Random Statement Thread II


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You do know it's spelled sorry right?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Still sick >_< I will probably be gone for a week


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Think it's the fever, I'm a lot better now though


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Va fan pratar du?
That movie is rather decent. However, some of his films, I don't know. I honestly have no idea how he was as big as he was in the 90s.
I remember reading about how he bought up a large amount of the video game Red Dead Revolver (or Gun; I kind of forget the details) as to inspire the video game company to continue making western theme games. He wanted to bring forth a experience for those who never seen western films to introduce it to them and hopefully get them to remember the history and not forget about that time period.

I will have to look back in old Game Informers to be more accurate about it. However, still neat.
Really? I knew that he's a cool guy! :glugglug:

So you better don't mess with him!
I just read in a news column that Kevin Costner was seen with Bayonetta... in a hotel. There's a sex tape. :tongue: