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Republican Hypocrisy

Democratic party hypocrisy...

OMG! The Bush administration is water boarding three known terrorists in the hopes that they might be able to gather information that could counter potential future attacks... isn't that awful? I've never heard of something so barbaric in all of my life!
Hey, everybody.... Americans are now torturing their ''underprivileged belligerent enemy combatant'' captives .... tell ten people to tell ten people to tell ten people!!!!!

In contrast, the obama admin eagerly approved the deployment of missile carrying Predator drones in the middle east to kill more than a thousand .s-u-s-p-e-c-t-e-d .terrorists along with innocent neighboring women, children and elderly. In just 2 1/2 short years as potus, the obama admin has launched 4X the number of Predator assassinations as the previous administration... not a peep! :crickets:

Well their man is in the White House. Hypocrisy is the name of the game.
Examples please?

see 'fuck obama with a wooden spoon'.
Hypocrisy is thy name.
links to examples of how Obama contradicted his platform on
1. FISA and eavesdropping overreach
2. corporate entitlements
3. foreign policy at the end of a gun
4. government transparency
5. abuse of Executive power

fuck all these clowns
Voting for O in 2012 is akin to insanity i.e. doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.

Are you really expecting a different outcome if a Republican gets into the Oval office? Does Washington ever change really? Your last to GOP presidents; HW Bush got railroaded out of office, I voted for him in my first election, he raised taxes in a recession and really did a ok job with the cards dealt, the 2nd expanded government, two endless wars, ran up the deficit and was a no tax & spend politician.

What does the new breed GOP really bring to the table? I am open to new ideas, but they have presented very few. I dont think any of them really know what this new day and age world economy really entails! The are just telling what you want to hear, nothing more than that!

I hope who ever wins, gets us out of this morass! But I have little faith right now on either party!
see 'fuck obama with a wooden spoon'.
Hypocrisy is thy name.
links to examples of how Obama contradicted his platform on
1. FISA and eavesdropping overreach
2. corporate entitlements
3. foreign policy at the end of a gun
4. government transparency
5. abuse of Executive power

fuck all these clowns

You only got one thing right! The rest is every one of them in the past 11+ years. obama in many ways followed the last adminstration in your list.
obama in many ways followed the last adminstration in your list.
(sigh) which is kind of the point.

He campaigned on all these issues (saying he would be different and spelled it out specifically):rolleyes:
The links in that thread show how he chose to go above and beyond the idiocy of the previous schmucks {i wasn't aware that this is 'breaking news']
Rick Perry owned stock in Movie Gallery, once a competitor to Blockbuster, which was known for offering XXX porn rentals along with conventional Hollywood fare.

I wouldn't vote for Rick Perry, but it doesn't matter if he didn't know that when he bought the stock. Also, if they didn't offer it when he bought the stock, then it doesn't matter either way.

It's still less than President Obama going to that racist Church.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Everyone in this thread should not be allowed to vote.

Except for Trident. He should run for president and give Rick Perry a run for his money.

what I find hilariously comedic, is how every goddamn thing is Obama's fault.....

fucking white people can't get jobs - Obama's fault

Do you mean like Sasha Grey? I think Jinxypie would fall in the "fucking white people category" I think she is working.

....but Osama bin Laden gets killed and Obama has NOTHING to do with that shit. THAT is nuanced, and a president can't take credit for something like that....blah blah

I'm not sure if Obama did anything specifically special here. What I believe (and have no way of knowing) is that Obama allowed our military folks to focus on that mission. They probably were not able to focus on the mission previously under Bush (43).
President Michele Bachmann has a promise: $2 gas.

How is she going to do this?

Has she explained her strategy?

She's going to pray for it.

if voting for O and expecting change is akin to insanity, voting GOPer you should expect pure bat-shit lunacy. Voting GOPer and expecting a different outcome is reasonable...the only problem is the different outcome would amount to insanity.

So...I'll roll with BO proudly in '12 based on the alternatives...thank you very much.:hatsoff:


Speaking of which, I was listening to Mark Levin the other day and his listener poll matching Romney against Perry had Perry winning 90% to 10 :tinhat:
She's going to pray for it.
Yeah..:facepalm: And but we'll be stuck having to pay for it.


Speaking of which, I was listening to Mark Levin the other day and his listener poll matching Romney against Perry had Perry winning 90% to 10 :tinhat:

Makes 100% sense since 100% of his listenership is probably the 22% that didn't have the sense to see GWB for what he was worth, 0%.

I can see the Perry crowd being little more than those (still) obsessed with the GWB lore....
(sigh) which is kind of the point.

He campaigned on all these issues (saying he would be different and spelled it out specifically):rolleyes:
The links in that thread show how he chose to go above and beyond the idiocy of the previous schmucks {i wasn't aware that this is 'breaking news']

1. FISA and eavesdropping overreach (renewed the Patriot Act)
2. corporate entitlements (he is still on the Wall Street dole)
3. foreign policy at the end of a gun (continued wars)
4. government transparency (Questionable)
5. abuse of Executive power (Not in my book, but by many)

I voted for the guy and might again, but hope & change has beem slim!
1. FISA and eavesdropping overreach (renewed the Patriot Act)
Obama was against provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act he felt were governmental overreaches. He wasn't against the act itself as that is just a name. Or at least he wasn't against the concept as much as he was against certain provisions which he wouldn't support the act in it's original incarnation. The USA PATRIOT Act Obama was against isn't the same law as it was. Provisions have been written out and some have reach sunset. The eavsdropping provisions are not what they were as implemented by GWB though.
2. corporate entitlements (he is still on the Wall Street dole)
:dunno: I don't really know what that means specifically but if it means he supported the bailout (he did so before he was elected) and if it's to mean the tax code support doles out corporate ents., see soft Demos and Tea Baggers in congress for not being able to get the legislation.
3. foreign policy at the end of a gun (continued wars)
His policy in Afghanistan is consistent with what he ran on. His policy in Iraq was originally his, became one signed into law by Bush a month before Obama took office and is now one he inherited consistent with what he would have done anyway. Where Obama loses points and tends to be Bush-like is, while he has made the focus Afghanistan (in word and deed)...what the fuck is he doing fucking around in Libya??? While not an utter fuck up like Bush in going full bore into Iraq and creating a disastrous hornet's nest of terror and instability. He is close to being guilty of the same mistake as Bush made of ceding ground in the real war on terror for an unnecessary military action somewhere else.
4. government transparency (Questionable)
Tend to agree but I haven't found a clear example of it. GOPers point to the health care law. I say nonsense to that example though.

5. abuse of Executive power (Not in my book, but by many)
This loses me. I know there is the phony czar card that was tried by GOPers but it is just that, phony.

Obama's fault is he and his minions allow these myths to persist to his detriment and the detriment of the political momentum he needs to get the other things he wants done passed.
I voted for the guy and might again, but hope & change has beem slim!

Agree. But what we forget is he has been a victim of the very change he's sought to implement.

Recall his biggest beef with GWB's way was governance in some cases by fiat. Obama has done it like the constitution intended when it comes to lawmaking.

People forget, our president isn't a dictator. "He" co-shares power with 2 other branches of g'ment.

Bush famously (or infamously) said, "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

We don't have a dictatorship and consistently Obama can't just will his ideas into being. He can lead the country to believing like him and they will send people to Washington to do the things Obama has in his agenda.

If Obama is doing his job correctly, he avails the congress of his legislative interests/agenda and the congress produces bills which are reflective of where the country is (not the president). The hope is those will be consistent. In the absence of that, the president is obligated pass constitutional laws reflective of what the people want as expressed by the representatives they send to Washington.

If the people find they are unhappy with what the congress is/has produced, they are obligated to express what they want then vote for or against politicians accordingly during the next election cycle.
dude, I enjoy your contributions on the board and you vote for whoever you want to....

but your answers here are coming from a position of complete willful ignorance.

You believe what you want to believe and refuse to actually accept any information that goes against your world view (that Obama is a great choice, apparently)
This is the same thing that makes Republicans so laughable for the past 20 years - just sayin

I'm going to leave the quotes of your post that you REALLY need to evaluate. I provided you links to the actual STORIES (not op-ed pieces) that completely destroys the line of thinking for each of the quotes below
  • The eavsdropping provisions are not what they were as implemented by GWB though.
  • He is close to being guilty of the same mistake as Bush made of ceding ground in the real war on terror for an unnecessary military action somewhere else.
  • Tend to agree but I haven't found a clear example of it
  • This loses me. I know there is the phony czar card
  • Obama's fault is he and his minions allow these myths
  • Obama has done it like the constitution intended when it comes to lawmaking.

your answers here show you're really not paying attention to events/news and just repeating what others are telling you

That being said, Fuck the Republicans and their dumbass "choices"
dude, I enjoy your contributions on the board and you vote for whoever you want to....

but your answers here are coming from a position of complete willful ignorance.

You believe what you want to believe and refuse to actually accept any information that goes against your world view (that Obama is a great choice, apparently)
This is the same thing that makes Republicans so laughable for the past 20 years - just sayin

I'm going to leave the quotes of your post that you REALLY need to evaluate. I provided you links to the actual STORIES (not op-ed pieces) that completely destroys the line of thinking for each of the quotes below

your answers here show you're really not paying attention to events/news and just repeating what others are telling you

That being said, Fuck the Republicans and their dumbass "choices"

I can accept your opinion.

I think I could accept it a little easier if you explained it though and possibly cite cases that reasonably refute or challenge what I've posted.

I try to pride myself on not being incorrigible or a blind loyalist.

I thought my answers were about as fair to the realities and circumstances I have read and followed as could be.

Is it untrue (for example) that Obama had problems with specific provisions, was against them but is now supporting a version of the USA PATRIOT Act more in line with what he believes?

To me that is a reasonable circumstance. But if you can refute it with a reasonable challenge then I would/should have no problem dropping my former belief.

But to some people they believe we need to plow over our whole system. Even you just posted something in another thread discouraging voting (I believe).

To me that makes no sense, won't solve a thing and amounts to fruitlessly trying to scorch a problematic system rather than fix it. But I accept your position on it.
I think I could accept it a little easier if you explained it though and possibly cite cases that reasonably refute or challenge what I've posted.
fair enough, which is why I presented those in the Fuck Obama with a Yellow Baseball bat with peanut butter thread

all of those links are detailed news items that go on about what Obama has done in the past two and a half years. I'm not trying to get you to believe anything, but to say that Obama hasn't completely forsaken the 'transparency', illegal surveillance, warring abroad, Executive branch overreach issues....just isn't factual (and those links provided just scratch the surface)
fair enough, which is why I presented those in the Fuck Obama with a Yellow Baseball bat with peanut butter thread

all of those links are detailed news items that go on about what Obama has done in the past two and a half years. I'm not trying to get you to believe anything, but to say that Obama hasn't completely forsaken the 'transparency', illegal surveillance, warring abroad, Executive branch overreach issues....just isn't factual (and those links provided just scratch the surface)

Fair enough. I'll try and go back a check out the links you provided as I hadn't read them nor am I quick to waste my time clicking on links provided here....half of them don't tend to conclude what they purport to conclude and the other half are opinion pieces that don't cite a single fact.