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Rep. Trey Radel Busted in Cocaine Sting

You owned me? I know you are a republican therefore you feel entitled to owning other human beings, but you hardly have ever or could ever own me sir.

Oh my goodness. Make it stop please!
Never heard of misdemeanor possession of coke. I've always understood it to be a felony if you have even residue in a straw, and you're fucked.
I don't know where you live but NC has very strict narcotics statutes. It is rated a schedule 2 narcotic and simple possession is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a first offense. Second offense becomes a Class 1 felony. This was probably the scumbag congressman's first known offense.

PWISMD and/or in multiple baggies 28-99 grams and you are looking at serious time in ass town.
Becoming belligerent and hostile on a pornographic website discussion forum solidifies that person as a very flawed individual in desperate need of a life. I'm just pointing out the obvious here.

sensei dirk confirming your identity as we all suspected and then to read this post has taken me from thinking you were just mean as hell to mean , crazy and downright scary with full retard mixed in for good measure.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Never heard of misdemeanor possession of coke. I've always understood it to be a felony if you have even residue in a straw, and you're fucked.

In a good many states, including mine, "any detectable trace" is a felony. But he got caught in D.C., which has always had pretty lax drug laws, and I guess the 3.5 gram buy (even in D.C.) wasn't enough to buy him a felony charge. I remember P@ris Hilton getting caught with some coke a year or so back too. I'm not sure if the amount she had (in Vegas?) was a small amount and that's why they went easy on her or if her family bought her out of it.

Something else I just read about Trey Radel: he owned/owns a website called sexguideonline.com

If the group backing him, the TEA party, was really about fiscal conservatism (and not just a hiding place for social conservatives), then I figure he could probably survive this. But the family values/Moral Majority crowd won't let this go. I figure he's done... at least as a TEA party GOPer. Of course he should complete his rehab first, but if he comes back to politics, he should do it as a libertarian.
In a good many states, including mine, "any detectable trace" is a felony.

First offenders in Virginia have the option to plead guilty under the deferral program where the court suspends entering a judgment. After successfully going through the program the judge will enter a dismissal.

Not as dire as you stated.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
First offenders in Virginia have the option to plead guilty under the deferral program where the court suspends entering a judgment. After successfully going through the program the judge will enter a dismissal.

Not as dire as you stated.

I have no idea when that went into affect or if what you're claiming is accurate. But I do know that a gentleman that I used to hunt with can no longer hunt (with a firearm) or possess a firearm because he was caught and charged with having a detectable trace of cocaine in his car - and he got a felony conviction.
I have no idea when that went into affect or if what you're claiming is accurate. But I do know that a gentleman that I used to hunt with can no longer hunt (with a firearm) or possess a firearm because he was caught and charged with having a detectable trace of cocaine in his car - and he got a felony conviction.

Probably before the new statute went into place. I don't practice in Virginia. But I am fairly certain that is the guideline there. And it may not have been his first offense. I doubt he would tell you if he had a prior.
Just found the Virginia statute

Still as I remembered it to be.

§ 18.2-251. Persons charged with first offense may be placed on probation; conditions; substance abuse screening, assessment treatment and education programs or services; drug tests; costs and fees; violations; discharge.

Whenever any person who has not previously been convicted of any offense under this article or under any statute of the United States or of any state relating to narcotic drugs, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids, or stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic drugs, or has not previously had a proceeding against him for violation of such an offense dismissed as provided in this section, pleads guilty to or enters a plea of not guilty to possession of a controlled substance under § 18.2-250 or to possession of marijuana under § 18.2-250.1, or to possession of synthetic cannabinoids under subsection B of § 18.2-248.1:1, the court, upon such plea if the facts found by the court would justify a finding of guilt, without entering a judgment of guilt and with the consent of the accused, may defer further proceedings and place him on probation upon terms and conditions.

As a term or condition, the court shall require the accused to undergo a substance abuse assessment pursuant to § 18.2-251.01 or 19.2-299.2, as appropriate, and enter treatment and/or education program or services, if available, such as, in the opinion of the court, may be best suited to the needs of the accused based upon consideration of the substance abuse assessment. The program or services may be located in the judicial district in which the charge is brought or in any other judicial district as the court may provide. The services shall be provided by (i) a program licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, by a similar program which is made available through the Department of Corrections, (ii) a local community-based probation services agency established pursuant to § 9.1-174, or (iii) an ASAP program certified by the Commission on VASAP.

The court shall require the person entering such program under the provisions of this section to pay all or part of the costs of the program, including the costs of the screening, assessment, testing, and treatment, based upon the accused's ability to pay unless the person is determined by the court to be indigent.

As a condition of probation, the court shall require the accused (i) to successfully complete treatment or education program or services, (ii) to remain drug and alcohol free during the period of probation and submit to such tests during that period as may be necessary and appropriate to determine if the accused is drug and alcohol free, (iii) to make reasonable efforts to secure and maintain employment, and (iv) to comply with a plan of at least 100 hours of community service for a felony and up to 24 hours of community service for a misdemeanor. Such testing shall be conducted by personnel of the supervising probation agency or personnel of any program or agency approved by the supervising probation agency.

The court shall, unless done at arrest, order the accused to report to the original arresting law-enforcement agency to submit to fingerprinting.

Upon violation of a term or condition, the court may enter an adjudication of guilt and proceed as otherwise provided. Upon fulfillment of the terms and conditions, the court shall discharge the person and dismiss the proceedings against him. Discharge and dismissal under this section shall be without adjudication of guilt and is a conviction only for the purposes of applying this section in subsequent proceedings.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, whenever a court places an individual on probation upon terms and conditions pursuant to this section, such action shall be treated as a conviction for purposes of §§ 18.2-259.1, 22.1-315 and 46.2-390.1, and the driver's license forfeiture provisions of those sections shall be imposed. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable to any offense for which a juvenile has had his license suspended or denied pursuant to § 16.1-278.9 for the same offense.


Funny stuff...like when has a Demotard come out and said they are pro Cocaine use and use the Class A Felony Controlled stuff?
I mean, besides President Otrama?
Someone must be using the several tons of blow arriving here monthly...Dems are the most common users and they don't work in government or DEA or in the Legislatures where laws are made putting people away for long stretches for possession and sale?
I hear a loud clamor of hypocrites and idiots crying about one politician using a drug, but ignoring all the asshole Demotards using and putting away others for the same thing.
I, being reasonable and fairly intelligent, see the "wrongness" of any politician using a Class A and supporting drug enforcement of same.
Seems like MariahIsStupid only sees an "R" by a name but has complete blindness for a "D"...well, she is usually completely blind about a LOT of what she posts about...nothing to see here.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
sensei dirk confirming your identity as we all suspected and then to read this post has taken me from thinking you were just mean as hell to mean , crazy and downright scary with full retard mixed in for good measure.

If you remember, the first post she made, I responded with...Mariah, you're back! The name was all the confirmation anyone around here needed.

I suppose in a place like D.C., they need to lighten up all of the laws, or our politicians would have rap sheets longer then most gang bangers.
Democrats are the most common users of cocaine? Can you please share with us the proof of this ridiculous claim? George Bush used cocaine, he just didn't have the balls to admit it himself. Most of wall street uses cocaine and I would bet that they are much more republican than democrat.
as far as being republican or not its always been a hedged bet on their part by donating to both sides with a slight advantage to republicans unless it becomes clear that the Democrat will likely win. Perfect example of that is for Obama vs McCain. But in the latest election it was tremendously in favor of Romney.


Its been widely known for decades that Wall Street parties are heavily supplied with cocaine. Doesn't mean they all do it but to say one political party likes cocaine more than the other is absurd and impossible to back up. To deny that the 20 and 30 something wall street brokers don't party hard is just being spiteful because you know it's true.
bottom line, Democrats or Republicans if elected official gets caught using drugs and breaking the common trust of the American people they should have a rope tied around their neck and kicked off the roof for the capital to swing for everybody look at
yes but the democrats aren't constantly shrieking anti gay and anti drugs then getting caught with cock in their mouths in airport restrooms or doing lines of coke off of a teenage boy's backside. When you are Rush Limbaugh who ranted for years that drug users should get 20 years in prison and not rehab gets caught it's far worse than someone who voted to legalize weed and decriminalize drugs.