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Religion is a Fucking Waste!


Lord Dipstick
So, says the person that said I made them feel dirty and convicted. :tongue:

Yes, they find it inconvenient. Self-centered, life without rules, but they will folow man's rules.

Why not stop following all the rules you do not like? Fear of man... :tongue:

Romans 1:21-22 (KJV)
21: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Romans 1:26 (KJV)
26: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Proverbs 29:25 (KJV)
25: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Does God know you are quoting Bible verses on a Porn board? :nono:

You are a Heretic and shall burn! :flame:


Closed Account
Why not know where you came from? Then why go to work, why do anything?

Who's scared of dying? How brought that up? Seems you like the simple and easy answers.

you do know where you come from, the answers are your parents. other than that, who gives a shit where humans and all living things come from. You don't have to go to work, you could live on the streets. who says thats bad? just cause you dont want shelter or material things doesnt make it bad or wrong.

I brought it up. In the past our ancestors knew where we came from, from birth. but then someone asked what happens wen you die and people came up with religion and threw this nonsense that you will enter a great kingdom. when you get morons and naive and gullible people to believe that, they feel that dying aint going to be so bad. Soon after that religion took over the "why are we here and where dd we come from" answers as well.

Will E Worm

you do know where you come from, the answers are your parents. other than that, who gives a shit where humans and all living things come from. You don't have to go to work, you could live on the streets. who says thats bad? just cause you dont want shelter or material things doesnt make it bad or wrong.

I brought it up. In the past our ancestors knew where we came from, from birth. but then someone asked what happens wen you die and people came up with religion and threw this nonsense that you will enter a great kingdom. when you get morons and naive and gullible people to believe that, they feel that dying aint going to be so bad. Soon after that religion took over the "why are we here and where dd we come from" answers as well.

Come on now. :tongue:


When I die, my atoms will once again begin their journey to everywhere. Some of them will be released as gases - a few even being light enough to escape our atmosphere and float into the nothingness of space.
Others, meanwhile, will be broken down by various bacteria and insects - perhaps even a larger predator, but will be broken down nonetheless and used as food stuffs by smaller species. Of course, those smaller species will be consumed by larger species and so on, some being consumed alive, some being consumed dead and so on and so on and so on, until bits and pieces of me are spread all over the world here and there after a couple of billions of years.
Meanwhile, our sun will become a red giant, essentially burning off anything on our planet's surface. Many of those burnt atoms will float off into space, a few others remaining on Earth. Who knows, maybe eventually a few of my atoms will float through space long enough that they join will trillions upon trillions of other atoms, a force large enough to ignite a brand new star (and creating more heavier elements), and perhaps another solar system which can sustain life - maybe even intelligent.
That is part of my religion. And instead of making me feel like the pawn of some supposed supreme being, it makes me literally feel like part of the universe's past, present and future...which makes me feel pretty damned good and enlightened.

Great post - interesting perspective and keen insight! :yesyes:
Does God know you are quoting Bible verses on a Porn board? :nono:

You are a Heretic and shall burn! :flame:

He's not quoting Bible verses. He quotes from the King James Version, which has been conclusively proved to be one of the most inaccurate translations in existence. He'll say no, but it is provable.


Lord Dipstick
He's not quoting Bible verses. He quotes from the King James Version, which has been conclusively proved to be one of the most inaccurate translations in existence. He'll say no, but it is provable.

LeBron got a bible too?

Who knew?

Let's cut the bullshit; if god blames others for outcomes he/she/it doesn't want, he/she/it admits he/she/it isn't perfect and therefore, not a god. Ofcourse religion is a waste. We don't rely on it to make medicine, create hilarious shows and movies, make fun video games, deliver food and electronics across the globe. We don't rely on it for anything rational. If history and the respect of other human beings, isn't enough for you to be a moral person, you could easily be convinced to do horrible things by the very being you think provides moral guidelines. Anyway, on to the anal porn.

Will E Worm

He's not quoting Bible verses. He quotes from the King James Version, which has been conclusively proved to be one of the most inaccurate translations in existence. He'll say no, but it is provable.

:facepalm: Says the person who has me on ignore.

It's not ever been proven. Just stick to trolling.
:facepalm: Says the person who has me on ignore.

It's not ever been proven. Just stick to trolling.

wooHOO! I told you, you're on ignore, and periodically I look at what crap you are spouting.

It has been proven. I've provided the links in the past, I'm not going to do so again, because you won't read them anyway. The fact that you believe that's the best translation just highlights how much of a total fucking idiot you are.

Just to be clear, I called you a fucking idiot.

Have a great day! I may or may not read your response. And if you respond with something like, "You just resort to name calling," that is correct. This time I did. In the past I have provided you with very good evidence on this exact subject, but you dismissed it with a :tongue: so I'm not taking the time and energy any more. I'm just calling you a fucking idiot, instead.


Re: Religion is a Fucking Waste!

Much the same is the popular belief that government has the ability to solve every social problem know to mankind.
Good luck with that.

To each their own though, I try not to hold these kinds of things against others because it only leads to fury and animosity toward one another.
I grew up LDS and much later after a ton of soul-searching and exploration, I left the church. I admit I have my problems with religion and certain types of religious people, but I can't blame my faith-based guilt for "holding me back" when it comes to sex. I too spent a long time without it, but that's because I was timid and hadn't even come into maturity enough to know what I wanted or how I wanted to get it. Blaming all religion for your own personal problems is just excusing yourself from growing out of them.


Re: Religion is a Fucking Waste!

The thing that is often overlooked by most of us is the fact that we each have the gift of having the ability to believe as we please, don't take that for granted, many people in this world don't get to enjoy that freedom.

Celebrate that diversity why don'tcha.