instead of having her in some random porno movie, they should dedicate a movie to her. she isn't just any pornstar

It's true, but hardcore fans are the hardest to please.

Like at first, I thought they should make a big production out if it. But, reality sinks in. Sadly. I mean, we might think she's the hottest thing since Curly Fries, but the powers that be might not agree.
Putting an Indian girl prominently on the cover, might suggest an "ethnic porn" instead of a "busty porn" to them. And even though we might think she's big time, she really hasn't done much. Like, her site isn't even run by her. does not make super stars. Foxes is an over priced dinosaur of a site. It's barely changed in.....15 years!!! She's never been on any other sites to get exposure. Like if she might have appeared in men's magazines and on mega web sites, she might warrant a movie dedicate to her, like another Indian girl, Sunny Leone. But you can't compare the two careers.

Truthfully, I think that this is how it is. It doesn't mean she can't grow from this.....if she wants to.
I had hoped that I would never see Priya do hardcore, but I've learned to embrace it also. I just hope that this first scene (and any scenes after) show Priya for the beautiful, sexy, exotic woman that she is. I hope that it's not degrading to her in any way. I absolutely adore Priya and I would hate to see her image ruined by doing hardcore. I'm not sure what to expect, but I hope that it shows her off the way that she deserves to be shown off.

Yeah, it's just interesting, how some fans never want to see it, and how some fans wish for it. It's really quite interesting.
But yeah, I gotta agree, I hope it's not degrading.

But one thing I have to mention. Something that hardcore fans might be holding on to. You know....Priya Rai, on her web site, is air brushed. There is a reason why her skin looks so "perfect". Like, you look on exotic models site, and the videos she's done, she does tend to have the womanly bruise or two, and the stretch marks on her butt.

This is just something I wanted to mention....remember, she her photos were airbrushed.

It doesn't matter me to me though...seriously doesn't. As I'm sure we can all agree, it's Priya's face and uniqueness, and free spirit we really fell in love with.
But one thing I have to mention. Something that hardcore fans might be holding on to. You know....Priya Rai, on her web site, is air brushed. There is a reason why her skin looks so "perfect". Like, you look on exotic models site, and the videos she's done, she does tend to have the womanly bruise or two, and the stretch marks on her butt.

This is just something I wanted to mention....remember, she her photos were airbrushed.

It doesn't matter me to me though...seriously doesn't. As I'm sure we can all agree, it's Priya's face and uniqueness, and free spirit we really fell in love with.

Nobody's perfect. Not even Priya. But I still love her anyway!
I think I have said this before, but this wasn't my preference for her in a semi-selfish and also a concerned sort of way. It isn't like I dislike hardcore things, well some I do but not all of them, but for some reason I know I will have mixed feeling about it no matter what. In some ways it's good because it's Priya doing it. Then again in some ways it's not because it's Priya doing it. It isn't quite like watching other people I know nothing about. Maybe in that sense ignorance is bliss. I haven't quite wished for this like Christmas_Ape has over the years of being fans of her, but I am not going to hold it against her. I hope she knows what she's doing and is smart to avoid a lot of the pitfalls others make in the business. I also hope she's not doing this for the wrong reasons and has thought this through.

It's also like Christmas_Ape said even if she did turn from us a little, doesn’t want to speak to some of her old fans anymore, and kind of blew off another dedicated fan I know I have a hard time believing the old Priya is totally gone. If people can't tell she did kind of make an impression on me also. I just hope for the best for her, and most importantly hope she's happy. She could do what she wants or quit even modeling tomorrow and it would be ok with me. The same goes for every other model out there. I'm not going to turn into one of those people that bitches if the person doesn't do some act they don’t want to do or doesn't go far enough for somebody’s taste. That's not what true fans do in my opinion. If they’re happy I will cheer them on. Beyond LOS or Foxes, or Voodoo House or any other producer I am first and foremost on Priya's side.

It's a little weird. You see a lot of fans of models that probably aren't going to do hardcore always wish they would on this messageboard and other places, and yet it, for whatever reasoned it happed to the person we are fans of and a good portion of them were equally as content if she never did that. It's kind of funny how that happens.

….and it’s nice Christmas_Ape won’t have to quit posting in this thread.
She could do what she wants or quit even modeling tomorrow and it would be ok with me.

Yeah, I feel the same. Even though I hated the way she went out when she "retired", I was still thankful that she graced, and shared herself with us.
The bottomline, she will leave behind a great body of work, that more people should acknowledge.

It's just weird though....this doesn't happen for me very often. Like, being a fan of a centerfold for years, to then see her go hardcore. I mean, I've loved it in the past, and I'm sure I'll feel the same.
I wished many a model to go hardcore, but only like two...yeah two have done it. Including Priya. Well actually three I guess.
It's just weird though....this doesn't happen for me very often. Like, being a fan of a centerfold for years, to then see her go hardcore. I mean, I've loved it in the past, and I'm sure I'll feel the same.
I wished many a model to go hardcore, but only like two...yeah two have done it. Including Priya. Well actually three I guess.

Yeah, it is still weird. You did say before that our Priya was full of surprises. It looks like you were right. Maybe she will surprise us and come on to Freeones next. (Wink wink, just in case somebody is listening out there ;):1orglaugh)

Hopefully the movies she is in have a lot of behind the scenes footage of her in it. Still to this day I don't think we have heard her voice, and I would like to hear it at a time other than while she is doing it. lol I don't think I will be able to get all of them she makes if she does a lot of movies. I will probably have to rely on other people to give their opinions on the best ones are. Hopefully she at least does a one where she have a nice slow strip, some dancing (she must be good at it by now) and a little seduction (which she must also be good at ;)), and where she is treated with class.
I'm a little excited and a little nervous to see the Priya's scene in Busty Loads, I want to see it because it's Priya and to me that is going to be awesome :nanner: but as the scene progesses I'm going to get very nervous and scared because I don't want to see her get used. :mad:

I for one don't want to see Justice (or whoever she does a scene with) give her a facial because it would be a crime to do that to such a beautiful face. :crying:
Holy Fucking Shit!!!!!!!

Oh, it's totally official!!!

Wow! I'm looking at the back cover.....holy shit! There is cock in Priya Rai's pussy! WOW!!!
Her name is spelled correctly on the back cover. But her name isn't listed in the cast on the site.
Looks pretty some sex in public! Oh, and no rubber.

Wow......just WOW!!!!

Damn...thinking back when the cover first came out....I got some damn good eyes!
Well after seeing the front & back covers up close she sure does look like she is enjoying what she's doing :D, I think everythings going to be ok :thumbsup:
You are right it is a little strange it's like seeing one of your friends on a porno dvd box :rolleyes:

Yeah, pretty much. It's just weird, that the first time we're going to hear her voice, is going to be in a porno.

Man I'm still in's pretty surreal. I can't stop looking at it! :eyeso: