Rosie O. to host The Price Is Right??

They should make a new game show called "Firing Squad". And Rosie can be the first contestant.
I don't think the show will last with out Bob Barker. And i don't dislike Rosie i just don't think she is going to be able to make it. I don't think the show well last with out Bob. But then again it could go on many more years..... Guess time well tell.


Closed Account
I just hope that she don't get it or it end up like the view.

But I know she will never get the job hosting the price is right.

Yep that's my :2 cents: worth.


Hiliary 2020
As long as they keep those nice looking models, who cares :dunno:

We'll miss you Bob :wave2:

Getting back to Rosie( ugh), I don't seee how she will be able to put forth her opinions on politics and such on a game show.
But I also know the tempation will be too great for her, and she would figure out a way.
And the result would be ruining the show.
it can't happen. I admit I haven't watched the show in years, but Rosie is no Bob Barker and I think she would be the beginning of the end of the Price is Right.
I bet Bob Barker is spinning in his grave right now...oh wait. :tongue:

I know one thing. My father is going to be pissed. He doesn't like the show, but it's the best thing on at that time of day for him and he usually watches something to pass the time. He hates her even more than I do and I didn't even think that's possible. Looks like the television is going to be off more often now.

About the only think that can make the show good now is if Bob sneaks back into the show and beats the crap out of her Happy Gillmore style. He's old enough now he has nothing to loose. :)
Wonder if like Barker she will have sexual harrasment cases filed against her by models on the show.:rofl:
In the words of Adam Sandler;

"The price is wrong, bitch"

I think he should be the next host of The Price Is Right. Honestly. People would be more warm to him gettin the job than Rosie... And at least it would be funny as hell for every show. I could see the ratings going thru the roof.
I think he should be the next host of The Price Is Right. Honestly. People would be more warm to him gettin the job than Rosie... And at least it would be funny as hell for every show. I could see the ratings going thru the roof.

Probably not. Most elderly folks probably have no idea who adam sandler is. Not to mention the fact that he would never take the job
two reasons Rosie shouldn't be the new host

The number one reason is what would Rosie's Beauties look like. They would probably be a bunch of butch, hairy, man hating lesbians.

Number two is that Rosie has proven that she is incapable of keeping her stupid comments to herself, she gets too emotional over political matters. A daytime game show doesn't want a host who will cause controversy they want someone who will make the viewers comfortable and since the majority of the viewers are the elderly that person is not Rosie.

They should let the show die, it had a good run why ruin it by bringing in someone new.