I think I have said this before, but this wasn't my preference for her in a semi-selfish and also a concerned sort of way. It isn't like I dislike hardcore things, well some I do but not all of them, but for some reason I know I will have mixed feeling about it no matter what. In some ways it's good because it's Priya doing it. Then again in some ways it's not because it's Priya doing it. It isn't quite like watching other people I know nothing about. Maybe in that sense ignorance is bliss. I haven't quite wished for this like Christmas_Ape has over the years of being fans of her, but I am not going to hold it against her. I hope she knows what she's doing and is smart to avoid a lot of the pitfalls others make in the business. I also hope she's not doing this for the wrong reasons and has thought this through.
It's also like Christmas_Ape said even if she did turn from us a little, doesn’t want to speak to some of her old fans anymore, and kind of blew off another dedicated fan I know I have a hard time believing the old Priya is totally gone. If people can't tell she did kind of make an impression on me also. I just hope for the best for her, and most importantly hope she's happy. She could do what she wants or quit even modeling tomorrow and it would be ok with me. The same goes for every other model out there. I'm not going to turn into one of those people that bitches if the person doesn't do some act they don’t want to do or doesn't go far enough for somebody’s taste. That's not what true fans do in my opinion. If they’re happy I will cheer them on. Beyond LOS or Foxes, or Voodoo House or any other producer I am first and foremost on Priya's side.
It's a little weird. You see a lot of fans of models that probably aren't going to do hardcore always wish they would on this messageboard and other places, and yet it, for whatever reasoned it happed to the person we are fans of and a good portion of them were equally as content if she never did that. It's kind of funny how that happens.
….and it’s nice Christmas_Ape won’t have to quit posting in this thread.