Random Statement Thread II

Almost 2 months already. :o

I need it to be able to vote.

And since when is the new passport at €37.50?! They can't be serious!

And I even had luck with that. If I were older I would have to pay 50 or 60€! :eek:

Then it's time to vote a party who donates you all of this :1orglaugh
My transmission on my car went out today, which means I'm in pretty deep trouble now. I was just glad I was able to crawl home a mile or two with it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Closed Account
Yeah gloat why don't you. Mumble mumble mutter mutter. Sandra's site is totally worth fighting for. She is a wonderful person. The person who won that month free membership is one fortunate fellow. There is so much to enjoy there.

Almost 100gig worth.


Die For Me
I had a lengthy conversation on yahoo messenger today with a man who claimed that he was pregnant.
Apparently Princeton is conducting secret experiments into male pregnancy, and he is one of three signed up for testing. If successful, they will lead the way in a new reproductive revolution.
You heard it here first.