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Random rant thread!


all I know is that they are getting a shake of the head from me :nono: and a tut tut tut,lol!!!!!


It's hard to believe that I dont have a partner, it's hard to believe that I'm all alone.

. . . . . . . . .erm. . . . . . . . .lol

Lonely as I am, together we cry.

And I dont ever wanna feel, like I did that day, take me to the place I love, take me all the way.


exactly,lol, hehehe, couldnt put it any other way. :tongue: ;)


Staff member
I don't like this thread definitely not funny :nono:.


Summer said:

Me too mate, it's been one fucking boring day, lol.

:mad: My rant's more to do with members joining who don't post anything. We've got 13,611 members (when I posted), and out of those only 494 have posted a 100 times or more. :confused:
That means there's 13117 members who don't do much at all.

It's about time more of the 13,611 members started posting, as it's nice to get a mixture of opinions on the board.

Or let's have a purge on members who've been inactive for 6 months or more - be interesting to see how many members actually do anything. So clear out the database, and let's lose some of the dead wood. :D


Member, you member...
As we all know, a lot the new people sign up to ask a question on who's who or where can I find this, then they're gone. There are others who spend a good amount of time in the fave babes section, but not really anywhere else.
Mr. Green Jeans is still considered a new member, but he gets no love! lol

Not a rant, but...


welshchick said:
Oooh, about closed minded fundimentalist christians, grrr... My older sister is actively involved in the children's ministries at her church and loves it, but a few weeks agao she offered to join the worship because she knew they we struggling for people. Unfortunately, this simple offer opened up a pandora's box of troubles. The Pastor said he would have to think about it because he wasn't sure if she should be involved in such an "important and up front" ministry because she plays Dungeons and Dragons (a popular, fantasy based roleplaying game). He then asked to have a meeting with her to discuss this. They had their meeting and they have now given her an ultimatum that either she stop playing D&D and ALSO stop associating with any friends that are involved in wicca (witch craft; which counts for a good few of her close friends) or she withdraw from any and all ministries she is involved in. How incredibly stupid is this?? I mean D&D is a GAME! Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, I play it when I can, its really fun and there is nothing more "evil" about it than like, watch Lord of the Rings. But her Pastor is convinced that it is evil and... ugh, it's just so stupid and sooooo frustrating!! And my parents wonder why I don't like going to that church?!!
*phew* I feel better now :)

Girl, don't EVEN get me started on the whole right-wing Baptist Fundalmentalist attitude that "anything pertaining to or or sorcery and witchcraft" is an "abomination and a sin".

I've had my gut full of people like Jerry Falwell and the rest of his ilk condemning people for GAMES. Hell, I may be a Christian - I may be a former member of the Seminary - but JESUS... sometimes people need to lighten up.

I think the BIGGEST problem with organized religion today - ESPECIALLY the Southern Baptist Convention - is the fact that they have lost complete sight of the real meaning of Christianity. Rather than condemning people, they should be out there SUPPORTING people; encouraging them, counseling them.

I CANNOT ABIDE OR TOLERATE (especially when committed by those who are supposed to be servants of the faith and God):

> Ignorance
> Stupidity
> Hypocrisy
> Apathy
> Indifference
> Condemnation / Judgmental Dispositions
QBall1970 said:
Girl, don't EVEN get me started on the whole right-wing Baptist Fundalmentalist attitude that "anything pertaining to or or sorcery and witchcraft" is an "abomination and a sin".

I've had my gut full of people like Jerry Falwell and the rest of his ilk condemning people for GAMES. Hell, I may be a Christian - I may be a former member of the Seminary - but JESUS... sometimes people need to lighten up.

I think the BIGGEST problem with organized religion today - ESPECIALLY the Southern Baptist Convention - is the fact that they have lost complete sight of the real meaning of Christianity. Rather than condemning people, they should be out there SUPPORTING people; encouraging them, counseling them.

I CANNOT ABIDE OR TOLERATE (especially when committed by those who are supposed to be servants of the faith and God):

> Ignorance
> Stupidity
> Hypocrisy
> Apathy
> Indifference
> Condemnation / Judgmental Dispositions
Well said Q,as usual. :hatsoff:


I need help in choosing my new sig. I have had 2 views (thanks guys you know who you are) but I would like a couple more views before I make my final decision. Please take a look at them in the Official Sig Thread. Thank You in advance. :thumbsup:

BTW I think QBall should become a lawyer,lol, he would be great at getting points across and winning court cases. :D ;)
There is this guy at my job....as a matter of fact he got me the job, as we used to be friends....in the 3 years since i got the job, he has turned into a two faced, back stabbing, ass kissing jerk off. His only concern is making himself look good and everyone else look bad. He has the illusion that he is in some position of authority, when in fact he isnt. We all want to kick the crap out of him. The only good to come out of this is that i am now good friends with my two co-workers (there are 4 of us in the "Tech" dept, about 20 in the entire Data Processing department). But it pisses me off that this person that called himself my friend has turned into......well, an asshole.
welshchick said:
Oooh, about closed minded fundimentalist christians, grrr... My older sister is actively involved in the children's ministries at her church and loves it, but a few weeks agao she offered to join the worship because she knew they we struggling for people. Unfortunately, this simple offer opened up a pandora's box of troubles. The Pastor said he would have to think about it because he wasn't sure if she should be involved in such an "important and up front" ministry because she plays Dungeons and Dragons (a popular, fantasy based roleplaying game). He then asked to have a meeting with her to discuss this. They had their meeting and they have now given her an ultimatum that either she stop playing D&D and ALSO stop associating with any friends that are involved in wicca (witch craft; which counts for a good few of her close friends) or she withdraw from any and all ministries she is involved in. How incredibly stupid is this?? I mean D&D is a GAME! Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, I play it when I can, its really fun and there is nothing more "evil" about it than like, watch Lord of the Rings. But her Pastor is convinced that it is evil and... ugh, it's just so stupid and sooooo frustrating!! And my parents wonder why I don't like going to that church?!!
*phew* I feel better now :)

I haven't gone to church in years. I'm convinced that churches are nothing more than organized cults. They take the bible, or what ever religion they are apart of, and twist it around into a facist movement. Hitler would be proud of them. The only underlying message in the bible is don't perpously hurt anyone. The rest of it is full of contradictions which is why we have so many of these groups out there that see whatever they want in it and ram it down everyone elses throats. They say they preach peace and tolerance. Well, I don't see that from them at all.


The Captain said:
I haven't gone to church in years. I'm convinced that churches are nothing more than organized cults. They take the bible, or what ever religion they are apart of, and twist it around into a facist movement. Hitler would be proud of them. The only underlying message in the bible is don't perpously hurt anyone. The rest of it is full of contradictions which is why we have so many of these groups out there that see whatever they want in it and ram it down everyone elses throats. They say they preach peace and tolerance. Well, I don't see that from them at all.

Well... I take EXTREME exception and offense to THAT comment, TheCaptain. Comparing religion - ANY kind of religion, regardless if it's mainstream Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Agnostic, what the fuck ever - to the atrocities that Adolph Hitler perpetrated against the Jewish people is by far and above the most ignorant and heartless comment ANYONE has ever made on this Board. I have to say: wtf?!?!

I understand you are entitled to your views and opinions... and believe it or not, I tend to agree with you a good majority of the time. But this time, you failed to truly think of the consequences of how you worded your post. While Christianity does have its problems - inherent and created - it still has been a driving force in the world today. And how you could link the two is beyond me... it's not even logical.

Quite frankly, I can't even begin to fathom how you could possibly even think to associate Adolph Hitler with Christianity... or religion in any form, thought, or substance.

As for tolerance, peace, love, acceptance, and all the other major tenets of virtually any major religious organization?

I can only speak with authority for my faith: Christianity (i.e., Lutheran - E.C.L.A.) My church does a LOT of humanitarian work: Blood drives, AIDS assistance, working with the elderly, homeless missions, Armed Services fundraisers, etc. We are but a small church of 100 members... and EVERYONE pitches in. I've yet to see a single member of that congregation refuse to help another soul in need. As a matter, I was one of the recipients of their outpouring of love not too terribly long ago. I've also yet to see or experience anything but tolerance, peace, love, and acceptance within that congregation. I guess, too, it's owed to the fact that my former mentor is the pastor there... a former 60's hippie who grew up in Kansas and moved to Haight & Ashbury in the 60's. A true flower child was he... and yet, you couldn't ask for a more spiritually minded teacher.

The only underlying message in the bible is don't perpously hurt anyone.

I totally disagree with this statement, TheCaptain. I'm not going to turn this into a religious/atheistic/agnostic debate, nor will I "cram" my views "down your throat", but if you truly believe that statement you made.... more's the pity for you, man. I'm not a Bible-thumper by any means... and if you were to read some of the more "theologically-oriented" (loosely termed) threads on this Board, you'd see that I have issues of my own with most organized religion, BUT... to boldly state something so inaccurate, I have to say that I feel for you.

Regardless of its "religious" contents, the Bible itself contains a LOT of wisdom, common sense, and insight. (i.e., Proverbs, Psalms, Song Of Songs, Matthew, etc., etc.)

Like I said, I won't fault you for your views or opinions. Normally I would issue out negative REP for something like this, but I'm not going to do that this time. I'll support those views with my dying breath, but please... don't EVER associate Adolph Hitler with Christianity or any other religion ever again. One promotes life, love, and spirituality in its most elegant and simplest form while the other only promoted hatred, intolerance, greed, deception, and utter evil while obliterating an entire ethnic community.

I found it very offensive. You went entirely too far, TheCaptain.


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Zealots of any kind are dangerous to a peaceful, cordial, and progressive humanity, IMHO. I've experienced wicked zealots in churches who were as bigoted and intolerant and hateful as Hitler ("those mud people are going to hell, where they belong" etc being said by a church pastor). I think I undersand what TheCaptain was saying. All churches and faiths have ignorant people in them. To say the entire faith or denomination is a certain way is unfair and overbroad, and so I agree with you Qball, but I also am well aware of the despicable things some people and churches have done to and inflicted upon certain people or groups of people in the name of their "faith" or "God"...so I have to concur with parts of The Captain's sentiments as well.

Again, zealots of ANY sort are dangerous, and we must be mindful of them and maintain our humanitarian vigilance.

My :2 cents:


And I respect that view, Nightfly.

BUT... to compare - no, not compare - but to ASSOCIATE a man that murdered MILLIONS - physically ordered the death of MILLIONS of lives - of Jews simply because he blamed them for his personal failures as an author and artist; to compare THAT with organized religion is preposterous... at best. People need to read "Mein Kampf".... very disturbing insights into the man.

I disagree with the concept outlined in the previous post completely. I can understand the correlation that TheCaptain is attempting to draw, but to compare a neighborhood sulfur and brimstone, opinionated, ignorant and prejudiced preacher with HITLER is just by far and above ridiculous and EXTREMELY offensive. The two do not even compare or associate.

As for cults? We all know that there will ALWAYS be the Jim Joneses, David Koreshes, and the like... I don't disagree with that notion. They come around full circle. By virtue of their charisma, charm, and oiliness they subvert people and poison their minds... just as Adolph Hitler did. And so, I can see the comparison concept in that regard, but for the rest? NO... it offends me to the bone.

We all know that organized religion has a LOT of problems and is filled with seemingly endless contradiction and hypocrisy. I've even said that myself and pointed to that very fact as one of the reasons why I lost MY faith and chose to leave the Seminary. But to unequivocally state that "Hitler would be proud..." is OFFENSIVE to me as not only a Christian, but as a HUMAN.

No offense to you, TheCaptain. I'm sure you meant it in a different context... I'm not blasting YOU personally.... just your thought process with those comments.
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QBall1970 said:
Well... I take EXTREME exception and offense to THAT comment, TheCaptain. Comparing religion - ANY kind of religion, regardless if it's mainstream Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Agnostic, what the fuck ever - to the atrocities that Adolph Hitler perpetrated against the Jewish people is by far and above the most ignorant and heartless comment ANYONE has ever made on this Board. I have to say: wtf?!?!

I understand you are entitled to your views and opinions... and believe it or not, I tend to agree with you a good majority of the time. But this time, you failed to truly think of the consequences of how you worded your post. While Christianity does have its problems - inherent and created - it still has been a driving force in the world today. And how you could compare the two is beyond me... it's not even logical.

Quite frankly, I can't even begin to fathom how you could possibly even think to associate Adolph Hitler with Christianity... or religion in any form, thought, or substance.

As for tolerance, peace, love, acceptance, and all the other major tenets of virtually any major religious organization?

I can only speak with authority for my faith: Christianity (i.e., Lutheran - E.C.L.A.) My church does a LOT of humanitarian work: Blood drives, AIDS assiatnce, working with the elderly, homeless missions, Armed Services fundraisers, etc. We are but a small church of 100 members... and EVERYONE pitches in. I've yet to see a single member of that congregation refuse to help another soul in need. As a matter, I was one of the recipients of their outpouring of love not too terribly long ago. I've also yet to see or experience anything but tolerance, peace, love, and acceptance within that congregation. I guess, too, it's owed to the fact that my former mentor is the pastor there... a former 60's hippie who grew up in Kansas and moved to Haight & Ashbury in the 60's. A true flower child was he... and yet, you couldn't ask for a more spiritually minded teacher.

I totally disagree with this statement, TheCaptain. I'm not going to turn this into a religious nor will I "cram" my views "down your throat", but if you truly believe that statement you made.... more's the pity for you, man. I'm not a Bible-thumper by any means... and if you were to read some of the more "theologically-oriented" (loosely termed) threads on this Board, you'd see that I have issues of my own with most organized religion, BUT... to boldly state something so inaccurate, I have to say that I feel for you.

Regardless of its "religious" contents, the Bible itself contains a LOT of wisdom, common sense, and insight. (i.e., Proverbs, Psalms, Song Of Songs, Matthew, etc., etc.)

Like I said, I won't fault you for your views or opinions. Normally I would issue out negative REP for something like this, but I'm not going to do that this time. I'll support those views with my dying breath, but please... don't EVER associate Adolph Hitler with Christianity or any other religion ever again. One promotes life, love, and spirituality in its most elegant and simplest form while the other only promoted hatred, intolerance, greed, deception, and utter evil while obliterating an entire ethnic community.

I found it very offensive. You went entirely too far, TheCaptain.



We have both had diffrent incounters apparantly. 90% of all Christians that I have ment in my life are exactly like I've said. They ramble on about how they hate and despise those that don't share their convictions, and beliefs, yet claim to be tolorant all loving servants of God. They try to use Christianity to justify facistism, and other right winged viewpoints. They tell me that Democracy is a devils tool, and freedom of thought and choice is a crime against God, ect, ect. And many of these so called Christians feel that Hitler was a prophet sent by God, and they freely admit that they are proud of him. Now perhaps I was a bit cruel in what I said earlier, and if you honestly don't share the beliefs of the Christians that I've delt with, then I appologize for offending you. However, my experiances haven't changed my feelings about these people.
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And you earned my respect - and admiration - for tendering that apology. It wasn't necessary, but it shows your true character.

Good one, TheCaptain.

Just keep this in mind... not all of us are that way. Some DO believe in the Golden Rule... and treat others with the respect that they deserve.



:hatsoff: :thumbsup:
God fucking damn. First up, everyone cancels going out tonight, so I stay in. Now they saying "o we going out after all, hurry up!"

Fucking annoying or what. Well, I'm off out, apparently.
