Putin's Speech Last Month....


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
....at the world economic summit in St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida!).

This is fascinating if you're a geopolitical junkie like I am. Anyway, to hear him tell it, America and Obama are imperial aggressors. Maybe we are. Guess it depends on your viewpoint, huh? Who knows what is really said at these diplomatic meetings between these superpowers. Interesting because most on the right would look at Obama's foreign policy to be totally pussified from my perspective. I think Trump has insinuated that from time to time. Anyway, please take 12 minutes and look at this. It's well worth it and will give you a terrific insight into the way that we are perceived, at least superficially, by Comrade Putin. At least that's what he's trying to peddle to the world community. He's a tough and very shrewd politician without question.

The next president needs to be able to stand toe-to-toe with this guy....not just from a "toughness" aspect but, as a chess-player, statesman and diplomat all rolled into one. Think about that after you watch this and ask yourself who would be most qualified to deal with Mr. Putin. I'm not espousing that there is a definitive answer to this question by any means. It's the same question I am asking myself right now and, so far, I don't have a satisfactory answer. Anyway....watch it. You'll be glad you did if you truly care about making an intelligent and informed choice this November:

I don't trust anything that comes out of this motherfucker's mouth. Nothing.
So we may at some point have the capacity to neutralize both their offensive and defensive systems. and that undermines their sense of security (which he's inferring could lead them to strike before such a situation develops with such a strike being our fault for creating such an imbalance of power). Well boo fucking hoo. The last thing the US would ever do is initiate an unprovoked nuclear attack on Russia. What possible point would there be in that? I think he's playing for time. Time to catch up. And once caught up...then what? Will he not seek to become the big dog? I wouldn't bet a penny that he won't.

As far as who will stand toe to toe with him; Clinton is already in fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me mode with him. So I think at the very least we can expect her not to be naive and unguarded with him. I'd imagine she'll continue playing the kind of tempered, strategic chess game Obama has been.
Trump on the other hand.....christ....all it takes is a bit of flattery from the guy and Trump basically shrugs his shoulders at his KGB past, human rights violations, rampant corruption and expansionist goals...noting instead his admirable leadership qualities :rolleyes:
And then on the opposite extreme, Trump has a very reactionary, very ego driven temper that could prove highly dangerous if his current BFF ever turns on him.
Clinton will cater to Putin's want's and needs. He can keep doing what he wants buzzing our missile destroyers and jets almost daily. Do you really want that in a president? I don't. I want someone with a little ass and backbone.

TRUMP 2016
buzzing our missile destroyers and jets almost daily

Wow. No exaggeration there :rolleyes:

Yeah, I want somebody who's foolish pride will compel them to take out one of those Russian planes. What could possibly go wrong with that?


Hiliary 2020
Maybe we are the aggressors no. We are the aggressors and have been for a long time.
Does Russia have war machines off out coast pointing missiles at us?
Do they have war machines flying around our airspace?
Do they have bases in our neighboring countries with nuclear bombs pointed at us?
Are they sending more and more war machines to our borders pointing their guns at us?

Have they attacked and invaded country after country for the last 15 years, destroying them in every way, killing millions of civilians then handing these countries over to radical muslims?
Has Russia caused so much destruction in the middle east and Africa that millions of refugees are flooding into Europe and causing chaos there?

Sorry fellow Americans but it's time to wake up to the fact that our GOV has been corrupted throughout on every level.
That its been bought and paid for by foreign interests and the central bank trillionares.
That all your politicians are nothing more than prostitutes who couldn't give a shit about you.
That your news media is a form of propaganda designed to mislead and manipulate you, CIA style.
I know it's hard to accept, afterall we were brought up being told that we are the greatest country on Earth and we are always on the side right.
Well we ain't. Haven't been for a long time.

This is an old move throughout history. Provoke your target relentlessly. Back them into a corner and when they finally react cry war.
This way you didn't start it and the GOV and their CIA controlled propagnda machine news media will convince you that we are innoccent and we were attacked therefore we had no choice but to send our children to get killed by the thousands in horrific ways.

We did it in WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, and we've been trying to do it in Syria and Iran for years.

ASk yourself this- If we are on the side of right and good then why are we in Syria bombing civillians "by accident" while the Syrian GOV and Russia are fighting ISIS?
Why are we demanding that the Syrian PREZ and his GOV leave their country under threat of death instead of actually helping them fight?
Knowing full well who will take control if that happens, our so called enemy ISIS.
So who's side are we really on?
We always seem to attack countries that should be our friends like Libya, Iran, Syria.
Or we use their services as proxys like we did with Sadam, Bin Laden, and now ISIS. Then when were through with them we turn on them and destroy them.

Hillary won't cave to Russia. That would mean doing what Trump said he wants and make peace with them.
She'll do what the Israel lobbys and the central banks tell her to do. She's actually said that
That means war with Iran and Russia and probably China too.

So who wan't war? Putin says he doesn't. I know the Russian people don't and most Americans still capable of critical thinking dont so exactly who does? Well we know israel does because thats all they talk about. That and give us more money and weapons.
But it's really the real owners of the world, of the puppet politicians in the US and Europe who sold their souls to get where they are and don't give a shit about you,me and the rest of humanity.
That is the central banks all owned by a handfull of trillioniares.
See they finance war on all sides with interest. They give the side they want just enough money to win and the side thety don't just enough money not to.

The fact that the Russians have put up with this for this long is a miracle and I think sooner than later they are going to react with force.
See they know they will destroy us swiftly and effeciantly and the our leaders and their owners are just psychpathic enough to go nuclear.
That's why they are showing so much restraint. They know they are dealing with crazy people.
Now I'll watch the video which I've already seen.
Does Russia have war machines off out coast pointing missiles at us?

Both nations have exactly that, but in both cases in international, not national waters.

Do they have war machines flying around our airspace?

Do we have any flying around in theirs? Nope.

Do they have bases in our neighboring countries with nuclear bombs pointed at us?

No, but they do have nuclear weapons pointed at their neighboring countries.

Have they attacked and invaded country after country for the last 15 years, destroying them in every way, killing millions of civilians then handing these countries over to radical muslims?

Yes they've attacked/invaded/occupied/paritioned 2 sovereign nations in the last several years.
Where have we killed millions of civilians? Or handed nations over to radical muslims? Both Iraq and Afghanistan were handed back to their own people and governments.

Has Russia caused so much destruction in the middle east and Africa that millions of refugees are flooding into Europe and causing chaos there?

Actually yes Russian involvement has contributed to the flood of refugees from Syria.

we are the greatest country on Earth and we are always on the side right.

Generally that's been true, but at times it has not.

the Syrian GOV and Russia are fighting ISIS?

The Syrian GOV and Russia have primarily been fighting anti Assad rebels.

Knowing full well who will take control if that happens, our so called enemy ISIS

That's not a given at all.

So who's side are we really on?

We're on the side of an Assad and ISIS free Syria.

That means war with Iran and Russia and probably China too.

Since when do the Israeli lobbies want to nuke any of those countries??
Preventing the development of nukes in Iran, yes. Nuking Iran? No.

See they finance war on all sides with interest. They give the side they want just enough money to win and the side they don't just enough money not to.

wth??? Even if that scenario were true this isn't a football game, and if there's a nuclear war there won't be anybody around to spend that interest.

The fact that the Russians have put up with this for this long is a miracle and I think sooner than later they are going to react with force.

Put up with what? Nobody's imperiled Russian sovereignty or initiated war with Russia since Hitler.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The central point of disagreement today musdt be Russia's Ukraine strategy and the way they deal with Syria and Assad.
Ukraine and the other russian belt states were agreed on as off limits for the NATO etc in the talks after the USSR dissolved and things started to relax. I take it tjat likewise Russia would keep out of US abelt states.

The Russians did what they said they'd do. The west started pushing into the Ukraine. Russia's main fleet is hosted there. What do you guys expect them to do? Let that country be turned into a NATO member?

Regarding Syria - I am not sure we get the true intelligence and true news about who who bombs and attacks there.

I am far from being pro-Putin. He is anto-democratic and close to being a dictator.

But don't paint the actions of the US and the NATO as "The Good Side"

We need to stay out of the belt states.


Closed Account
So we may at some point have the capacity to neutralize both their offensive and defensive systems. and that undermines their sense of security (which he's inferring could lead them to strike before such a situation develops with such a strike being our fault for creating such an imbalance of power). Well boo fucking hoo.[...]

The US had once a similar situation with missiles at the front door (Cuba crisis). Not to many US-citizens went "well boo fucking hoo" then as it was considered a major thread. Keeping that in mind makes it much more understandable what his point is I think.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The US had once a similar situation with missiles at the front door (Cuba crisis). Not to many US-citizens went "well boo fucking hoo" then as it was considered a major thread. Keeping that in mind makes it much more understandable what his point is I think.

Just imagione the Russians starting to heavily spill money and other favors into Canada, and say,"Hey, it's their choice, they pick being OUR buddies now".

That is what happens in the Ukraine


Hiliary 2020
Quick simple response to PH.
The US and Nato have warships that are use to shoot long range missles and deploy war planes all around Russia.
And they are increasingly deploying more.
Russia is not doing anything of the sort near the USA.

Yes Russia has a nuclear program. No secret there. That was what Putin was talking about.

Only 2? Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Lebonan, Sudan, Somolia and I probably missed a few......and Syria and Iran would have been attacked already if it wasn't for Russia.
All of these countries have been overwhelmed with radical muslims. Either large areas or the entire country controlled by them. And they do some pretty sick shit to innocent people including children.
This was no mistake. This was part of the plan.
To destroy and divide every middle eastern country that doesn't bow down to us.
Afghanistan is the exception. We keep tight control over there. Why do you think there has been a massive heroin epidemic all over the world since it was invaded by the USA? Can't trust ISIS with that stuff. That's all ours.

How is Russia contributing to the influx of Syrian refugees? By fighting the "moderate rebels" that we armed?

We are not on the side of the Syrian Government. John Kerry and other warhawks have been giving Assad an ultimatum to get out by August or else "It will go to the next level", meaning we will try to kill him and his family.
Russia is in Syria by invation of the Syrian GOV. The US is not.
Bringing soldiers and weapons into another country withot their permission is an invasion no matter how they want to spin it.

The israel GOV and it's lobbies are constantly demanding that the US and Nato attack Iran. That's their main agenda.
That and give us more money or your an anti semite.

Russia putting up with massive deployment of war machines around their borders. That is a threat if I've ever seen one.
And Germany didn't initiate war with Russia in either WW. They actually tried everything to avoid it. Russia and France both broke peace treatys with Germany prior to WWII and it was only a matter of time before they attacked Germany. Russia was in control of the Bolsheviks and we all know how many there killed and France wanted revenge from the FRanco/Prussian War. Germans knew this. Germany tried to renegotiate peace terms but they wanted no part of it. If Germany didn't break out and take back their territory in Poland (who were genociding 10's of thousands of Ethinic Germans there ) they would have been sitting ducks. It took France and Russia like 3 hours to declare war on Germany.
If you listen to Hitlers speeches right after he says you wanted this war, now you got it. We didn't want it but you did so here you go.

We are the agressors in that entire area. They don't want us there. They are not messing with us, we are messing with them.

And add up the death toll in all those countries we've invaded and it certainly does go into the millions of dead.
George Washington said over 200 years ago, "Beware of foreign entanglements".
We did up until the Federal Reserve System was implemented in 1914. That's when we lost control of our Government and we've been at war since.
And Germany didn't initiate war with Russia in either WW

No kidding? Then what was Operation Barbarossa?
A drunken neighborhood beer fest that just happened to spill over into a Soviet Union that, far from being ready to attack Germany, was terribly unprepared for war and invasion?

If you listen to Hitlers speeches right after he says you wanted this war, now you got it. We didn't want it but you did so here you go.

Oh well hell if Hitler said it then it must be true .... :facepalm:

PS: Knowing how fond you are of false flag operations, Germany's invasion of Poland began with a real live genuine no question about it one - the Gleiwitz incident.
What do you guys expect them to do? Let that country be turned into a NATO member?

Yes, if they so choose. That country, whatever it's geographic proximity to Russia, is a SOVEREIGN NATION, and one who's sovereignty Russia, as signatories to the Budapest Memorandum. pledged never to violate.

The US had once a similar situation with missiles at the front door (Cuba crisis). Not to many US-citizens went "well boo fucking hoo" then as it was considered a major thread. Keeping that in mind makes it much more understandable what his point is I think.

Point taken. And I'll grant you my intense disdain for and mistrust of Putin coupled with my certainly we'd never initiate an unprovoked attack sent me a bit over the top using that expression. But I still think he's trying to buy time and space by playing the victim card, and ultimately can't be trusted to 'play by the rules'.
re the Cuban crisis; I never felt that was nearly the actual threat it was built up to be; that it was more of a slap in the face to our prestige than a reason to start lobbing nukes. But regardless of what I thought you're right that it was considered to be a major threat by most and came close to initiating said lobbing.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
That is not how this world and geopolitics work. As much as in a perfect world every country is free to choose their bonds, thesupercountries have always made sure their borderlines are at least neutral


Hiliary 2020
No kidding? Then what was Operation Barbarossa?
A drunken neighborhood beer fest that just happened to spill over into a Soviet Union that, far from being ready to attack Germany, was terribly unprepared for war and invasion?

If you listen to Hitlers speeches right after he says you wanted this war, now you got it. We didn't want it but you did so here you go.

Oh well hell if Hitler said it then it must be true .... :facepalm:

PS: Knowing how fond you are of false flag operations, Germany's invasion of Poland began with a real live genuine no question about it one - the Gleiwitz incident.

Haha. Well Barbarossa came later I think in 41 or 42. Germans invaded first no doubt only because Russia couldn't get through them into Germany.

I mostly mentioned Germany and the WW's because there is a strong similarity between the short time before WWII officially began and what's happening now. The Allies knew after 1918 that it was only a matter before Germany had enough and said piss off and boom, another huge war.

Hitler did say what I said he said in his speeches after 39 and I do believe he was right. I believe the Germans did not want war but knew it was coming the minute they threw the versailles treaty in the trash.......but not to get off topic.
I just read about the Gleiwitz incident now. Seems a little unsubstantiated but it may have happened. I believe the Nazi party used false flags to gain power in the early years. Ok no more WWII from me here.
Haha. Well Barbarossa came later I think in 41 or 42. Germans invaded first no doubt only because Russia couldn't get through them into Germany.

I'm not even sure what that last bit you wrote means ??

I believe the Germans did not want war

Hitler had had the conquering of the Soviet Union in mind for a very long time.
He mentioned it, and his reasons for it, in his 1925 manifesto "Mein Kampf"

More about Operation Barbarossa:

Evidence from a speech given by General Erich Hoepner indicates the disposition of Operation Barbarossa and the Nazi racial plan, as he informed the 4th Panzer Group that the war against the Soviet Union was "an essential part of the German people's struggle for existence" (Daseinkampf), also referring to the imminent battle as the "old struggle of Germans against Slavs" and even stated, "the struggle must aim at the annihilation of today's Russia and must therefore be waged with unparalleled harshness." To Hoepner, the imminent conflict would be "the old battle of the Germanic against the Slav peoples... the defense of European culture against Moscovite-Asiatic inundation, and the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism... No adherents of the present Russian-Bolshevik system are to be spared." Walther von Brauchitsch also told his subordinates that troops should view the war as a "struggle between two different races and [should] act with the necessary severity." Racial motivations were central to Nazi ideology and played a key role in planning for Operation Barbarossa since both Jews and communists were considered equivalent enemies of the Nazi state. Nazi imperialist ambitions were exercised without moral consideration for either group in their ultimate struggle for Lebensraum. In the eyes of the Nazis, the war against the Soviet Union would be a Vernichtungskrieg, a war of annihilation.
That is not how this world and geopolitics work. As much as in a perfect world every country is free to choose their bonds, thesupercountries have always made sure their borderlines are at least neutral

So then why sign the Budapest agreement?
Why not refuse on the basis you present as a commonly accepted one?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'm not even sure what that last bit you wrote means ??

I believe the Germans did not want war

Hitler had had the conquering of the Soviet Union in mind for a very long time.
He mentioned it, and his reasons for it, in his 1925 manifesto "Mein Kampf"

True. It was the obvious direction for the lebensraum that was so vital to the proliferation of the Aryan race.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
True. It was the obvious direction for the lebensraum that was so vital to the proliferation of the Aryan race.

I could copy some pieces from the books I inherited from my grandfather, who was a teacher here in Germany. When I read the BS that Will E. or some other clowns come up, how us Germans got torn into the whole thing, how Adolf was misunderstood, or such, I both laugh and sigh.

Ultimately, trying to talk sense to fools so lost is a task I have decided I don't want to waste my time on.

At times, I troll them, because they love me as an aryan :cthulhu:


Hiliary 2020
I could copy some pieces from the books I inherited from my grandfather, who was a teacher here in Germany. When I read the BS that Will E. or some other clowns come up, how us Germans got torn into the whole thing, how Adolf was misunderstood, or such, I both laugh and sigh.

Ultimately, trying to talk sense to fools so lost is a task I have decided I don't want to waste my time on.

At times, I troll them, because they love me as an aryan :cthulhu:

Well the only reason I brought up the Russian/German comparison was because I feel there it is a similar situation now with Russia/USA, Russia being similar to Germany now and vv. Not exactly but close.
First I'm sorry I don't buy everything that books say and what the winners told us.
Theres that critical thinking I do again and we both know we don't always get full truths and we get a lot of half truths and lies. Over time these things become permanent history even though they may not be what really happened.
We know how that 1066 was a important year. England was taken over by the Normans and the rest is history. It was a "game changer" in a big way.
How did the Duke of Normandy pull it off? Well he let the players rip the hell out of each other until there was just one side left standing, battered and bloodied and weak as hell. He then rolled into England and "Finished Him!".
It was quite easy.

Quick version here. I'm well researched but in a hurry.
Few points. Hitler did not want war with England, France and later the USA. There were treaties.
He actually told them their common enemy was to the East.
France and England wanted war, this is true.
I do believe the Germans did not want to fight England and France again. They had no real motive.
They finally had a prosperous country again after 20 or so years of poverty.
England and France had plenty of motive to want Germany back in poverty, most of that motive was financial.

Either way the Germans wanted much of their territory from 1918 back. And considering the way ethnic Germans, particuarly in Poland were being treated and the Danzig situation I don't blame them.
Poland may have abided if England wasn't telling them, "Don't worry dog, I got your back"......and maybe war would have been avoided.
Any we know what happened in 39.

Now to Russia. Stalins "administration" was similar to the Bush administration. He was the leader but he had a lot of people running the show for him. These were communists, many not even of Russian heritage. They had done some very bad things over the years. I don't think Adolf was too far off the mark for not liking or trusting them.

So Hitler thought Russia was about to attack. He also warned the rest of Europe that they would not stop at Germany but roll over the whole of Europe. I believe he was right.
Now the premise for war was to save Poland. But right after the Germans invaded it so did the Russians. So why not declare war on them also?
Big Question.
Prior to 41 Russia had ammassed the biggest Army in the world right up to the borders of Europe. 30 million plus soldiers plus all those tanks and planes. By far the biggest military force ever at the time spread across the entire European border.
Does anybody think they weren't planning an invasion? Planning to do exactly what William the Bastard did in 1066?
All they needed to do was take out Romania and bye bye oil, bye bye Germans.
History says he was a mad man and wanted to take over the world.
Well attacking Russia with the biggest military in the world ....I don't think they would be that stupid.
Germans were not prepared for that, they knew it. I think it was a decision that was a necessity at the time. Might even call it a brave one.
Had they waited for Russia to make a move it would have been too late. So they did it and drove that monster war machine back for a long time.
Killed a lot of them too.
Had the Germans not done this and allowed Russia to wait until they thought the time was right it would have been too late.
Russia would have rolled over the Eastern Europe countries in a very short time. Then Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece ect ect.
Then Germany would have been toast then France, Netherlands, Belguim then England.
The fact that the Germans busted up Russia's military to the extant they did probably saved all of Europe from some very bad things.
Look what Russia did to their own people. How do you think they would have treated Europeans?

Anyway the US is doing similar now. Building up forces all around Russia.
Sooner or later Russia will be forced to react and the US will do they same thing the Russians did back then, say "Ohh look they attacked us. Oh well guess it's time for a war". "After all they did attack us first".