
Folks RUSH will be in San Antonio & Houston Texas this month. This is one damn great Band !

Checkout KZEP or KKRW dot com for details.
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*Harris County* :banger:
Don't they kinda suck live? Well, at least the singing part. Lee's voice....I don't know. :dunno: But yeah, they're kinda cool.

I saw them in 1990 and 1992 and they where great . Lee's voice was perfect except when he sang some very old songs like "The temples of Syrinx" from the album 2112 ( 1976 ) .
One of my favorite bands, back in the "Olden Days"....Thx Thunder Bolt! :D

We all knew Getty's voice would go soon or later.
I saw them in 1990 and 1992 and they where great . Lee's voice was perfect except when he sang some very old songs like "The temples of Syrinx" from the album 2112 ( 1976 ) .

Sweet. But yeah, that was 10+ years ago. I've seen some recent concert videos, and his voice kinda made me cringe. But I guess it does depend on the song too. I wouldn't mind seeing them though.
I saw the Snakes and Arrows concert in June. It was absolutely amazing how good they are live. The set list is a great choice from them and has 9 songs from Snakes and Arrows if I remember correctly.


then they were not great. if they were great, wouldnt you want to see them more than once? :rolleyes:
1) I typed they were a great band. Not whether they were great in concert or not.
and 2) I typed I have no interest in seeing any band in concert more then once.

If you are going to roll your eyes (I assume in mocking) about my posts; at least read them please.

I find the noise quality at concerts bad. And hanging around with a bunch of screaming/yelling idiot-acting people thrills me not at all either. I feel that way now and I felt it when I was 16.
The only reason I would go and see a band is to go and see a band - not to listen to them.
Having seen them, the purpose is over and there is no need to see them again.
1) I typed they were a great band. Not whether they were great in concert or not.
and 2) I typed I have no interest in seeing any band in concert more then once.

what makes a band great is their ability to play live. not what some machine has dubbed over.
I am looking foward to seeing them folks thanks for the comments.


what makes a band great is their ability to play live. not what some machine has dubbed over.

I am not surprised you would think that way.

You are wrong - IMO.

Music is about art (at it's best). Performing is about egos and dollars (at it's average).


what im talking about has nothing to do with ego or money.

You typed:
'what makes a band great is their ability to play live.'

No offense, but that is ridiculous.

There have been a tremendous number of great bands/performers that either didn't play live much or did not do it well or just plain hated it.

Maybe all the bands you like have to play well live to be great. Not mine.
If they happen to be great live - fine. But it is a tiny part of the overall makeup of what makes up a great band/performer - IMO.
My top bands are very intense live. Besides me loving their music its also about the show. If a band lacks intensity or the ability to put on a good show it diminishes my opinion of them all together. Even the slowest or mellow bands can pull off good shows.
You typed:
'what makes a band great is their ability to play live.'

No offense, but that is ridiculous.

There have been a tremendous number of great bands/performers that either didn't play live much or did not do it well or just plain hated it.

Maybe all the bands you like have to play well live to be great. Not mine.
If they happen to be great live - fine. But it is a tiny part of the overall makeup of what makes up a great band/performer - IMO.

great performers that did not do it well? now that is ridiculous.

if a band cant play well live, then i cant call them a great band.