Red head from Collegerules

Could someone ID the girl on the left with purple painted nails? I'm dying to know her name ...

bump for orig. request.
OK, everybody... she appears with three other girls in "GGW: Horny Schoolgirls 5" which carries a 2006 copyright. I always thought that she ended up as the girl who gets double-teamed in the Daredorm episode "Celebration"... with a tan, no glasses, tats and a few extra pounds on her frame, but if New material is showing up for Tiffany Haze, clearly I was mistaken...
bump (for the painted nails chick)
It's Time to Play: "Identify that Teen"!

Step right up gentlemen, take your best shot! The closer you hit to the bull's eye, that happier we all will be!

EDIT: Merged with the old Id thread.


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