Random Statement Thread II

Signed up a year ago; became a whore three months later. Still my lovable Lungzyn!

Who is my cute little turtle wurtle furtle??? Yes! Yes.... Lungzyn is my cute little turtle, wurtle, furtle.

Bonezstorm. That is how they get you.

That is why I never buy a DVD when it comes out. Because months down the road they will have the actual DVD that should of came out originally come out later on down the road. So people will buy that one to watch special features they do not give a shit about in the beginning. With exception of a few. No less, whatever, I buy them cheap any way.

Amazon.com baby
As long as it provides the movie... the extras is according to my whims at the moment lol
A few days ago I had to go pick my brother up from work, and while waiting in the parking lot and passing time looking at the vehicles a realization dawned on me. Car manufacturers must not believe in mud flaps anymore. Out of all the cars there it was only a vary rare one that had them, even the trucks. Some of the few that did might have even been aftermarket additions. No wonder my windshield gets sprayed all the time by the vehicles in front of me when I drive in the rain.