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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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Well, to be frank, you've done a brilliant job of completely botching any possibility of a meaningful discussion. The subject of Religion is not taboo. What makes people think it is taboo is the vitriolic tone that so many people take on when discussing it. Think what you want to about religion. Agree to have civil discussions about it. Don't get in people's faces immediately by telling them what you think is wrong with their religion - which is the mistake you made here. You begin by saying "I think Christianity is stupid, here is why."

To be honest, you sound foolish. People much smarter than you and I have a lot more intelligent things to say on the subject. It isn't a black and white issue, and any declarations to that effect are hurtful, and detrimental to conversation.

In essence, what I am saying is that YOU have made this a taboo subject with your spite and vitriol. Start a thread about religion, and spout a bunch of reasons why people are stupid to believe in God. A different approach might have been that you start a thread on religion and list clear, calm reasons what influences your life, and to which moral code you ascribe. You're welcome to worry about what you believe, but please, don't start a thread and rail on a religion because you don't like it.

Frankly, I don't like the lifestyle of MOST porn stars. Want to hear the reasons why? Nah, I didn't think so. I'll worry about my own lifestyle, and allow you to do the same. Perhaps sometime we can have a nuanced discussion about it. I guarantee you that discussion will not be started by someone calling all porn starts sluts, stupid, and cocaine addicts. If such a discussion were started in that way, do you think you'd gracefully wade into it, with no intent than to further that discussion?

And, by the way, for every negative example of Christian behaviour, I can give you a positive one. Not that I need to. I have no further interest whatsoever in your views on religion. You've made them clear, and the way you speak makes you sound like a bigot.

Finally, just because someone is a Christian, you think they need to get off a porn forum? You'd lose a lot of your clientele. It turns out that Christians are human beings, too. I don't see a lot of them preaching at you on FreeOnes, what gives you the right to demean them?

That's a response to merely one part of your thread. I'll leave someone else to respond to the mockery you have tried to make of other religions.
Well, to be frank, you've done a brilliant job of completely botching any possibility of a meaningful discussion. The subject of Religion is not taboo. What makes people think it is taboo is the vitriolic tone that so many people take on when discussing it. Think what you want to about religion. Agree to have civil discussions about it. Don't get in people's faces immediately by telling them what you think is wrong with their religion - which is the mistake you made here. You begin by saying "I think Christianity is stupid, here is why."

To be honest, you sound foolish. People much smarter than you and I have a lot more intelligent things to say on the subject. It isn't a black and white issue, and any declarations to that effect are hurtful, and detrimental to conversation.

In essence, what I am saying is that YOU have made this a taboo subject with your spite and vitriol. Start a thread about religion, and spout a bunch of reasons why people are stupid to believe in God. A different approach might have been that you start a thread on religion and list clear, calm reasons what influences your life, and to which moral code you ascribe. You're welcome to worry about what you believe, but please, don't start a thread and rail on a religion because you don't like it.

Frankly, I don't like the lifestyle of MOST porn stars. Want to hear the reasons why? Nah, I didn't think so. I'll worry about my own lifestyle, and allow you to do the same. Perhaps sometime we can have a nuanced discussion about it. I guarantee you that discussion will not be started by someone calling all porn starts sluts, stupid, and cocaine addicts. If such a discussion were started in that way, do you think you'd gracefully wade into it, with no intent than to further that discussion?

And, by the way, for every negative example of Christian behaviour, I can give you a positive one. Not that I need to. I have no further interest whatsoever in your views on religion. You've made them clear, and the way you speak makes you sound like a bigot.

Finally, just because someone is a Christian, you think they need to get off a porn forum? You'd lose a lot of your clientele. It turns out that Christians are human beings, too. I don't see a lot of them preaching at you on FreeOnes, what gives you the right to demean them?

That's a response to merely one part of your thread. I'll leave someone else to respond to the mockery you have tried to make of other religions.

Post of the millennium


Torn & Frayed.
Well this thread blew up nicely and is a good example of why I think this is all a waste of time. Thirty eight pages and both sides have come up with nothing but rhetoric..

Don't mind me, I'm just trying to figure out where the other 36 pages went....


Official Checked Star Member
yeah you meant 38 POSTS right? :)

I don't hate religion. I just am sick of it being forced upon people who don't buy into it. I don't mind merry christmas at the post office or christmas music or the word god on my money or in the pledge. I could care less. But dont put YOUR version of God into laws that affect MY life. Don't come knock on my door and tell me I'm not living my life properly.

I live in the Bible belt and I live according to their stupid laws based on the christian dogma. I don't rock the boat and I go about my life and my business quietly. But about 50 miles from me a woman was arrested for doing webcam shows in her house. Another was arrested for filming an amateur video in her house and posting it on the internet. A lesbian couple that are friends of mine aren't allowed to adopt a baby in the state of Florida because of their stupid religious bullshit. our former governor who I liked very much Charlie Crist is in the closet gay. He was a very popular moderate republican governor and when he repeatedly voted against every gay rights law and help for AIDS patients a gay advocacy group outed him. He lost his bid for the senate as an independent and is now a Democrat working for the largest personal injury law firm in florida Morgan & Morgan.

If it were just some of you Bob, I would rejoice along with you. But when you can tell me that no one is dying in the name of God, that people aren't plotting right now on ways to destroy each other because one doesn't agree with the other's dogma I'll admit I'm wrong. Name one thing that has caused more death in history than religion.

And lurkingdirk so when christians look at porn and lust and commit adultery and covet that isn't being hypocrites? So christians only adhere to the things in christianity that work for them and ignore the others right?

Sam fisher you say you "try to live a christian lifestyle" but I'd say that nearly 6,000 posts on a porn website forum is hardly a christian lifestyle. You have said openly that the white race is the superior race which is common for Christians but not very Jesus like. I would say that you live a very unchristian-like life but since you say you believe you think you get a pass. You are the one who very clearly said that you don't feel women should have equal rights as men. I know that many religions are against women's rights and view women as nothing more than possessions. Islam, Orthodox Jews, American rednecks, etc... that is a religion right?

The fact is not ONE of you can provide proof of there being a God. NOT ONE. it's all based on shit you've been shoveled your entire lives. So you shovel it yourselves mindlessly. I ask for only ONE piece of evidence to say it's real and not a myth. ONE.
Again, does this appear to be an intelligent way to get people to have a discussion?

The fact is not ONE of you can provide proof of there being a God. NOT ONE. it's all based on shit you've been shoveled your entire lives. So you shovel it yourselves mindlessly. I ask for only ONE piece of evidence to say it's real and not a myth. ONE.

What you believe is shit. Nothing but shit. You've shoveled shit beliefs for your whole lives. Please, have a polite discussion with me.

Because you don't believe it, and you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are all sorts of forces that are not visible that shape daily life. For many, their religious beliefs are as basic as gravity. Can't see it, but feel the daily force of it on you. What of placebos? The mere thought that you're receiving beneficial medicine, the faith in that medicine, can often produce amazing results.

Don't reduce this to a one-issue discussion. You say there is no proof of God. Millions in this world would tell you otherwise, but you won't accept what they consider evidence of God. Who is the small minded one, now? Are you trying to force your unbelief on those here?

And get over yourself and the whole "Christians need to get off the porn thread" business. This is simply a ridiculous issue you're trying to make something of.

By the way, You're married, did that happen in a Church of some sort?

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
I don't care for religion personally but I am fine with people believing what they want and going to places of worship as they wish. But I agree with not wanting people to put their beliefs on me. I have gay friends who can't get married and adopt kids bc conservatives believe the Bible says its wrong yet isn't gluttony a sin? And they go to McDonalds or KFC and stuff their faces. The hypocrisy is what gets me! Yeah I get that being a Christian isn't about being perfect or doing everything right but to sit there and use religion as a defense when it works in your favor and ignore it when you go out and get shit faced at the strip bar seems ridiculous to me.
First off I am not a "believer". You're allowed to to believe or not believe whatever you want or dont want. Its your rude, bullheaded, "here what I think, if you disagree then fuck you" attititude that people are taking issue with. The fact that you can't see this is discouraging.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/maggie-green said:
Maggie Green[/URL][/B], post: 7671624, member: 346743"]
- But I agree with not wanting people to put their beliefs on me.
- The hypocrisy is what gets me!

Isn't this what Mariahxxx is doing with her own thread and words, oh so boastfully?
I don't care for religion personally but I am fine with people believing what they want and going to places of worship as they wish. But I agree with not wanting people to put their beliefs on me. I have gay friends who can't get married and adopt kids bc conservatives believe the Bible says its wrong yet isn't gluttony a sin? And they go to McDonalds or KFC and stuff their faces. The hypocrisy is what gets me! Yeah I get that being a Christian isn't about being perfect or doing everything right but to sit there and use religion as a defense when it works in your favor and ignore it when you go out and get shit faced at the strip bar seems ridiculous to me.

But you're confusing Religion with laws. This country was largely shaped by Puritans, who had a very particular slant on interpreting scripture, and applying it to laws. To those who are Christian, gluttony is just as big a sin as anything else. This country chooses to put one above the other. That's not Religion, that's bad, inconsistent interpretation of what Religion is supposed to be. Human beings always screw things up, but if you look for good examples of Religion, they exist. Don't be fooled by the very vocal extremes (left and right) of Religion. There are lots of people between those polar extremes with whom you'd have a lot of things in common. That's true of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Baha'i, gay, straight, politician, police officer, and on and on goes the list. There are terrible cops. There are good cops. There are terrible Christians. There are good Christians. Because you live in a part of the country that thumps hard to the Conservative Right, you encounter a lot of bad Christians. Sorry to those on the Right, but the heartland of this country produces some pretty horrible examples of Christianity. Take the KKK, for example.

And yet, there are fabulous examples of Christians there, too. They're just not as vocal.
Sam fisher you say you "try to live a christian lifestyle" but I'd say that nearly 6,000 posts on a porn website forum is hardly a christian lifestyle. You have said openly that the white race is the superior race which is common for Christians but not very Jesus like. I would say that you live a very unchristian-like life but since you say you believe you think you get a pass. You are the one who very clearly said that you don't feel women should have equal rights as men. I know that many religions are against women's rights and view women as nothing more than possessions. Islam, Orthodox Jews, American rednecks, etc... that is a religion right?

You hit the nail on the head. We are all mortals. We all have our misgivings and our downfalls. Nobody is perfect. Everyone sins in one manner or another. The key to this however, is to ask for forgiveness and try to be a better person. That is the beauty of believing.... to better ourselves and work harder at being a good person.

And, you don't round off numbers well do you? I'm a little over 5000 posts. A far cry from 6000. I'd say my post count is much closer to 5000 than 6000, yes?

By the way, when you got married, was there a priest officiating? A pastor? A minister? a Rabbi? Did you recite your vows? So basically, what do you believe in?


Official Checked Star Member
Im not requiring that you live the way I say to live, which is what religion is doing. I'm not saying if you don't believe as I believe then you are doomed. I don't want laws written based on what I believe that will dictate how you live your lives.

I am simply asking for some feedback but because you have zero proof other than "because I say so" or because your mommy told you so.

I have friends who are religious but keep it to themselves. We never discuss it because we respect each other's beliefs. But then I have people who constantly try and debate me on this.

If you think Christianity isn't invasive, go ask the tribes living in South America who were told by missionaries that if they didn't convert they would all die of diseases. What about the millions of people in Africa murdered over their religious beliefs.


Official Checked Star Member
Sorry Sam. I was off by a few hundred but I still stand by the statement. You''re saying you try and live a christian lifestyle but you openly admit to being racist and a bigot and think women shouldn't have the same rights as men. That is a far cry from what the Bible says but very common for American Christians.

And Sam, I'm not married. That's an entirely other bullshit deal setup for men to own their women.
Actually, Religion is the biggest lie in human History.
Religion was created by those who had some power to control the people. Think about it : Kings were coronated by Popes or Arch-bishops so that they were ruling the country by God's will. God intended some them rule and trying to remove them from the throne (or even kill them) was a Sin.
Through History, Religion has killed more people than any other concept : Inquisition, Crusades, wars of religion, Al Qaeda, etc...
Religion is- and always have been- the biggest threat on tTruth, science and progress. Because Church didn't liked his observation that the sun, not the earth, was in the middle of the solar system, they gave him a clear choice : Shut up or die !

In the end, if you wanna know my thought about religion, read my signature


Closed Account
My religion is Catholicism (Guilt and redemption) and Spiritual deism (The existance and belief in one God). I don't really read the Bible although I respect the book. Haven't went to Church in a real long time (fifteen years or more) yet I pray at home a lot. I am a true sinner since i've sinned many times which leaves a lot of guilt bottled inside me...Heck I've even done what Harvey Keitel has done in the movie "Mean Streets" the scene where Keitel's character flicks the lighter and holds it above his hand testing the fires of hell. Due to his personal sins...I immediately identfied with those guilt complexes in the film.
When it's my time to go, will be judged by God. I know I will be shaking down on my knees and crying in deep shame if God does not accept me into the kingdom of heaven and if that happens to be the case, will have to accept it as punishment since I was weak and failed as a human being during my time on earth and yet God and the Church is so strong that even the weak and the non-believer can still be saved into the entrance of God's kingdom. So I believe there is still hope dispite all the bloodshed, rapes, and destruction people keep complaining about in the 21st Century. The violence, corruption and destruction isn't God's fault it is OUR fault and OUR faults alone...To point the blame out on God and religion isn't fair imo more like an easy target since God and religion is not to blame for our own actions and problems. WE ARE!
The Bible warns us of a lot of things and it is up to those who wish to take the Lord's scriptures or not. That is what the Bible is there for. To teach us, to remind us, to discipline and to guide us. Weather if we are hypocrites, porn perverts or what have you, the Bible will always be there right in front us open to anyone and everyone. God gives us the freedom to choose with the choices we make in our lives. Weather the choice happens to be raising your family, going to church, devoting love and care to the poor, donating to the research of science, choosing to bad mouth Christians or Christians choosing to throw their beliefs into non believers throats, smoking and quitting cigarettes, having carefree gangbangs or watching porn. The choice is ours and we should be thanking God for giving us such a righteous privilege. I honestly believe we will all unite as one big family in the afterlife. If there happens to be no afterlife well then fine i'll accept that too but for those who still believe will join God's paradise. A paradise where all our questions of doubts and fears will finally be put to rest so we can continue to do God's work.


Closed Account
My religion is Catholicism (Guilt and redemption) and Spiritual deism (The existance and belief in one God). I don't really read the Bible although I respect the book. Haven't went to Church in a real long time (fifteen years or more) yet I pray at home a lot. I am a true sinner since i've sinned many times which leaves a lot of guilt bottled inside me...Heck I've even done what Harvey Keitel has done in the movie "Mean Streets" the scene where Keitel's character flicks the lighter and holds it above his hand testing the fires of hell. Due to his personal sins...I immediately identfied with those guilt complexes in the film.
When it's my time to go, will be judged by God. I know I will be shaking down on my knees and crying in deep shame if God does not accept me into the kingdom of heaven and if that happens to be the case, will have to accept it as punishment since I was weak and failed as a human being during my time on earth and yet God and the Church is so strong that even the weak and the non-believer can still be saved into the entrance of God's kingdom. So I believe there is still hope dispite all the bloodshed, rapes, and destruction people keep complaining about in the 21st Century. The violence, corruption and destruction isn't God's fault it is OUR fault and OUR faults alone...To point the blame out on God and religion isn't fair imo more like an easy target since God and religion is not to blame for our own actions and problems. WE ARE!
The Bible warns us of a lot of things and it is up to those who wish to take the Lord's scriptures or not. That is what the Bible is there for. To teach us, to remind us, to discipline and to guide us. Weather if we are hypocrites, porn perverts or what have you, the Bible will always be there right in front us open to anyone and everyone. God gives us the freedom to choose with the choices we make in our lives. Weather the choice happens to be raising your family, going to church, devoting love and care to the poor, donating to the research of science, choosing to bad mouth Christians or Christians choosing to throw their beliefs into non believers throats, smoking and quitting cigarettes, having carefree gangbangs or watching porn. The choice is ours and we should be thanking God for giving us such a righteous privilege. I honestly believe we will all unite as one big family in the afterlife. If there happens to be no afterlife well then fine i'll accept that too but for those who still believe will join God's paradise. A paradise where all of our questions of doubts and fears will finally be put to rest so that we can continue to do God's work.

And through peace.
Mariah seems to be a very angry woman. She can be charming when she is not baiting people into arguing with her. After reading her threads (other than the food thread) it is apparent that she enjoys lashing out at people that disagree with her. I think she is of Italian heritage and she probably has a lot of deeply religious people in her family. The root of all of this is that she may be not receiving the acceptance from them because of her former career and harbors a lot of resentment toward religion because she feels she is being judged.
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