Pussies TRYING to get people banned

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it's a porn forum, which you would figure/hope would be rough and tumble.

but I guess liberals need your safe spaces, even here. but that's expected.

puh uh uh uhhhh sies.

why is that?
it's a porn forum, which you would figure/hope would be rough and tumble.

but I guess liberals need your safe spaces, even here. but that's expected.

puh uh uh uhhhh sies.

why is that?

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others

You've created a thread to complain about people being mean to you and pretend they do that 'cause they need a safe space while, in fact, you're the one complaining about not having a safe space from mean people...
The more I'm on here, the more I'm convinced that conservatives are just born with a persecution complex.

Apparently liberals wrote the board rules. I've seen my fair share of delusional people but boy this takes the cake


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Anyone who gets banned here does so due to their own errant choices, actions and inability to control their emotions. To assess blame on someone else for bad decisions made by the individual in question is a defense mechanism that is extremely common and has been around for centuries.

Will E Worm

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to animus fox again.

Anyone who gets banned here does so due to their own errant choices, actions and inability to control their emotions. To assess blame on someone else for bad decisions made by the individual in question is a defense mechanism that is extremely common and has been around for centuries.

Exactly. I got a temporary ban for a personal attack. I was trying to be funny with a comment I made about another member on here. But I'm not on here bitching and moaning about it. I broke the board rules. And so I have to deal with the consequences. Some people need to get over their persecutory delusion
I just called Adam a pussy in a PM.

FO is a private entity. "free speech" doesn't apply here.

laters, ya'll. no hard feelings on my part.


Well Hi everybody. Anything happen in the last few hours? :facepalm:

Whatever I'm being accused of, everyone who knows me knows it's BS. No one has been PM's, no one has been messaged, no complaints filed. This is what I clicked on, so whatever just happened, to quote Rocket, "There has to be a peaceful solution...or a violent one where I'm standing over there."


Was King of the Board for a Day
Jesus Christ, get over yourself.

You could easily flame out and go down complaining about liberals all you want, but you felt the need to make a thread just to draw attention to it?

Before Mayhem, Rattrap, and Jagger came back and balanced the scales a little bit, this forum mostly consisted of you, BC, Ace, and Will shitting on Johan (and occasionally Ice and xfire); it wasn't rough and tumble then (or at least you didn't complain about it then), noooo, it's debating, telling Johan to mind his own fucking country, saying anyone who doesn't follow your team is a loser. Now the worm has turned, you're the minority, and you want to complain about how you're being unfairly singled out and picked on?

Give me a fucking break.

Say what you will about me, how I'm one of Rattrap's lackeys, how I suckle xfire's balls, how I'm Jagger's bitch, but I'm sick of your whining about how biased things are when you've had as much of a hand in making this all about you as anybody else. Be a grownup and own up to it.

Say what you will about BC, but even he didn't feel the need to make a "poor me, poor poor me" thread before leaving.
There is so much wrong with this thread, I just had to close it.

  1. It certainly would not belong in this section if it were acceptable.
  2. Creating a thread to flame others is over the line, and doing it to members who haven't even posted in here is light years past the line.
  3. Maybe you deserve a ban for crap like this, but I'll let Adam do it. He'll enjoy it more.
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