I lol'ed at this.I disagree with you that there is still a lot of racism still in this country. If there was still a lot of racism then I don't think we would have elected a half Afro-American and half Caucasian man to the presidency. Who the hell would have voted for the guy? Whites and blacks would both have a reason not to like the guy.
My belief is that in a truly free society that unfortunately you can not create laws against private businesses that want to practice segregation.
How racist do you think we are?
If there was still a lot of racism then I don't think we would have elected a half Afro-American and half Caucasian man to the presidency.
Racism and Discrimination amount to someone getting their feelings hurt.
Scotty is here! :hatsoff:
Honestly, I wanted to ask you about this post since I made some stupid comments in that thread. I just wondered, why?
My little sister took care of kids with down syndrome and she loved them, but she just wanted a guy who was white; are you saying my sister is a racitst? I think if this is the conclusion you've come to (and you're one of my favorite posters on the board) that you should retract (or rethink) the conclusions you've made. It's just not factual. As guys, yeah, we will pretty much stick anything that moves in front of us (my first gf in HS was half Mexican), but to say someone is racist on the basis of one thing they do, or in this case a policy that is not factual, is inappropriate (her best friend was half black as well, too).
It does NOT make one a racist if they believe that private businesses have a right to practice segregation. To say otherwise is completely illogical. It is the equivalent of saying people who believe in freedom of speech which allows for hate speech are advocates of hate speech and are also racist. You can not make a blanket statement like that.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 prohibits such practices. Your right to spew hate speech is protected under the first amendment. There is no comparison between the two situations.
Again, if you condone the empowerment of private business owners to use discriminatory practices to ban people of certain racial, ethnic or religious backgrounds, that is a racist position. To argue otherwise is simply incorrect....I'm sorry, Chuckie. I don't know how more plain it could be. I'm assuming that you do condone it since you seem to arguing so vociferously on its behalf here. :dunno:
It does NOT make one a racist if they believe that private businesses have a right to practice segregation. To say otherwise is completely illogical. It is the equivalent of saying people who believe in freedom of speech which allows for hate speech are advocates of hate speech and are also racist. You can not make a blanket statement like that.
Of course you are correct but as someone who is probably on the other side of you politically let me ask this?
Is this issue really one of the more vital ones in america today.Personally I don't think one of the big problems in america is whether or not lunch counters should have the right in theory to discriminate racially.The mere mention of it by Rand Paul makes me think there is some sort of racial pandering going on here on his part.He may not be racist but he is giving voice to racist sentiments on the part of some whites by such.
And to those who have mentioned things like the election of Obama or having sex with a minority or the worst one "some of my best friends are black":1orglaugh as examples of a lack of racial bias really need to think some more as none of those prove any such thing.
Obama was elected in spite of his race due to yes some less amount of racism in the country but also just because the country (voters) were feeling turned off enough by the republicans to cast the vote for the black guy.But make no mistake their is still a lot of white racism in the country it may go more unheard these days due to so called political correctness (is that really a bad thing though) but we whites know how prevelant it still is.Even Glenn Beck once said he was shocked at a function he was at of all whites in a southern state how racist the talk was among themselves when they were in a place they thought the talk was OK
And just having sex with someone doesn't prove you think their race is equal.White masters had sex all the time with slaves for example.
And the old being friends line doesn't show lack of racial bias eitheir.Just cause your friendly with someone doesn't mean you see them as an equal.
People can talk about how Paul and the Tea party aren't being racist but I think their is alot of underlying racism being heard from both.
It's all nothing new the republicans have used race as a wedge issue since the 60s and at times done well with that stragedy.But the country (demographics) and times (racism is less tolerated) have changed,places like Kentucky are just still more backward yet apparently.Good ole Dixie. :1orglaugh
I disagree with you that there is still a lot of racism still in this country. If there was still a lot of racism then I don't think we would have elected a half Afro-American and half Caucasian man to the presidency. Who the hell would have voted for the guy? Whites and blacks would both have a reason not to like the guy.
It is not a racist position though. The position is based on a belief that gov't does not have a right to intrude on how private businesses are run. I don't know how more plain it could be. You may disagree with me and say we need these type of laws because they are beneficial to society as a whole which can lead to intelligent debate. However, when you say you are racist if you believe that private businesses do have a right to conduct there own affairs then you are simply trying to intimidate someone to believe your way and if they don't brand them as a racist. Doing this does not allow for intelligent debate about the subject.
I am certain that your have never been to Louisiana then. :1orglaugh
Dude....one more time and then I'm going to quit banging my head on a wall.
Liberty does not mean you have complete freedom to do anything you please. That's why we have laws. It prevents us from falling into anarchy and from violating the human rights of our fellow citizens. This is true even as it applies to your ongoing example of the 1st amendment. The use of freedom of expression is not as unrestricted as you have been pontificating in this thread. Are you familiar with the Schenck v. United States decision by the US Supreme Court back in 1919? If not, I suggest you take a look at it. Contrary to what you may believe, you are not free to express yourself in any manner you wish. There are limitations. Look it up.
Likewise, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discriminatory practices by both public and private institutions. If you do not agree with the provisions of the Act ....if you condone the practice of racism....if you believe that businesses have the right to discriminate based on race, ethnicity or religion....that is a racist position. Perhaps you are not a practicing racist as far as overt actions may be concerned but your belief system regarding such matters is unquestionably racist. There's really no room for argument (at least not a rational one).
You may continue to disagree and maintain otherwise if that is your predilection (your right to free speech!) but the facts of this matter remain nonetheless unaltered by any subjective assertion that You Might make to the contrary.
Reality stands in stark contrast to your belief.
1)We had that kind of "freedom" from 1865 to 1965.
It led to generations of americans being second class citizens, at best.
2)The election of a black president is an indication most of us have made great strides, but there's no question whatsoever that the astounding level of irrational hatred for this president is at least in part racially inspired.
3)Excuse me? :rofl:
A perfect example of how the rabid anti PC crowd can completely lose touch with reality flylicker
Yes, damn the tyranny of the federal government. How dare they abolish slavery, and institutionalized discrimination![]()
You are correct, I have never been to Louisiana.
I never said that you have the right to free expression in any manner, certainly not when it comes to insubordination, I said free speech protects hate speech. As far as the "facts of the matter remain", what facts are you talking about. It is simply your OPINION that believing in private rights in regards to segregation is unquestionable racist. As I have said numerous times that is akin to saying that a person has a right to say racist things is in of itself racist. Do you believe a person has a right to say racist things?
Not analogous situations. Of course someone can say racist things. Someone saying racist things does not prevent anyone from eating lunch where they choose, riding in the front of a bus or living in any neighborhood they wish. Big difference.
You haven't said so but I'm going way out on a limb here and guess that you are Caucasian. Am I correct? If so, do you think it's OK for a black shopkeeper to tell you that you are unwelcome in his store? Do you think that to support someone's right to block Caucasians from entering a place of business is not a display of racist tendencies? If so, it can only be deduced that you believe that it's "OK" for someone to be a racist. Racism is going to exist (on every side of the racial spectrum). However, to acknowledge or condone its right to exist is in and of itself a racist attitude.
Do you think it is acceptable for someone to defend another's right to be a child molester? Now there is an analogous situation.
You criticize my comparison of freedom of speech to freedom to segregate private business and then say defending someone's right to be a racist is similar to defending someone's right to be a child molester. Very weak argument.
I do believe a black shopkeeper has the right to say I am not welcomed in his store because it is HIS store. I don't think the gov't has a right to interfere in private business.
Saying someone has the right to be a racist does not mean I believe it is "OK" to be a racist. You keep on trying to make this connection that does not exist. I believe that people have a fundamental right in this country to be racist if they want to, DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE IT. What don't you understand about this?