Random Statement Thread II

So she drools, she barks, she snarls, she sleeps above her covers!?!?!?! 4 feet above her covers!!!!
Whimsy, why are you picking on me? I thought we were friends? I even made friends with that sniper you hired to sit on my neighbors roof to assassinate me.

You know what, me and him are going out for drinks and you're not invited now. We were gonna have a naked chicks bash at my place too for the 4th of July.

:boobies::glugglug::boobies::boobies:......you just fucked it all up for urrrrrself!!!

I have my Xbox360 :tongue:

Besides you should know I'm not picking on you :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm here, and I'm saying howl at the moon!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The sky is up :D

Seriously though, I'm off to bed.
"strip Halo".....all you need is two TVs,two xbox 360's, two copies of Halo 3,a bunch of sexy women and some beverages. Online LAN private matches w/ 4 teams round robin. Losing teams have to remove pieces of clothing after each match.

Best case scenario, at the end all the hotties are naked, drunk and......(fill in the blank).....