Rosie O. to host The Price Is Right??


what the fuck you lookin at?
she'll fuck it up too! She fucks up everything else she does!
she'll fuck it up too! She fucks up everything else she does!
didn't she give The View there best ratings in yonks?

i suppose you could say, that it was more a result of the car crash tv factor, but hey, ratings is ratings. ;)


Closed Account
I personally don't like the way they put Bob Barker on the spot (I haven't looked at link) in an interview I saw. They act as though they wanted him to "Trump" her. :mad: He was grace under fire though, not obligating himself as a endorser, nor being rude. He said he knows her, knows she liked the show and is familiar with the game. That he thinks she could do a good job if picked.

Why would anyone put him on the spot at this wonderful time in his life, try to put him in the middle while this controversy with Trump is still oozing?

On subject, I think her being host will end the show first season. She just plain can't pull off the smooth aura of Bob, but I'm sure there is someone out there who can. The woman just doesn't have it. That show is mostly followed by an elderly cult, I don't think she is of their liking. They (the producers) better think long and hard I feel.

Oh god that would be a disaster of biblical proportions, I don't think I could ever watch that show as long as she was hosting it, unless they had a part of the show where she gets tortured, then i'm there!!!!!!:thumbsup:


why do folks like ROSIE?

Because, people like controversy, and thats what Rosie always seems to be

Bobo The Wonder Chimp can host PIR for all I care. Christ, it's just a tv show. Big deal

As long as Rosie is spayed or neutered then I won't care if she hosts the show


Closed Account
Bobo The Wonder Chimp can host PIR for all I care. Christ,it's just a tv show. Big deal

Very, very true in the bottom line of things, but this is simply a discussion about a different type topic. Some may not find it as exciting or relevant as "who has the best tits" or "what 5 or 10 porn stars would you want to knock boots with right this minute" but hey we can't always please everyone at the same time can we? I for one have enjoyed the break. ;)

As long as Rosie is spayed or neutered then I won't care if she hosts the show

OMG, now that's priceless. :rofl:

Bobo The Wonder Chimp can host PIR for all I care. Christ,it's just a tv show. Big deal
ah, but it is a big deal you see, ''certain people'' really dislike Rosie, so it will be an afront to them if she gets the job.

it's really a case of if you don't stand lockstep in agreement with her critics, you'll get it in the neck from them. :scream:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I want John O'Hurley to do it. He was one of the names in the mix and I think he would do a fantastic job.

Was that the guy that hosted another game show... and was the second-in-command on Tool Time with Tim Allen? Cuz that guy was cool.


As far as the price is right.. I havent seriously watched the show, like.. ever.

So this doesnt really have an effect on me besides my usual complaint: Why do I have to hear about a person I dislike? :)
the shows gonna go down the tube when she starts hosting. do you know how many people watched and attended the show solely because Bob Barker hosted. they didn't even care about the money