, "I take everything so fucking seriously because I don't have a sense of humor" people like her that we let help run our government. Help us all.

Tina Fey is a sexist??????? Saying that is as ridiculous and untrue as saying, "George W. Bush is a genius" or "John McCain is an honest man".

Their strategy is so absurdly obvious. Attack anyone who points out the truth about Palin, that she's a clueless political lightweight, and label them as a sexist. Whether it be their political opponents or the media.

This election just keeps getting more and more interesting. What shameless line of bullshit will the McCain camp use next?

They have gone to far with all that leave Palin alone noise IMO and it is starting to work against them now.The whole thing with the lipstick was ridiculous.Because she uses a line like "Lipstick on a pit bull" to describe herself a much more well used one like "lipstick on a pig" is now off limits according to them.It wasn't off limits when McCain used it here in reference to Hillary and her Health care reform proposal.

"McCAIN: LIPSTICK ON PIG OK FOR HILLARY Sarah Palin Too Frail to Handle It?"
They have gone to far with all that leave Palin alone noise IMO and it is starting to work against them now.The whole thing with the lipstick was ridiculous.Because she uses a line like "Lipstick on a pit bull" to describe herself a much more well used one like "lipstick on a pig" is now off limits according to them.It wasn't off limits when McCain used it here in reference to Hillary and her Health care reform proposal.

"McCAIN: LIPSTICK ON PIG OK FOR HILLARY Sarah Palin Too Frail to Handle It?"

Freaking out over nothing and accusing the media of bias is a typical republican tactic. Remember those Bush bumber stickers that said, "Annoy the mdia, vote Bush"? That's what the republicans do. They try to paint themselves as the underdogs.

Just look at the way McCain calls Obama an "elitist". Funny isn't it? The super rich trust fund baby who owns 7 houses is calling the black guy who was raised on food stamps by a single mother an "elitist". Just ridiculous.
Freaking out over nothing and accusing the media of bias is a typical republican tactic. Remember those Bush bumber stickers that said, "Annoy the mdia, vote Bush"? That's what the republicans do. They try to paint themselves as the underdogs.

Just look at the way McCain calls Obama an "elitist". Funny isn't it? The super rich trust fund baby who owns 7 houses is calling the black guy who was raised on food stamps by a single mother an "elitist". Just ridiculous.

One correction I recently heard its 9 houses,hard to keep track I'm sure.:rofl:
Does he rent out those houses?

Does McCain rent out those houses?
I mean, if so, then they are investments.
I wouldn't demonize him one bit for that, or anyone else.

But if he doesn't rent them out, yeah, that's definitely elitist.
And it's dumb, especially if his immediate family doesn't use them.
Unless his extended family is largely using them, then it varies.

I have a friend who makes only $30,000/year, never made more.
But he made some smart real estate investments early on.
Back in the '90s and he now has 3 houses.

He rents them out, largely to cover the mortgages.
I wouldn't even remotely demonize him, he's just a smart investor.
It's easy to do such.

I'm not defending McCain.
I'm just saying that people who make real estate investments aren't elitist.
In fact, you might be living next door to someone with a half dozen.

And they drive an older, less expensive car than you. ;)

Think of something else to pick on.
Because you're catching a lot of middle class living types in that stereotype.
The types that live on $30K/year, and vote Republican, and feed off of that non-sense.

Including my personal favorite, "tax cuts for millionaires" -- I personally love to say I'm 100% for "tax cuts for millionaires.
I've yet to find anyone who could defend it, without going to tax credits, which are not cuts. ;)
It also feeds back into my biggest issue.

It's not Obama, but the reasons people vote for Obama.
Just like the reasons people vote for McCain, not McCain himself.
General ignorance of basic finance is really what drives me up the wall. ;)
No one is demonizing McCain for owning real estate.

What people have a problem with is McCain labelling Obama an "elitist". Which seems ridiculous to most people considering McCain is far wealthier than Obama and comes from a well connected family. And Obama, as you know, was raised by a poor single mother and is a "self-made" man. Not a trust fund baby.

So, what is your definition of an "elitist"? Someone who is so rich they don't even know how many houses they own? Or someone who was raised by a poor single mother and only owns one home?
I personally don't care if McCain has 9 houses or 900 houses. Or whether he is an 'eliteist' or not (and he probably is).

I care about his political decisions, policies and intentions...nothing else.

Same goes for the other eliteist candidate.;)

Just balance the fucking budget, lower defence spending until a real war is imminent and mind your own fucking businesses until the American people ask for your help.
Basically sit down and shut up until you're needed.

Oh, and if McCain wins; Sarah Palin has to get really fit, get BIG breast implants and do a sexy layout every 2 weeks.
In my opinion, the selection of Palin was a BRILLIANT McCain move. Many people here not caring about the election now support McCain. Obama boasts of "change" but selected the status quo in Biden.
McCain's selection of Palin has set the Republican base "on fire" and is evidence of "true change." I believe McCain will now handily win this election.
In my opinion, the selection of Palin was a BRILLIANT McCain move. Many people here not caring about the election now support McCain. Obama boasts of "change" but selected the status quo in Biden.
McCain's selection of Palin has set the Republican base "on fire" and is evidence of "true change." I believe McCain will now handily win this election.

please define 'handily'?
How was that, in any way, shape or form, SEXIST? :rolleyes:

I'm not positive, but I'm preeeeeetty sure that Tina Fey is a woman herself. Plus, it's a fucking COMEDY SHOW. What did this bitch expect, a 100% accurate representation of Sarah Palin? What a moron.

It's stupid, over-reactive, "I take everything so fucking seriously because I don't have a sense of humor" people like her that we let help run our government. Help us all.

Oh Christ! I deeply support McCain, however the SNL stint was great comedy!!!! Besides,,, Palin is receiving more positive coverage from this than paid advertising! Lighten up America!
The main reason feminists hate Palin is because she is strongly pro life and Republican! The hypocrisy of the so called feminist movement. Here they have someone to look up to, and they wrangle in jealousy that the first woman vice president will be Republican!
Hypocrisy?? LOL
You seem to be overlooking the fact that being pro-choice is foundational to the women's movement.

Oh I'd love a piece of that action :D
How much would you like to bet?

Interesting! I'll wait untill the debates. That will be the final nail in Obama's political coffin! I do congradulate him for overcoming many barriers to becoming the Democratic nominee. Beating the Clintons is never easy and they will not be forgiving.
Hypocrisy?? LOL
You seem to be overlooking the fact that being pro-choice is foundational to the women's movement.

Oh I'd love a piece of that action :D
How much would you like to bet?

How about a gift certificate to "Old Country Buffet?"