Random Statement Thread II


Center of the fothermucking universe


Center of the fothermucking universe
Gustave now a Cat 1, the levves in Nawlins are holding, let's hoope they stay that way.

But Grand Isle, Lake Charles and Morgan City may have gotten the worst of it so far.

But few stayed behind and evac'd, btw largest evacuation in La.'s history!

We'll have the days ahead to ascertain the losses.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
So I know a place around here where I can get a case of beer and a cheeseburger w/ fries, delivered right to my door, for $25. Should I tonight? :dunno:

I'm hungry for a cheeseburger and I mean, come on, I could always use some beer.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Oh my dear lord of luck...

They had a special running today...TWO cases of beer, TWO cheeseburgers and TWO orders of fries for $30!!!



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I feel like a big cunt for saying this, but, I just saw a big bug run across my wall and even though I killed it and it's dead...I'm scared to go lay in my bed right now, so I'm going to stay up for a while.