Any advice would be appreciated. I'm not a fan of the socially conservative agenda...
Reasonable, considering it's morally bankrupt.
...and I'm not convinced of conservative economic philosophy...
Also reasonable, considering it's intellectually bankrupt.
...and those were the two main influences that kept me Liberal/Democratic for the last twenty five years. I've soured on the liberal agenda, I'm tired of giving a fuck about special interests that don't give a fuck about me. At any rate, I think it's safe to say that I'm no longer a Democrat, but neither am I a Republican, calling myself "independent", or "moderate" just seems like a cop-out. Anyway, here's to a Brave New World!
You need to parse out "liberal" from "Democrat". The Democratic party is a center-right-authoritarian party. They're only considered 'left' to myopic Americans who only have the far right-now-fascist Republicans to compare them to.
Bernie Sanders is the first main party contender to even break left of center in a long time. No, the Democrats are only slightly less a corporatist party than the Republicans - neither gives a shit about you.
No, that's like being a Scientologist.
Libertarianism, while being far more intellectually honest than the Republican's brand of conservatism, is a fantasy, because it only works if people act as they should. Fun fact, they don't - and those people who make bad choices don't just lie down in the street and die. They come for your shit. So you pay for them, one way or the other. It isn't right or fair, but that's life.
Single Payer; needs more study.
See: the rest of the western world (yes, they're not all single payer, they've got different flavors, yaddya yaddya - the point is still there).
Duly noted. I don't know if it's mid-life crisis or something else, but there ya go, no longer affiliated with the Democratic party.
I'm not old enough to have paid attention to the Democratic party pre Bill Clinton, but other than being the less reprehensible on social issues, there hasn't been much good of it since Bill Clinton. And there won't be until democratic voters wake the fuck up and vote out the likes of the Clintons, Booker, Pelosi, Schumer, etc.
I'd say the same of Republicans, but they're so far down the rabbit hole it's a lost cause. When one wholeheartedly embraces pure fantasy, purely made up shit - when evidence no longer matters - there is, literally speaking, no reasoning to be done anymore. Idiocracy in full. It's why I've got a number of folks here on ignore - it's a complete waste of time communicating with people beyond reason.
Anyway. I've not yet decided whether the best hope going forward is trying to reform the Democratic party or really bolster something new, but I'd recommend one of those.