Racist and Racism


Here's another one too. It says a lot about the pitiful state of white people when guys like this are allowed to get away with it and there are clearly a few white dudes standing around hoping they aren't next.

Absolutely revolting, and apparently the dialog of the guy speaking to the camera gets even worse after they attack her.

My apologies for the comment section btw, it's just one of the only links that still work.

That speaks to the pitiful state of white people??? You had to fish around the entire world wide web to find some criminal committing an assault and battery in France (I suppose)...to demonstrate the state 'of white people'?

Again, I think it says more about you that this video is a black or white thing to you. Any man should have busted any guy's ass no matter what race they were or what race this woman was for this. You see the race of the individuals being a particular source of consternation?

Who but a race baiter would promote and see that as a race issue bearing reflection on whites and/or blacks? As in ...from this video what should now happen?

My outrage would be no less irrespective of what race combo a video like this depicted...certainly the web is replete with all sorts of assaults and batteries.
i just watched that video.
i'm just gonna make a statement.
blacks attack whites hundreds of times more than vice versa.
i've read 500 times more likely, 600 times......but either way its a lot.
that really can't be argued, its fact.
so does that fact prove racism?
to me, hell yes.
if not it proves something.

that video made me sick.
i dont know what made me sicker, the degenerate hitting her or the fact that no one did anything.
i know if i was there , something bad would have happened.
also, those peices of shit, the one who hit her and the one laughing about it.
i hate those fucks, so if i called them ******s does that make me a racist, or just someone who hates seeing innocent girls attacked?
if so more of a racist than the guy who hit her?
sure does right?

and why apologize for the comment section?
you didn't say it, what are you worried about?

Yeah well when 2 Africans attack an ethnic French girl in France and 3 or 4 white French males are standing around, who looks worse?

I think in many ways the problems of white people are much more serious.
Racism will always exist in the United States, that is my belief. It may be pessimisstic but it is my belief. That belief is based upon the historical legacy of the United States and the general need of people to find someone to blame for their percieved problems. I hope I am wrong because the U.S. as the potential to become the greatest country the world has ever known if the people of the U.S. learn to embrace differences as strengths. There are intelligent, creative people in all races people who can add to the whole. When we as a nation accept people as different and not as something to change or destroy then we will become stronger. We are so divided. This divide makes us weak.

Diversity doesn't really make you strong. If a nation feels like one people but happen to be of several different ethnic/religious backgrounds, that's a different story. You see little flashes of that, usually when the country is facing some external threat, if one part of the nation feels common cause with the enemy, then that unity is short lived.
That speaks to the pitiful state of white people??? You had to fish around the entire world wide web to find some criminal committing an assault and battery in France (I suppose)...to demonstrate the state 'of white people'?

Again, I think it says more about you that this video is a black or white thing to you. Any man should have busted any guy's ass no matter what race they were or what race this woman was for this. You see the race of the individuals being a particular source of consternation?

Who but a race baiter would promote and see that as a race issue bearing reflection on whites and/or blacks? As in ...from this video what should now happen?

My outrage would be no less irrespective of what race combo a video like this depicted...certainly the web is replete with all sorts of assaults and batteries.

It's absolutely a race issue. I remember an incident in Europe last time I was there, I called out a bunch of youths for throwing snowballs at an old woman (she had the look of a beaten dog on her face when I asked her if she was alright) and the kids were like :eek: As if no one from a European ethnicity had ever called them out for their bad behavior. The old woman didn't say thank you or yell at the kids or anything. She and her friend and the other pedestrians had this cowed look like "if I just take it maybe they will leave me alone."

White people need to wake the hell up because they are being walked on in their own land and that is an utter disgrace. I don't think Asians, Indian, or Africans would put up with that kind of disrespect.
That speaks to the pitiful state of white people??? You had to fish around the entire world wide web to find some criminal committing an assault and battery in France (I suppose)...to demonstrate the state 'of white people'?

Again, I think it says more about you that this video is a black or white thing to you. Any man should have busted any guy's ass no matter what race they were or what race this woman was for this. You see the race of the individuals being a particular source of consternation?

Who but a race baiter would promote and see that as a race issue bearing reflection on whites and/or blacks? As in ...from this video what should now happen?

My outrage would be no less irrespective of what race combo a video like this depicted...certainly the web is replete with all sorts of assaults and batteries.

I just want to point out that these are White people in a White country, where is their sense of self-respect? No wonder foreigners don't respect them if they don't respect themselves. Charles Martel must be rolling in his damn grave.:anonymous
It's absolutely a race issue. I remember an incident in Europe last time I was there, I called out a bunch of youths for throwing snowballs at an old woman (she had the look of a beaten dog on her face when I asked her if she was alright) and the kids were like :eek: As if no one from a European ethnicity had ever called them out for their bad behavior. The old woman didn't say thank you or yell at the kids or anything. She and her friend and the other pedestrians had this cowed look like "if I just take it maybe they will leave me alone."

Wow...so the duty to defend an innocent victim from any attacker doesn't fall on any able bodied person..but only the people of the same race?

Bullies come in all stripes and they prey on the weak or those they outnumber. You can find all kinds of examples of bullies preying on the weak all over the world.

Brazen crimes reflect the absence of fear the criminal has for being legally punished for the crime. You see the lack of white people defending this girl because she's white and the attacker is black as some special cause for consternation and a reflection on whites because that's what you want to see. To me a race baiter would see and use this for that. Why should this inflame whites any more than anyone else if but for exploiting it for race baiting? Most people can go all over the web without stumbling on this kind of stuff unless they're looking for it for ignorant purpose of inciting dummies IMO.

While it is telling that no one irrespective of race came to the woman's aid (who knows...they could have feared being shot). But why was it the case that no one appeared to even make an effort to call the police???

That fact suggests to me that guy or any other bully there could have done the same thing to anyone and nothing would have been done because the bare minimum of just calling the cops wasn't even attempted.

White people need to wake the hell up because they are being walked on in their own land and that is an utter disgrace. I don't think Asians, Indian, or Africans would put up with that kind of disrespect.

Again wow. I have no clue what world you live in BDG but it apparently it's a world where you see what you want to see. You don't think Asians, Indian or Africans would put up with that kind of disrespect? They already have and worse....


Hiliary 2020
more than likely in that video if it were a white guy that hit her like that other people would have done something.
but nobody did anything, at least not in the video and probably never.
why do you suppose that is?

but stuff like that happens everyday, all over north america and europe.
that doesn't mean all black people are violent criminals, but like i said black on white crime/violence happens so much more than vice versa......but nobody labels it racism.
and whats really pathetic is some people even blame white racism for it.
ain't that a shame.
That speaks to the pitiful state of white people??? You had to fish around the entire world wide web to find some criminal committing an assault and battery in France (I suppose)...to demonstrate the state 'of white people'?

Again, I think it says more about you that this video is a black or white thing to you. Any man should have busted any guy's ass no matter what race they were or what race this woman was for this. You see the race of the individuals being a particular source of consternation?

Who but a race baiter would promote and see that as a race issue bearing reflection on whites and/or blacks? As in ...from this video what should now happen?

My outrage would be no less irrespective of what race combo a video like this depicted...certainly the web is replete with all sorts of assaults and batteries.

Look at who are the most arrested on america most wanted.com http://www.amw.com/captures/browse_by_capture_date.cfm and who are involved in gangs, murders, drug trafficking or rapes. http://www.knowgangs.com The gangs that have caused the most troubles in the USA are either run by blacks or by hispanics, this is the truth. You can't handle it, then it is another thing. It has nothing to do with race baiting :nono: it has to do with statistics and facts. Like in France who is always responsible of burning cars, harassing girls, stealing and car jacking??? You know who I am talking about, so stop thinking that they are all good law abiding citizens respectful of the others when for the majority, they are not. I think gangs are what plagues USA and also death penalty should be reinstated in France.
Again wow. I have no clue what world you live in BDG but it apparently it's a world where you see what you want to see. You don't think Asians, Indian or Africans would put up with that kind of disrespect? They already have and worse....

In fact from having various scenarios between the police and these people in real life, when you demand from them a strict and blind discipline about the customs and habits in the country where they migrated in, they label law enforcement personel as racist. But when you go visit their country, you have to follow to the letter their customs and habits. I am outraged and scandalized that some foreigners who aren't french and who aren't born and bred in France, dare to impose me their customs and habits in my own country. What the fuck is that?:wtf: The respect is mutual for me and as one my teachers said: "freedom of ones stops where the freedom of others begins". There are dos and donts in every country and there are rules that are imposed by the constitution, those are not negotiable, not questionable and not subject to any kind of discussion.
more than likely in that video if it were a white guy that hit her like that other people would have done something.
but nobody did anything, at least not in the video and probably never.
why do you suppose that is?

but stuff like that happens everyday, all over north america and europe.
that doesn't mean all black people are violent criminals, but like i said black on white crime/violence happens so much more than vice versa......but nobody labels it racism.
and whats really pathetic is some people even blame white racism for it.
ain't that a shame.

African Americans or Hispanic Americans and gangs is a problem unto itself but the situation is MUCH, MUCH worse when people who don't even belong there think so little of the native population that they would do these crimes and sometimes video tape it.

That means they think the indigenous Europeans are straight up punk sissies and I have to agree with them. Damn they need to grow some balls.
The worst part about this stuff is that I hear the French are among the least likely to put up with crap from foreigners. Imagine what it's like with the P.C. British or the insane stuff you hear about in Sweden.
The worst part about this stuff is that I hear the French are among the least likely to put up with crap from foreigners. Imagine what it's like with the P.C. British or the insane stuff you hear about in Sweden.

That is because France has no second amendment, if there was a right to carry a gun and use it, these guys wouldn't behave like that.
You see the lack of white people defending this girl because she's white and the attacker is black as some special cause for consternation and a reflection on whites because that's what you want to see.

exactly, and that want appears to have reached an obsessive level.


Hiliary 2020
bodie in that video, don't you think somebody should have done SOMETHING?
forget black or white, just don't you think somebody should have done something?
what you did, with only one little sentence was again strongly imply some sort of white racism into the issue.........which is what this thread was about to begin with.
mis-usage, over-usage of the accusation of racism.

speaking as a human, not white black or any other color, why is it thier can be hundreds of posts declaring white racism all over this board but when someone shows something, says something that demonstrates, states ,implies, or flat out says that people other than whites are or can be racist also , right away people like you whip out the R word?
don't you think thats at least hypocritical, if not just flat out ridiculous........or perhaps an example of true racism in itself?


Hiliary 2020
Originally Posted by Hot Mega
You see the lack of white people defending this girl because she's white and the attacker is black as some special cause for consternation and a reflection on whites because that's what you want to see.

i don't know if thats true or not, i'm not in boi's head.
i can say its pretty clear that race, the fact that the attacker is black, most likely had a lot to do with the fact that nobody helped this girl, let alone defended her, or did anything actually.
thats the point he was making, the one that your trying to twist.

the fact that the attacker was black and the much smaller female victim was white may or may not have influenced the attack, but again judging by crime statistics in general more than likely it was.
either that or theres just a whole lot of coincidences happening in europe and the states.
but the situation is MUCH, MUCH worse when people who don't even belong there think so little of the native population that they would do these crimes and sometimes video tape it.

That means they think the indigenous Europeans are straight up punk sissies and I have to agree with them. Damn they need to grow some balls.

Now where oh where have I seen someone march into another persons country and totally disrespect them, their women, their way of life, their religion and everything else sacred to them? Oh, I know what it was. A few hundred years ago due to an increasing need for resources and a general increase in greed, there was this little thing called European Colonialism that totally ass fucked people with a sand paper condom in their own house. I don't condone what these assholes are doing, but don't sit here and act as though their behavior is just indicative to non-white people. Before you start throwing stones inside the glass house, you should stop and ask yourself "Where we so different?"


Hiliary 2020
Now where oh where have I seen someone march into another persons country and totally disrespect them, their women, their way of life, their religion and everything else sacred to them? Oh, I know what it was. A few hundred years ago due to an increasing need for resources and a general increase in greed, there was this little thing called European Colonialism that totally ass fucked people with a sand paper condom in their own house. I don't condone what these assholes are doing, but don't sit here and act as though their behavior is just indicative to non-white people. Before you start throwing stones inside the glass house, you should stop and ask yourself "Where we so different?"

great post, totally lame, completely irrelevant , but great.
great at pointing out that the past is the past, now is now.
throughout history pretty much every region has attacked and invaded another many times over.
how is that relevant to the current situation? well its not, unless youre point is "now its payback time" which is where the lameness of your post comes into play because pretty much nobody living in the states or europe today was ever involved in invading another country.

plus i read the posts in this thread, couldn't find any statements saying that only non whites commit violent acts.
Far more important than race in the statistics of who commits violent crime is gender. A white male, for example, is ten times more likely to commit a violent crime in the US than a black female. Therefore, I think it's important we create an experiment to work on thinning out the male populace in the upcoming generations to reduce the crime rate. Who will be the first to volunteer? Your gender reassignment will be quick and painless.
great post, totally lame, completely irrelevant , but great.
great at pointing out that the past is the past, now is now.
throughout history pretty much every region has attacked and invaded another many times over.
how is that relevant to the current situation? well its not, unless youre point is "now its payback time" which is where the lameness of your post comes into play because pretty much nobody living in the states or europe today was ever involved in invading another country.

plus i read the posts in this thread, couldn't find any statements saying that only non whites commit violent acts.

He didn't have to say anything about only non whites commit violent crimes. Due to the tone of his writing you could pretty much imply what he was getting at. Also, what I said is very relevant to the problems that go on today. If it wasn't for what happened in the past then we wouldn't be having problems in the present now would we? Your statement about regions attacking other regions is right on the money. Lastly, you are 100% wrong if you dont think that no one in the states or europe has ever invaded a country. Just what do you call that fiasco in Iraq?